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By Symbacat on Feb 2, 2012 at 12:38 PM

Thanks for the Bath!! Purrrrrr! And thanks to NCCharmer too!

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By Symbacat on Feb 2, 2012 at 10:30 AM

Thanks for the Hipster Kitty!!!

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By RainbowMaus on Feb 2, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Tomorrow would be fine =^..^=

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By NCcharmer on Feb 2, 2012 at 9:31 AM

Return it please

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By RainbowMaus on Feb 2, 2012 at 9:08 AM

Hi, the Spawk is for Angusabby if you wouldn't mind forwarding? Thank you!

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By NCcharmer on Feb 2, 2012 at 9:01 AM

Would you please relay the Musician I sent yoiu to Mindovski?

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By wintercool612 on Feb 2, 2012 at 6:54 AM

Thanks for your help with collectibles! It really means a lot to me. :D Since I don’t have internet at home it was really hard to get as many collectibles as I could. I am actually trying to complete all of the collectible sets before April 15th. If you could help me as much as you are willing, I would be so internally grateful!!!!

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By Sylviag on Feb 2, 2012 at 5:39 AM

Mornin. Early nite last nite. Sent u some happy Pills for angusabby. U are rite, u got a varied foster batch this time. Good u started them all on meds - just like human kids, what one gets, the other does. Happens all the time with the grandkids - they pick up something at school and 1 after the other they go down and then the parents too :) It's like I just want to hug them at arm's length and have a mask on :) Yoghurt is such a beneficial food with all the biotics of one kind or another but I never thught of giving it to kittehs and that they would like it. I like the way u say u "just" pay for this and that :) Uhaz a big hart. But what fun to have the kittehs gamboling around the house, getting better, and even thugh they don't know it, have a foreber in their future. At home day today puttering around here and there - prolly mostly here :) Have a wondermus day.

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By Sylviag on Feb 1, 2012 at 5:01 PM

Was out all day in the sunshine Kewl! New foster baby kats - ai haz an eggzited. Hope the little sick one gets better - with the TLC u give, he or she has the best possible chance of that. Males - females - colors? As a foster Mom, if they need to go to the vet, does the organization that u foster for pay for it?

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By NCcharmer on Feb 1, 2012 at 4:33 PM

Would you please relay the Hipster Car to Symbacat?

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By Sylviag on Feb 1, 2012 at 12:57 AM

After midnght and sent u a Stethoscope to pass on to angusabby. I got the thermometer out earlier through someone else. Thanks muchly and happy Hum Day early :)

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By Sylviag on Jan 31, 2012 at 9:45 PM

Got a thermometer I will pass to u for angus abbytomorrow. Hope u are having a good evening. I'm sacked out on the couch as usual with my laptop and Bryan is playing Skyrim on his PS 3. A typical night at Sylviag's :)

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By Sylviag on Jan 31, 2012 at 1:38 PM

Actually I think I will start passing u rare ones I buy from here every day. I pretty much know what they are. We only have 2 more weeks to buy and I want to get those rare ones in her or my pocket :) We do have til midpAor to trade though.

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By RainbowMaus on Jan 31, 2012 at 11:10 AM

Hi, the Cuddly ones are all done! I want to thank you for helping out with Symbacat, I can be so dense sometimes. As for the coffee beers... Mmmmm, coffee and beer together...I can't decide if that sounds good or not, but I am going to try it. And yes, Moose Drool is soooo much better than Buffalo Sweat!

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By NCcharmer on Jan 31, 2012 at 10:07 AM

The people with whom I worked were wonderful after Aja died. My office was all glass so when anyone walked in the door, they could see right in. My employees would rush to the door to meet them and deal with them because I was in such a state. I finally decided I had to have something to love. It was the first time in 40 years I did not have an animal or a bird. So I found Shigi (shyguy, cause he is) and Sasi (sassy, cause she is) and the hurt went away. I understand death and I think animals go much more peacefully than people. I just miss them after they are gone. It's the knowing I will never see them again that hurts so much. But, I can see every animal I ever had clear as a bell in my mind. So, they are still here in a way

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By Sylviag on Jan 31, 2012 at 10:01 AM

Wonderful, how about if I let u know each day what u can send if u have what she can use, and not spoken for, and I don't already have it. Otherwise I can always send u something I have to passs on.

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By Sylviag on Jan 31, 2012 at 9:47 AM

I am glad it doesn't because she does wonderful things to help the kittehs :) I would like to help katigger too but have had trouble keeping track of what she needs and finding mutual frens to relay rares that I can buy. As far as angusabby. The main thing is I am coordinating all collecties from Swimwear on down cuz I have so much stuff stored in 4 different profiles already to pass on and I have the coins to buy any of the rares. Just tryng to avoid duplication of effort. But I would relaly like one more person that I can relay things to her if u become rens with her.

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By NCcharmer on Jan 31, 2012 at 9:26 AM

I have only lost one cat and numerous dogs. They were all devastating to me. Unfortunately, I am one of those that grieve and grieve. I can't seem to get over it. My cat Aja died after 20 years...20! She was the last thing I had of my "former" life when I was happily married, living in Lancaster Pa and doing very well. So, I was not only saying goodbye to her, but a part of my past. My husband found her on the side of the road with her dead mother. He brought her to me and I carried her everywhere when I traveled. My schnauzer, Tuborg, too. The three of us were best buds.

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By Sylviag on Jan 31, 2012 at 9:18 AM

Someone must have completed Cuddly cuz she is a proud member of the 82 club - high 5 and dansen! Thx for Canberries too. Tomorrow if I can buy a rare for one of ur frens, drop me a note of what u would like.

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By angusabby on Jan 31, 2012 at 9:09 AM

Ohai MissAnthropy!!Fankeez so much fur da fwend requezt!!Berri nice to meechu!! Tank u fur da collectiblol *ooh,jelly beanz!omnomnomnom...*akward silence*angusabbi:oh noez,Ai eeted my collectiblol...!:). Fur sum time,Ai iz under da grate operahun called:'collect as mani collectiblolz as possiblol!!'. Ai hab sooo mani fwends who do such a grate wurk to help mee!!Tank u fur da support!Butt(!!)above all,Ai iz glad to meechu!

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