Messages between Lilyblaze and Summern

By Lilyblaze on Apr 29, 2012 at 4:14 PM

(Aw, that's not cool. You should have faked an asthma attack or twisted ankle or something. You could just be running along and BAM. You'd just fall down, screaming dramatically. "OH, OH, MY LEG! IT MUST BE BROKEN! SOMEONE GET HELP! CALL 911! NO, I THINK IT'S TOO LATE FOR ME! I SEE THE LIGHT! I'M DYING, OH, GOSH! I CAN FEEL MY SPIRIT BEING LIFTED OUT OF ME! GOODBYE, WORLD!" And there you'd just collapse in defeat.) (Huh, that is kinda weird. I bet he uses some sort of futuristic gel to make it so perfect, and some day the commoners will discover it and make millions.) (I'm normally a giant panicker, but for some reason I was pretty calm. I'm always incredibly A.D.D when I got for doctor/dentist/orthodonist things, so most of the time, I was like "Oh, wow, that's a very shiny object you have in your hand there, are you gonna-- wait, don't you think that-- AH, JEEZ, YOU'RE STABBING ME WITH THE SHINY, THAT'S NOT VERY NICE, MISTER!" in my head. I wish I could record my thoughts and see my facial expressions when I go to things like that. It's hilarious. I wish my dentist was as nice as yours. The entire time, he was like that evil and creepy doctor that always says "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit!" and then jams a needle through your flesh and into the bone. Yeah, stuff like that irks me. Lucky jerks.) (There's a lot of ranting to do! They shouldn't make reasons for us to rant!) **Lilyblaze** Yeah, it should be fine. *squats down to pick up the rabbit and turns int he direction of camp, ready to start walking again*

By Summern on Apr 28, 2012 at 9:11 PM

(Wow.. that was a long post. Ranting about the dentist takes up a lot of space. :P)

By Summern on Apr 28, 2012 at 9:10 PM

(Not too sure. Legs can tend to be rather vague at times. But I absolutely suck at running. I get around 9:10 - 9:30 on my mile times -_-. I breathe like a dying fish on land if I run 1/3 of a mile, which slows me down. But also, I've been absent because I was sick recently and when I was slightly better [meaning I had no fever, but I had a cough or cold], I came back to school and had to run the timed mile. What a joy that was. I got my worst time that day, 10:11. :/) (My school is weird, we don't have homerooms. We only have 6 periods, but I guess we kinda count our 1st period as our homeroom teacher. It's complicated. :/ But yes, Harry's hair just sits there perfectly, all curly and whatnot.) (Wow, that must have sucked. For me, there was only about 3 seconds of cold burning which my hand practically flew into the air. So the dentist told me to raise my hand if I felt "uncomfortable" and told me that I wasn't supposed to feel anything. Of course that made me paranoid, and I was holding my breath, all tensed up. And then after about a minute of drilling, I felt a sensitive cold burning, as I've already said [STOP REPEATING YOURSELF SUMMER] so my hand shot up so fast and jerkily, I was almost embarrassed. But I was too panicked and scared to be embarrassed, haha. At that, the dentist stopped and was like, "Felt a little bit there? It's alright, we're done, actually." I was just like "Mhm, okay." But my head was like "ASDKFJSHDFKJHASKJF AHH LET IT BE OVER" and for my other two teeth [that were drilled for such a long time, my dentist even commented "wow maybe she just has hard teeth" which DEFINITELY helped my anxiety --] Whenever I felt sensitive, but not pain, I would fight the urge to fling my hand up and ask for more numbing stuff. My mom has braces and has to clean her teeth after every meal, which she complains about, so I can sorta relate to. And I have naturally cavity-prone teeth, unlike my lucky friends who can chew sticky/chewy candy, which I have never been able to do yet I still get cavities. AND SOME OF THEM DON'T EVEN BRUSH THEIR TEETH. -.-) **Spottedpool** *backs herself out of bush with a fat shrew in her mouth* *drops it on the ground* Nice catch! Is this good enough to go back to camp?

By Lilyblaze on Apr 28, 2012 at 8:43 PM

(That I'm a weakling and malfunctional? Yeah, I already got that drift. DX) (Every single day for at least a week and a half a girl in my homeroom would randomly start singing one of their songs <it was the same one everytime, but I'm far too lazy to think about or look up what it was called> and all the others would join in except me and a friend of mine. There's something special about his hair. Like, you would imagine it to be messy, but it's so well crafted...Does that make any sense? XD I can't believe I'm artistically intrigued by Harry Styles' hair.) (Ewie! Glad you're feeling better. I had to get that done, except I had, like, FIVE CAVITIES, because apparently if you don't brush your teeth an insane amount every few hours when you have the craptastic kind of braces, you get cavities incredibly easily. And, of course, my numby stuff didn't really work. I probably felt about 70% of everything they did. It. Was. Awful. And I had to make two separate trips because I had so many, even though I'd never had any before. But at least my face wasn't numb...?) **Lilyblaze** *lunges forward, grasping the rabbit's neck in her mouth, and kills it quickly before it can run away*

By Summern on Apr 28, 2012 at 8:23 PM

(Haha yeah. And very creepy. Maybe your legs are just trying to tell you something..? :P) (Yes! And I believe so. XD Well, I guess it's better than bieber fever or whatever that was. I never really liked him, but I guess Boyfriend is alright. It bothers me that he tries to act black. XP But yeah, I mostly like songs that they have that are unpopular (well, because they only have 2 songs that are really popular... :3) Harry's hair is very elegant, indeed. :]). (Meanwhile, I came back from the dentist today. It was meant to only be a cleaning and check-up, but of course I have 3 cavities and my mom wants them done there. The numbness has finally worn off, thank goodness. I was so nervous when they drilled my teeth because the first cavity they drilled was so small that I shouldn't have felt anything. And again, of course I feel something. -_- So I was freaked out the whole time while they were drilling my other two teeth, expecting to feel a cold burning [if that makes sense] every second. I was barely breathing the whole time. D; And then when it's over, both sides of my face are numb. So I won't be eating any candy or drinking soda anytime soon. :/)**Spottedpool** *holds breath, and leaps into a bush [rather silently as far as bush-leaping goes], aware of Lilyblaze*

By Lilyblaze on Apr 28, 2012 at 8:11 PM

(No problem, just checking in. :3 Ah, dance parties are the best way to get rid of unwanted calories, no? :D I did a three mile walk last Saturday where I BETTER have walked off a bit of flabbiness, or else I'll... I dunno, can't really effectively threaten yourself, can you? But there were creepy people wearing green afro wigs that were chanting awkwardly. And I practiced my running kartwheel ninja skills that I forgot I had yesterday, which has made only my left leg sore. Apparently my left leg is a bit of a weak bum, and my right leg is the dictator of the two. Or maybe I'm just defective...Gonna go with that one.) (I still need the last one to read. Since I only know of three people <you, me, and this lady at my church> that haven't seen it, we need to brand together in order to protect ourselves from all the crazed fangirls. Oh, my! You have One Direction Infection? I only have one of their songs, and I didn't even know it was them when I got it, because it's so unpopular. Other than the fact they're British and Harry's hair looks like an elegantly-shaped shrub, there's nothing too brilliant about them.) **Lilyblaze** *takes a step closer, careful not to be heard or seen by the rabbit, and gets ready to pounce*

By Summern on Apr 27, 2012 at 5:24 PM

(*there, not "their" in the first side conversation at the end. grr. that's the second time i've done that today, haha.)

By Summern on Apr 27, 2012 at 5:23 PM

(Big whoops. So sorry I haven't replied for like a month. :/ I've been busy with school and mostly lazy too, hehe. I just came back from my school's dance and I'm just relaxing now. :] I'm pretty sure I danced off all the Panda Express I ate their, lol.) (Meanwhile, I have finished all the Hunger Games books but, unlike all them cool kids, didn't see the movie. :/ And now the new thing is One Direction. Technically, they're not new but.. you know. I think they're alright, though. I like their songs c:) **Spottedpool** *positions self in a crouch facing the shrew, remembering what Lilyblaze taught her*

By Lilyblaze on Apr 27, 2012 at 3:32 PM

Hey! We haven't talked in a while, so I thought I'd check in to make sure we weren't overlooking each other's messages.

By Lilyblaze on Mar 24, 2012 at 6:26 PM

(Nah, no worries. I've been busy too, especially last night. But luckily, I have spring break this week, so when I'm not taking ridiculously long naps, practicing piano, being dragged away against my will to go shopping, and going to church stuff, I'll be on my laptop. Dang. Well, did you have fun?) (Yeah. She's fine now, though.) (Yeah, no seizures. It's definitely being overrated. I think it's ALRIGHT, not fantastic. I haven't read the last one yet, but my friends say it's not that good.) (Yeah, and then I have to read them about three more times so they actually make sense.) **Lilyblaze** *hears a quiet sound and quickly stops moving, eyeing a rabbit eating something*

By Summern on Mar 23, 2012 at 8:59 PM

(Yay! And sorry I left a huge hole in our message times! I've been soooo busy and stressed with the last two weeks of school, which included: 2 big tests, at least 5 quizzes, a band concert, a project where we have to scale an item up to a larger size, an essay, another test, curriculum night, a figurative language project-thing, the book fair, and a band field trip-concert I came back from today, and I'm STILL wearing the makeup from that, and it's a good 5 hours later. I ended up missing all of my periods except for the last two, and coming back to pizza which I stuffed myself with. All that action happened in TWO. WEEKS. Now I've been on the computer for at least 3 hours, relieving all my stress, still wearing half of my formal wear. :D) (Wow. :O) (Hehe. I just finished the Hunger Games yesterday... it's so good! But not seizure-causing amazing. I still have to read the second one. My friends went to the premiere and most of them got like one to three hours of sleep and a ton of Monster to keep them up. How did you like the books?) (Hehe. I tend to skip over words when I'm reading or combine them together if I'm reading too fast because my brain is a bit ADHD. :/) **Spottedpool** *pads quietly around, catching a scent of a shrew*

By Lilyblaze on Mar 10, 2012 at 6:50 PM

(Aw, sadface. :c That sucks. But it's better than what I thought your message said. I looked at the numbers before I read it and thought you said you got a 39. I got really concerned. But the good news is I got slightly better at the piano in the last week!) (Oh, yeah. My aunt told a story about how she was in a car accident a few years ago and when she hit the other car, the airbags blew up and smushed her sunglasses into her face. She had little imprints of the rubber pieces and her nose hurt for a week.) (Yeah, or I mix together synonyms. One time I accidentally made my sentence awkward by mixing pass and miss to create...Well, use your imagination. I only read it about two months ago, and the second one last month. No third one yet. But every single Bible study group meeting we have, SOMEONE mentions the Hunger Games and everyone but me goes into seizures. It's good, but it's not the "OH GOODNESS, IMMA SHOOT HALF OF THE HUMAN RACE, THIS SERIES IS SO GOOD" kind. That's just ridiculous.) (Yeah, didn't you know you got a facepalm? :P Congrats! My mildly dyslexic side thought it said FB, so I was confused too.) **Lilyblaze** *nods and stalks in the other direction to see if she can find anything, eyes darting around rapidly and tail twitching silently*

By Summern on Mar 10, 2012 at 2:23 PM

(Oh, whoops. I thought I replied, sorry. :3 And thanks. I had two tests on geometry yesterday- one was 30 questions, the other was 39. All in the same day. -_-) (Oh, that's good. I mean yours. Heh.) (:D) (Hahaha. I try to stick with gosh, but sometimes random things fall out. That reminds me, all of my friends are going to the Hunger Games premiere. Meanwhile, I haven't read the series yet. -_-) (So I came on after I got an email from a message congratulating me on an FP. I was all "What? I got an FP? I'm so confused" and then I realized I'd actually got one on the Cheezburger site. The end. XD) **Spottedpool** *nods* *a thought hits her* There's also those foxes and that badger, so we'd better look out for that too. (You know, the usual.) *pricks ears, now more alert* *angles ears sharply toward a tree root* I think I heard something in there.

By Lilyblaze on Mar 3, 2012 at 9:27 AM

(Double ew. :/ Well, hope you make a good grade.) (Oh, yeah. My mum's glasses do that. Mine are plastic, so they don't have the little rubber thingies.) (Be ready, you balls of gas and fire!) (It's so stupid! I don't say anything. It's just "gosh" or "holy crap" for me. But the other day, I almost shouted, "WHAT THE FRIDGE?!" in the middle of a test. I've never said that before in my life, so I have no idea where it came from. XD My friend told me about how when she went to see Eclipse for the second time, she randomly started giggling when Victoria's head shattered, and everyone else in the theater laughed along with her.) (Kitty genocide time!) **Lilyblaze** Yeah, you're right. Good idea. *starts walking back in the direction towards camp, tasting the air every few feet*

By Summern on Mar 2, 2012 at 7:20 PM

(Yep. And now I have to study for something pretty much like a mid-term, except it's later.) (I know, it sucks. And I naturally don't have a tall bridge so I have those little plastic-rubbery pad thingies on my glasses but they leave temporary indents on my nose when I take them off. -_-) (:D We will conquer them all!) (I know, right?! And my friends that go to church and such will constantly say "GOD" or "OH JESUS" you know? But my other strong Christian friend says "Lord" instead. And lol. Once, me and my friends went to the movies, watching the fourth Mission Impossible. Right before one of the explosions, there was a dead silence in the theater. My friend Riley randomly blurted out "Oh." And then the car exploded. :P) (I know. Cue Dark Forest battle!) **Spottedpool** Sure. We should try to catch something on the way back, though. They'd be wondering what we've been doing out this early.

By Lilyblaze on Mar 2, 2012 at 4:20 PM

(Ew, sorry. :c ...I think you have a problem.) (Same with me. My glasses WERE fine, but then they got all bent out of shape when I left them in the bathroom while I took a shower. So then we had to order new frames, which BROKE when the people tried to fit my lenses in before we even got them on. We bought another pair and they're too small for my fat face. :/) (Stars for all! :D) (I know, right?! It's SO annoying! I can't stand it when my friends say they're avid church goers and then cuss and talk about how they want to kill somebody. It's such an oximoron. But yesterday a guy in my class shouted a "magic word" during a dead silent award ceremony THREE TIMES because our crappy table kept collapsing. It was pretty hilarious.) (Jeez, somebody needs to teach them about overpopulation.) (YEAH. :3) **Lilyblaze** Like I said, we'll find your family soon. There's not much we can do except pray and hope, but we'll find them. *looks up at the sky and yawns quietly* Camp will be waking up soon. Should we go back?

By Summern on Feb 26, 2012 at 1:16 PM

(I noticed I say "Yeah," a lot. Sorry. This comes with my socially awkward skills, along with awkward hugs when I'm holding all of my books with my instrument case in the other hand.)

By Summern on Feb 26, 2012 at 1:11 PM

(Yeah, last night I stayed up until 1 am finishing my passport project that's due on Tuesday. The only thing that's kept me up while I type is Skrillex's dubstep songs. I now know why I have those kinds of dreams. -_-) (My glasses fit lopsided on me so it looks like my left eye is lower than my right.) (Yeah, we should just try to get stars.) (Yeah, I was kidding. :3 I don't like any of that bad stuff. Cussing is okay, as long as it's not purposely overused by arrogant people like SOME people at my school...) (There's like 10 cats from the second most recent generation...) **Spottedpool** *blinks* Okay. *nibbles on the mouse delicately* *finishes and buries the bones* *stares at the stars* I think my mother is up there, because she talked to me in my dream. But I don't know about my father. Maybe... *sky starts turning a pale pink on the horizon*

By Lilyblaze on Feb 26, 2012 at 11:11 AM

(Printing party!) (I never do that. My glasses reflect too much and they don't fit that well, so I don't wear them often.) (Or maybe we should sell them on eBay...) (I was like, "WOAH, I didn't think you were like that!") (It's ridiculous! How can they stand to be surrounded by annoying little puffs of fuzz every second of their lives?!) **Lilyblaze** You have the rest. *shifts uncomfortably* I'm not hungry anymore, not after all that... *looks up into the night sky*

By Summern on Feb 25, 2012 at 8:44 PM

(Yeah. So much printing -_-) (Yeah, I try to take them off before I go on the computer at night but I forget sometimes.) (We'll threaten to blow them up if they don't have oxygen and water.) (Hehe...) (I know! And so is Ferncloud! She's had like 4 litters already!) **Spottedpool** *purrs* *settles down next to the warm mouse, taking small bites to leave some for Lilyblaze*

By Lilyblaze on Feb 25, 2012 at 4:15 PM

(Icky. Good thing we have WalMart.) (Same for me, especially when I'm wearing my contacts.) (They'll be so scared, the planets will be made livable FOR us!) (I was about to freak out for a second!) (Jeez, Daisy is just a flipping MACHINE when it comes to having kittens! She could almost make up her own clan with all the kits's made! It's all she's good at!) **Lilyblaze** *immediately pounces on the mouse and kills it with a sharp blow* Haha. It never saw that coming. *sticks tongue out at the tiny creature*

By Summern on Feb 25, 2012 at 2:28 PM

(My printer ran out of ink because of all of my school projects. And I have to print out 4 MORE pages, all almost in full-color. -_-) (Yeah, me too. Something around that. It's not good for my eyes.) (And make them livable!) (Whoa! Catnip is medicine, not a drug! Remember that, cats!) (Yeah, I know! Some ThunderClan cats should die. They have like twice the amount of warriors of the rest of the clans. And like a fourth of the cats aren't clanborn in ThunderClan, which is starting to bother me. Firestar, okay. Cloudtail, sure. Millie-- eh. Daisy plus her kits-- enough. Stormfur and Brook-- stop it. Eventually Stormfur and Brook left, but there was still Millie's kits and Daisy's kits. That whole generation with Lionblaze and Cinderheart was too much, and now Dovewing's is even worse.) **Spottedpool** *tastes air, trying to scent what animal it was* *pauses upwind of the mouse, and nods at Lilyblaze* *snarls and hisses, leaping at the bush* **Mouse** (OHMYGODHELPMEPLEASEDON'TLETMEDIE) *shoots, terrified, out of the bush, towards Lilyblaze unknowingly*

By Lilyblaze on Feb 25, 2012 at 2:15 PM

(Well, I would have to print the sheet music out, which I'm too lazy to do.) (Yeah, I was supposed to go to sleep at ten.) (And then we'd conquer the other ones!) (Yes, of course.) (Woah! Let's keep this PG, there! ;3) (Well, the ThunderClan in the series hass at least, like, thirty, right? I think we're alright. Good job.) **Lilyblaze** I should hope it's growing. *nods at the signal, crouching around the opposite way and keeping ears and eyes ready to catch any slight movements in the undergrowth*

By Summern on Feb 25, 2012 at 12:10 PM

(Yeah, I prefer just the sheet music, but usually I play by ear.) (Haha, I was supposed to sleep much earlier than I did last night. Oops.) (Exactly. We'd dominate the world.) (And we would add it to our documentary.) (LOL, and they'd be sniffing catnip! XD) **Spottedpool** *nods* Well, it looks like the clan is growing back strong. (I've finished the list with all of the warriors we have so far. I think that's enough for the whole clan. We have 10 warriors, including our deputy, 3 kits, 1 elder, and one queen. Is that too much? Should we kill some off?) *ears prick suddenly* *angles ears towards a rustling under a bush* *meows quietly* Prey! *starts to creep around the bush, signaling for Lilyblaze to go the other way*

By Lilyblaze on Feb 25, 2012 at 9:54 AM

(XD Yeah, I suppose. Stupid confusing YouTube tutorials. It's all their fault!) (Oh, thanks. :3 Yeah, I was half asleep just sitting at my laptop, so I went to bed.) (I know. Then all the other countries would fear it because of its awesome name.) (Well, if we're going to be superior Internet nerds, we might as well prepare for our social skills to fall.) (Even the cats in StarClan would party hard!) **Lilyblaze** Yeah, I felt really bad for not being able to participate. Pretty much everyone except for me has a scar or two. I'm not sure whether it was a good thing I was sick or a bad thing...Who knows what would have happened.

By Summern on Feb 24, 2012 at 10:41 PM

(Oh. Okay... Well... At least you tried?) (Sorry I took so long to reply, I was going back into our messages and making the list. I just realized how short our old posts were. But I don't really know if you're still on or not-- it's 1 AM already for you.) (Whoa. That name was so long, my brain couldn't handle it and skipped over it.) (Yeah. We're just casually sharing our awkward conversation techniques. XD) (They'd be cute little things. And there would be rabbit-bone flutes.) **Spottedpool** *brushes tail-tip along Lilyblaze's flank supportively* Wow. You must have felt so vulnerable, having basically no defense. And I've noticed some scars on mostly all the cats in the clan. They must've been from this battle.

By Lilyblaze on Feb 24, 2012 at 9:20 PM

(Sorry, I didn't see this. That sounds cool, thanks... I can't believe you just said "cray cray", though. We sound really old.)

By Lilyblaze on Feb 24, 2012 at 9:14 PM

(No, actually, I don't know how to play. That's why I was busy. XP I'M SO BAD! I "play" modern songs, too. Except I've only tried three so far.) (It's the king of Prologuesingtonville...Best. Country. Name. Ever.) (I feel weird when I don't look at the person. But if it's a long conversation or I'm at an uncomfortable angle <like if we aren't facing each other directly> then I won't look the entire time.) (We could make little instruments out of tree bark and stuff.) ("Found at last, found at last. Thank StarClan all mighty, they are found at last!") **Lilyblaze** I think I was the only one. I was kept away in the medicine cat den most of the time and slept the days away. Flametail was there, and our medicine cat, but I think that was it. The only way I slept was with multiple poppy seeds. I kept having nightmares and worrying about the clan.

By Summern on Feb 24, 2012 at 9:05 PM

(I was thinking I could remake our little list of cats in the roleplay we have so far since your computer went crazy. Or "cray cray," as the young ones say nowadays. I've looked back into our messages to get the cats, and I'll keep in mind that there aren't supposed to be too many warriors in the clan.)

By Summern on Feb 24, 2012 at 9:03 PM

(Oh, you play piano? I do too! ^_^ I like playing modern songs.) (:D) (Really? Because I will look at people's eyes then look away. :3) (Oh, definitely!) (I know right. "AND YOU WILL BE STONG... AND HAVE NEW BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND MOTHERS.") **Spottedpool** *listens quietly but intently* *eyes fill with sympathy* Oh, no. That must have been terrible. Were there only a few cats that stayed in camp after the battle?