The latest from LisaLaneNeave

LisaLaneNeave Hooray! LisaLaneNeave's LOL was featured on the homepage of I Has A Hotdog

If they can throw a ball for more than 3 minutes

If they can throw a ball for more than 3 minutes

Go check it out and tell LisaLaneNeave congrats!

LisaLaneNeave Hooray! LisaLaneNeave's LOL was featured on the homepage of I Has A Hotdog

The best part is she thinks I'm laughing "with" her

The best part is she thinks I'm laughing "with" her

Go check it out and tell LisaLaneNeave congrats!

LisaLaneNeave Hooray! LisaLaneNeave's LOL was featured on the homepage of I Has A Hotdog

Although scoring high in the cuteness category, the synchronised head tilt team still needed some work...

Although scoring high in the cuteness category, the synchronised head tilt team still needed some work...

Go check it out and tell LisaLaneNeave congrats!

LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave and HuskyPants are now Cheezburger friends
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

I gonna miss you all day

I gonna miss you all day
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

You Have My Attention Now

You Have My Attention Now
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

Training For the Annoying You Olympics

Training For the Annoying You Olympics
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

Is The Dog's Name 'Bait'?

Is The Dog's Name 'Bait'?
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

This Isn't As Fun As They Make It Seem

This Isn't As Fun As They Make It Seem
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

Wait for It...

Wait for It...
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

Kisses and Cuddles Only

Kisses and Cuddles Only
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

My Human Is an Idiot

My Human Is an Idiot
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

Far, far away. Soon than later, I hope.

Far, far away. Soon than later, I hope.
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

I'll the Usual!

I'll the Usual!
LisaLaneNeave LisaLaneNeave favorited a lol

Put Dem Back, Puny Hoomin

Put Dem Back, Puny Hoomin


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For 25 Lolz

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