Messages between MayneKoonMaizey and Lungdoc

By Lungdoc on Jul 13, 2013 at 2:56 PM

Ohai MKM! Ai heer taht yu haz a burfday taht Ai just missed! Oarmaybee Ai haz teh day rong. Aniway, have a happy day, yesterday adn today adn always!!

By Lungdoc on Aug 19, 2012 at 7:11 PM

Ohai again MKM! Sorry to hear taht yu haz had a pleh year. *Sends happiness beems of goodwish for better autumn* I'm glad to heer taht yu nose abowt teh new playground! Hope to see yu there az tyme allows foar both ov us!

By MayneKoonMaizey on Aug 19, 2012 at 4:19 PM

Ohai Lungdoc! Fankees beri muchlee fur teh burfingday greetz! Dis hazbin a prittee pleh-filled yeer fur mii soe far, but ai'm gonna try tu bii a littlol less MIA-ish, 'speshullee nao dat wii habs a noo playce tu play! :-) Take care, mai frend!

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jan 13, 2012 at 2:27 PM

Ohai Lungdoc! Fankees fur teh Humorless Books! :-) It's like ai sed tu Bluesfan - I've bin reeding soe much Terry Pratchett dat ai needid sumfing tu sober mii up! {{{Lungdoc}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jan 7, 2012 at 8:44 AM

Firewerks!! Oooh, aaahhh, OH! :-) Fankees fur shaering dem wif mii! {{{lungdoc}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jan 3, 2012 at 6:38 AM

Fankees fur halping mii finish a cuppola ob teh Yaris collektshuns!! Ai'm starting tu close in awn "Awl Cot Up"! :-)))) Happee Noo Yeer!

By MayneKoonMaizey on Dec 25, 2011 at 5:21 AM

Happitayl Birfingday, Lungdoc!! :-)

By MayneKoonMaizey on Dec 23, 2011 at 9:24 AM

Fankees fur da ghost busta! Nao mai collektshun won't bii haunted :-) {{{Lungdoc}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Dec 21, 2011 at 9:02 PM

Hurray! Nao ai'm awlmost dekkorayted fur Lalloween...just in time fur Catmus! ;-) Fanks fur yur halp!

By MayneKoonMaizey on Dec 21, 2011 at 6:44 AM

Ohai again! Goin bak froo mai list ob collektiblolz, it am cleer dat ai hab missed owt awn a lawt! *OOPS!* I didn't meen tu bii gawn fur soe lawng. Anyhoo...if yu culd pleeze spare a Pitchfork adn Scythe frum teh BC collektshun, ai wuld lubs it! Aifinkso dat am teh oldest wun ai still need dat yu can haz wun ob! Fankees Lungdoc! If yu noe anywun lukkin fur any ob teh rillee old wuns, send 'em mai way :-)

By MayneKoonMaizey on Dec 20, 2011 at 8:34 AM

Ohai Lungdoc! Ai'z jus peekin in tu say Fankees Beri Muchlee fur teh collektiblols yu'v bin sending mii whilst ai'v bin battloling (adn sumtimes losing *sigh*) teh RLS! Aifinkso ai'm bak nao, adn mostlee in wun peese :-) To keep mii sane, ai'm still reeding Discworld - in order no less (mai CDO, lemme show yu it! *LOL*). Ai'v just started "Men at Arms" adn ai alreddee lubs it! Aihopeso yu am habbin a happee adn brite loliday seezin! {{{Lungdoc}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Feb 26, 2011 at 12:26 AM

Ohai Lungdoc! Fankees beri muchlee fur da typritur! Nao ai can katch up awn awl mai korriss...coores...letturs dat ai bin meening tu rite. Awl ai need nao izza bocks ob typritur ribbinz adn elebenty bottlols ob wite-out! *gigglol* Ai'm glad yu lyk da adds tu yur sense ob ironiclol-ness! :-)

By MayneKoonMaizey on Feb 5, 2011 at 11:25 AM

Oooh!! Fankees beri muchlee fur da shooz! Nao ai can dansdansdans adn jinglol awl da whey!! *happitayl jinglol dans* :-) Ai noo ai shuddnt hab gottin intu collekting teh collektiblolz cuz mai CDO iz nawt letting mii deel wif inkumpleet collektshunz! Soe, fanks for sayving mii frum dat partikular crazee! *LOL* {{{Lungdoc}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Feb 3, 2011 at 3:31 PM

Ohai Lungdoc! Yu am welkum! Aifotso wehn ai sendid dat tu yu dat yu needed it, butt (!) now it shows dat yu hab tu ob dem, soe sowree if ai sended yu sumthing yu alredee had! We'll just blayme stoopy WP...yeah, dat's it!! *LOL* Ackshullee, yu do hab sumthing dat ai needs if yu don't mind parting wif wun. Ai still needs a pair ob elf shooz tu kompleet dat lolmas collekshun. Leev it tu mii tu bii finishing mai lolmas shopping in Febwooairee!! *tee hee* Fankees! {{{Lungdoc}}}

By MayneKoonMaizey on Aug 30, 2010 at 2:09 PM

A-nom!! *LOL*

By MayneKoonMaizey on Aug 30, 2010 at 10:42 AM

Ooh, ooh, ooh!! Ai noez da salooshun fur dis preedikamint...reed da buks adn hab da chonklit noms *wayte fur it* - at da sayme tyme!! Nao DAT'S wun fur da list, aifinkso!! *grin*

By MayneKoonMaizey on Aug 27, 2010 at 9:25 PM

*clappity clappity wiff a sitemint* Dis am gonna bii da fun!! Okai...butt(!) izzit bettur dan chokklit (wich shuld bii awn dat list ob Grate Fings, aifinkso!*grin*)

By MayneKoonMaizey on Aug 27, 2010 at 10:59 AM

Ohai lungdoc! Jus wanted tu tell yu dat yu creeatid anudder Pratchett fan! Ai wuz lhanging arowned yesserdai wehn yu wer tryin tu git red inturrestid, soe ai went owt las nite adn got da nawt-sekkund buk. OMCC... dis mai kinda reedin'! Remindz mii muchlee ob Douglas Adams (wun ob mai heeroz!) Hao kum yu diddint tell us dat Pratchett rites in LOLSpeek? "Inn-sewer-ants-polly-sea"...LMAO!!

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jul 13, 2010 at 8:10 AM

Ohai Lungdoc! Fankees fur da gud wishez! Ai had a wunndermus tyme sillybrating mai 29th burfdai....fur da *mumblol*-ith tyme! ;-)

By MayneKoonMaizey on Jul 4, 2010 at 9:14 PM

Ohai Lungdoc! Fanks fur septin mai frend reqwest adn fur yur kind werds abowt mai nawt-sekkund attempt at makin da festib abatar. It lukked muchlee bettur full sized dan it duz in Cheezland, butt (!) ohwhell, dat's da wai it goez sumtimes! *grin*