Messages between Marielen and raccoonbhm

By Marielen on Feb 8, 2012 at 1:59 AM

Hi my dear, long time we don't talk. How are things going there?

By Marielen on Jan 16, 2012 at 2:02 AM

Hi my friend, how are things going in this new year? Mine is full of parties :) I went to a wedding on Saturday and had a lot of fun. On February I have one more wedding to go and my graduation (a two-day party!). Today I finally bought my thermomether, the quest is over hahah. I'd like to know if you can send me a Lovely Yellow Egg (Sketchy Bunnies set) in order to help a friend. Have a nice work week!!

By raccoonbhm on Dec 23, 2011 at 9:18 AM

BTW, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, blessed by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And that you have a wonderful year of 2012, with joy, health, peace, friendship and opportunities. Thank you for being my "virtual friend", you certainly brought more fun to my work days! :) Thank you so much! I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas as well and are blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ in this new year. May the Holy Trinity look kindly apon you all with mercy and love. I have also enjoyed our "virtual friendship" and have learned much about your country and culture. It has been fun!! Take care, God bless you Marielen.

By Marielen on Dec 23, 2011 at 4:43 AM

BTW, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, blessed by God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. And that you have a wonderful year of 2012, with joy, health, peace, friendship and opportunities. Thank you for being my "virtual friend", you certainly brought more fun to my work days! :)

By Marielen on Dec 23, 2011 at 4:20 AM

Actually I didn't use any coins, I just earned them this week (I guess they took these collections off the retireds). I understand and agree with what you said, and do the same. I have friends who have preferences when I'm going to donate collectibles, and I'd like to help them complete everything now that the program is almost over.

By raccoonbhm on Dec 22, 2011 at 10:01 AM

Thanks for the Bukkit, Lunch, and LOLrus!! I hope you did not use up all your coins as I see you still do not have a Thermometer yet. Otto did that trying to be funny!! He gave me one(1) collectible of a set he knew I did not have and could not get the rest of. Some people have a weird sense of humor... Thank you so much. I was going to let it go. Since they have stopped the collectible program I have a bunch of people trying to friend me and they just want my retired stuff. I would rather save it for the friends I have who will need it for the people they know. That may be selfish, but I would rather wait until the end and see. I would hate if one of my long time cheeze friends needed something and I gave it away 2 months before. You know??

By raccoonbhm on Dec 16, 2011 at 7:10 AM

I am not even worried about completing my old ones anymore. They have sucked all the fun out of it!!! I am sure we will be trading like crazy until they turn it off!!!

By Marielen on Dec 16, 2011 at 2:14 AM

Now I saw that, on the blog. Do you think I will be able to buy a thermomether in January? I still have 9 coins from that ones ICHC gave us free at the beginning. We could complete your LOLrus collection either. But I liked so much that I made new friends by trading. Guess the collectibles were what made us really interact on ICHC.

By Marielen on Dec 16, 2011 at 1:48 AM

Oh noes, didn't know that. Why are they being so mean about collectibles? It was supposed to only bring us fun... How did you know about that?

By raccoonbhm on Dec 15, 2011 at 2:22 PM

Thanks for the it's An S! !! Did you hear they are getting rid of the collectables? Then they are selling the old ones in Jan for 1 coin but they cut off coin sales at noon today after they made the annoucement so no one got to get them!!!!

By raccoonbhm on Dec 12, 2011 at 11:49 AM

Thanks for the Animated YARIS!!

By Marielen on Dec 9, 2011 at 2:24 AM

Thanks a lot, yeah my parents are really proud :) the graduation ceremony will be on Feb. 9th, then on Feb. 10th we will have a huge party. In my university there are ceremonies every semester, but each class organizes its own party and everything. Our party will be done with some architects too, because they didn't have so many people and decided to gather with us from International Business. I believe it will be very nice, because I can take 15 people to party with me ^^

By raccoonbhm on Dec 8, 2011 at 7:21 AM

Yeah!!!!! Congrats!! I know you studied hard!!! I am so glad for you, I am sure your parents are proud too. Are you going to do something special to celebrate? When do you graduate? They make us wait to graduate here. So when we finish, it may be several months till the next graduation ceremony comes up, or your class may finish right at the time of the graduation ceremony. They only have 2 at my university instead of 1 every semester. They do 1 in the spring and 1 in the winter. it's kinda weird, it's all about money.

By Marielen on Dec 8, 2011 at 2:27 AM

Wow I can't even believe! I got an A, the best grade!! I'm so happy that I was not nervous at the presentation, and answered the questions correctly :) Thanks a lot for your positive thoughts!!

By raccoonbhm on Dec 7, 2011 at 8:14 AM

Hey Marielen! Thanks for asking Rataplan to send me a Turkey to complete my collection!! You are so sweet. I hope you did well on your final assignment. All the best, and good luck your way!!!!

By raccoonbhm on Dec 7, 2011 at 8:05 AM

Yeah!!! Good luck!!

By Marielen on Dec 7, 2011 at 2:22 AM

I have been kind of stuck at work... Have lots of things to do, but I'm depending on other peoples action, and they don't act :( Tonight I'm presenting my final project at university, it's a big challenge, but after that I'm free!!

By raccoonbhm on Dec 6, 2011 at 11:41 AM

Thanks again!!!

By raccoonbhm on Dec 6, 2011 at 11:41 AM

Siamese Yaris, Internet on CD, Sun Dog, and Pug life!! How have you been? I have been getting killed at work and this is the first chance I have had to log in. In fact I have to get back in a minute.

By Marielen on Nov 24, 2011 at 2:32 PM

Hi, are you feeling better from this flu? About the collectibles, I don't mind... and the thermomether, it's already an illusion for me :( the only person I know that has 2 of them doesn't accept my friend request, and it's already been months. Their name is ferretdee, and I know they still visit ICHC, because they favorite new LOLs and stuff. I just don't know why they don't accept me.

By raccoonbhm on Nov 22, 2011 at 11:10 AM

Marielen do you realize that you have given me 8 collectibles in the last week or so?? If there is anything in my collection that will help you get your thermometer in any number, let me know, I will be happy to send them to you. I have lots of the old originals some people still want.

By raccoonbhm on Nov 22, 2011 at 10:54 AM

Thanks for all the collectibles! I have been out with the flu! You cannot miss a week with this thing can you!!!???

By raccoonbhm on Nov 8, 2011 at 11:51 AM

Thanks for the Hairball Microscope and the Professor Poker!! It has been crazy at work and this is the first chance I have had to log in!

By raccoonbhm on Nov 8, 2011 at 11:43 AM

Sorry I just got back to you! No, would not say it was that great, but I am not that kind of person. I am sure she thought it was great! The sunset was neat. It wsa REALLY expensive, i know that much. I never had any kids. You have to find a man that would make a good father, and they are hard to come by.

By Marielen on Oct 30, 2011 at 4:24 PM

Wow, so the party must have been great, at a Yacht Club. It's every girls dream!! A wedding in that level is really expensive, but it happens only once in a lifetime... When my time arrives, I want a beautiful party too, with all the people I love. I'm an only child too, I'll try to use it as an excuse to my parents hahah :) Do you have kids?

By raccoonbhm on Oct 28, 2011 at 11:07 AM

No the wedding was not at somebody's house. That is common if you have a cool house that can handle all those people, and this family has a house like that. The wedding was in a large cathedral downtown New Orleans, then the reception was at the Southern Yacht Club, and then the after party was at the big house. In fact her parents were married at the big house and we suggested it to her, but she wanted to be married at the church and have a big, expensive deal done. Thank heavens she is an only child! I would not want to have to pay for something like this more than once!! At least they did not have to pay for her to go to college. She got all scholarships, grants, and the loans are her own. No worries about the canning contest, you win some, you lose some. It's not like I am out anything. Have a great day!

By Marielen on Oct 27, 2011 at 5:34 PM

But was the wedding at somebody's house, like we see in american movies? Weddings here happen mostly in a church (most of times catholic) and after that the guests go to a party at a ballroom. Sorry about the contest. Let's wait another one for you to win!

By raccoonbhm on Oct 26, 2011 at 9:50 AM

The wedding was beautiful! They had a catholic mass or nuptial mass. Which I have been to a catholic wedding before, but have never been to one where they that a nuptial mass. So that was neat. I did not win any prizes in the canning contest. All the weird recipes won. No biggie!

By Marielen on Oct 26, 2011 at 9:40 AM

Ohai, glad you had a nice trip! How was the wedding? Talking about food, what about that canning contest? :)

By raccoonbhm on Oct 25, 2011 at 11:49 AM

Hey Marielen!! Thank for the It's An A! Just got back, had a GREAT time. Stocked up on all of the great Cajun foods/spices that I cannot get here in Alabama. It was nice to relax for once.