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By rexlepeno on Apr 2, 2012 at 8:34 PM

4th quarter of what? do you guys have school generally from september to april? oh man, sounds like a party at your school! haha :P

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By rexlepeno on Mar 27, 2012 at 11:33 PM

well welcome back! :) that sounds sweet, what you were doing down there! you have 4 degrees? thats intense! haha! our music video was just for a friends tv and film project. we did it to the song, Bare foot blue jean night by jake owen. it was so much fun! haha... i think its on my facebook somewhere! :P ya i play guitar, a little bass, trying to learn cajon. and i used to play the cello for the longest time. not that much recently though. haha, ill try too. its pretty hard though! but on a better note, only 7 days of class left for this semester! how about you? how have you been? any thing exciting happen recently?

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By rexlepeno on Mar 10, 2012 at 4:20 PM

Texas? haha better get your cowboy on! :P i would love for it to be warm!! I was freezing today!! mainly cause we were outside all morning afternoon filming a music video, and werent exactly wearing jackets and stuff. and it was pooring raining! :( but it was so much fun filming! haha. Well im taking civil engineering, so I have lots of awful homework. right now i have an assignment in my structural analysis class. :( its really hard. haha. so what kind of volunteer work are you going to be doin?

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By rexlepeno on Mar 8, 2012 at 8:47 PM

how far down south are you going? haha. no worries about you leaving. you'll get back to me when you get back to me! :P the homework is not coming at all... its awful... :( and i really dont feel like starting... haha

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By rexlepeno on Mar 8, 2012 at 5:59 PM

woot! spring break is the best! where are you going? or if your not going anywhere, how come you packing up? haha. im just chillin... trying to get started on some homework, but these internets keep getting in the way! haha

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By rexlepeno on Mar 7, 2012 at 10:46 PM

hello? not really sure how this works! haha. but if you can read this, whats up?

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By DarthMalc on Feb 19, 2012 at 11:31 AM

Ohai thur. How are you doing on this fine day then?

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