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By tylereclipce on Feb 24, 2010 at 12:50 PM


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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 23, 2010 at 3:57 PM

Im a republican...but i know your a democrat! so I dont want to go on saying whos better! (obama/biden/clinton vs bush/ mccain/ palin) I dont like getting in fights over politics!!!! :D

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 23, 2010 at 3:55 PM

Michael: kidding! jeez i dont wanna die... Edward: *drools* arf... HEY BELA! ITS ME!!!!!! Bela: HEY EDWARD!!!! Mickey: o gawd.....*facepalm* Annie: Lets scoot away and people might not notice we are with him... *everyone goes down the row* Carrie: So beyonce...who dod you think is going to be nominated best male singer? Beyonce: O your really asking?! It's michael over here!! *puts arm around mikey and brings him into view* Michael: Aww thanks guys... but im not the best!!!!! Lagy GaGa: YES YOU ARE!!!!! *all the girls high five* *michael blushes*

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 22, 2010 at 2:40 PM

*mickey turns around* Where's michael and annie? Edward: BARK BARK! over BARK! There. Mickey: What??? I dont see them!! That just looks like some pale chic...o crap... Lady Gaga: What is it mickey? u look pale.. Mickey: It's...It's....bela.... Edward: YAY!!!!! er i mean bark....ruff....arf..... *sticks tounge out* Annie: you see that? Michael: o mah gawd....its bela........ Annie: Im gonna get mickey!!! *grabs mickey* Mickey: HEY WATCH IT!!! HOW MANY-- o hi annie!!! Edward: .... *keeps starin at bela* Paparazzi: NICE DOG KID!!! *takes picture* Where'd u get that thing? NEVERLAND??! Mickey: O no u did not diss michael...... *punches camera* Michael: *putts on shades* psssst....guys! come on!!

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 21, 2010 at 5:30 PM

mickey: how do we get there reallt fast?! Michael: TO THE LIMO!!!! Annie: SWEET!! Beyonce: wow michael...your limo is bigger tham mine! MIchael: They dont call me "king" for nothing! Lady Gaga: that's sure right! MIckey: isnt it gonna look stupid when edward goes on the red carpet? Edward: yes...... Annie: do we have to watch over him???? Michael: well....we could always....... Mickey: pretend he is our pet? Michael: OK! that'll work!

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 21, 2010 at 2:30 PM

Mickey: Is beyonce a fairy, Michael? Michael: somethin like that... Lady Gaga: HEY!!! WHAT IS UP GIRL!? OK LONG STORY!!! IM INVISIBLE SO GET YOUR 'Single Ladies' BUTT OVA HERE!!! Annie: whoa...they must really like each other!!! *Beyonce's caar pulls up* Beyonce: Hey! Wheres Stefani? Lady Gaga: Right in front of you...invisible... Beyonce: Aww! poor Baby!!! MIchael: can you help her? Beyonce: sure!!! just a second! *pulls out pixie dust* here you where are you? Lady Gaga: Next to michael.... Michael: C'mon beyonce! Put the dust on her already! *starts to see lady gaga form*

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 19, 2010 at 2:32 PM

*moon comes out* *edward gets a big grin* Michael: OH NO!!! NOT IN MY RANCH!!! Annie: YOU TELL HIM MIKEY!!!! Edward: whoa...dude...just kiddin... heh... Lady Gaga: So edward? What do we do? Mickey: Why not we just put flour on her so we can see her for now... Edward: Crap...that was my idea.... Annie: wow....youre SOOO "creative"... Michael: WHY NOT WE USE PIXIE DUST?! Mickey: im sorry mike but we dont need a giant flour flying-- Annie: yeah.....and how would this work? no affence mikey! WE love YOU!!! Michael: No you dont get it!!! All we need to do is...

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By LisaKitty on Feb 19, 2010 at 1:26 PM

Yes, I do like Michael Jackson. He will always be a musical icon in my eyes.

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By LisaKitty on Feb 19, 2010 at 1:23 PM

OMG! Do I like The Wiz?! I can't believe you just asked me that! I actually saw that before I saw the original Wizard of Oz. I don't follow the yellow brick road, I ease on down it! LOL! I went to see a play production of it a few months ago. I uploaded a picture I took just so I could show you.

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By LisaKitty on Feb 19, 2010 at 6:58 AM

I thought you might like this one.

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By LisaKitty on Feb 19, 2010 at 6:17 AM

Thanks for adding me! I'm glad you liked my Lolz. You have a lot of funny ones too. No, I don't like Palin. Aside from her being a total moron, she started this whole ‘Obama pals around with terrorists’ crap and now all the southern idiots think he is some kind of socialist terrorist. AH! Don't get me started! LOL!

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By MJfan909 on Feb 19, 2010 at 1:09 AM

What programs do you like? I like alot but my faves is Harry Hill's T.V Burp, X Factor and so on! lol =D

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 18, 2010 at 3:48 PM

Michael annie and mickey at the same time: WHERE?!!!! Lady GaGa: Right here...cant you see me? Michael: nooooooo..... *tap on the back* AHH! what was that?! Lady GaGa: that was me... Annie: Are you invisible? Mickey: what?! how is she invisible?!!!!! Lady Gaga: i dont think right behind michael.... Michael: *turns around* no your *cough* Annie: Yep...she is invisible...... Mickey: whoa........ Lady Gaga: YAY! I always wanted to be invisible!!! Now i can do this!! *sneaks up behind billie jean* *pushes her to the ground* Lady GaGa: MWAHAHA!!!! Michael: Now THAT is my kind of girl!!!! :D Billie Jean: UGH!! WHO DID THAT?!!!! MICHAEL??????? Michael: it wasnt me.....*turns around* psh........why would i wanna do that..... i WANT to push you...ha! thats kids play!!!! *trys to not crack up* xD

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 17, 2010 at 2:45 PM

Michael: BILLIE JEAN!!!! YOU GOT SOME 'SLPAININ TO DO!!!!!! Annie: Lady Gaga?! do you see any light? Lady Gaga: I see a window... but its 20 ft high! Mickey: aww crud... Michael: ok....we will find you! All I have to do is get out my tracking devic-- Billie Jean: You have a tracking device on HER?! Michael: *blushes* well... my manager put one on her so we could get her to perform in my this is it concert and yada yada yada its a long story.... Billie Jean: *mouth wide open* Annie: People! we have a star to save!!!! Mickey: michael were is she?! Michael: it says here shes....under neverland? that cant be right......

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By MJfan909 on Feb 17, 2010 at 7:49 AM

You should beg your parents to go on holiday somewhere lol =D

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 16, 2010 at 4:15 PM

*contined story from below* Jacob: dur dur dur?! ablah durdy dur!!! Annie: what? Michael: ill translate. We had to larn zombish when we were making thriller. Jacob: DUR DUR DEE DURDY DOO!!! Michael: You said you dont no why this girl gave you a monkey? Jacob: DA! Michael: He said yes... o so do you want him anymore? Jacob: dur blah de gaa!! ( ill think about it..) Michael: o! well...what if i trade you this autographed picture of this hot zombie for bub- i mean the monkey?! Jacob: DEG!! (deal!) Michael: Hey Bubbles! did that mean zombie hurt you!? *hugs* well that was easy! Billie Jean: OH!!! YOU FOILED MY PLAN MICHAEL!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Michael: yeah yeah....keep goin... blah blah blah... *snicker*

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 16, 2010 at 4:08 PM

Michael: Billie jean?!!! Im sorry to say this but if you keep doing bad things to my life i will never like you!!!! Billie Jean: O YOU WILL!!! Its our destiny to be together!!! Mickey: please! Billie Jean!!! you are ruining his life not saving it!!!! Billie Jean: WELL I KNOW YOUR JEALOUS!!!! YOU CANNOT DENY TRUE LOVE!!!! Annie: *whispers to mickey and michael* come on how do we get bubbles? Michael: I got a plan...i always have one.... Billie Jean: HEY ZOMBIE BOY!!! GET IN HERE!!!!! * to be continued*

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By hunnysuckle on Feb 16, 2010 at 2:30 PM

Fanx fur bein ma nu cheezyfrent^,,^

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By MJfan909 on Feb 16, 2010 at 2:38 AM

=D lol.I have been to Scotland,England,Wales,Florida,Orlando and Belguim and I might be going to Florida again this year for the new Harry Potter park thingy is my Nana decieds to book it fingers crossed =D

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By Annieareyouwokay on Feb 15, 2010 at 5:20 PM gonna add i twist..... *12 am in neverland bedroom* Mickey: do you think michaels ok? Ive never seen him this tired.... Annie: Maybe..well he did just like go undead and back so he like died..i guess.... Mickey: I guess so.. hey, i wonder what edward's doing. Annie: probably finding an inoccent "dine with"...ew! Mickey: that doesnt sound goo-- *Monkey screech* WHAT WAS THAT?!! Annie: i dont know! but it sounded like bubbles! Mickey: is he the only monkey on the property?! D: Annie: Michael said he was...! Mickey: BUBBLES???!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!?

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