Messages between Lunamous and robinrescues

By robinrescues on Jan 30, 2011 at 7:15 PM

Ohai Lunamous- I hope this finds you doing well. I just wanted to let you know that while I was waiting to hear back from you, I got the thermometer I was missing for myself and traded my Turkey for it. I am still looking for an extra thermometer for a CheezFriend of mine. Let me know if I have any extras you would like to trade for it. Have a wonderful time in CheezLand. kthaxbi!

By robinrescues on Jan 21, 2011 at 8:10 AM

Ohai - thanx 4 akseptin my fwend rekwest, it's gr8 2 b CheezFwends wit u! ~ I love coming to CheezLand to chat with my friends, and to enjoy the lulz here. I also like trading collectibles with my cheezfriends. I see that you have an extra thermometer, which is something I've been looking for to complete my Dr TinyCat collection. I see you need a Turkey to complete your Thanksgiving Noms collection, and I have an extra one. Would you like to trade your extra thermometer for my extra turkey? Please let me know, and feel free to stop by and chat anytime :) kthaxbi!