Messages between Molly_B and Sylviag

By Molly_B on Jan 19, 2016 at 6:52 AM

Sylvia, I haven't been on this site for a while and so have only just heard about your illness. I am very sorry you're unwell and FWIW, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you well. Best, Molly

By Sylviag on Nov 20, 2013 at 9:02 AM

buyerbware alerted me to ur Christmas vid. I loves a good silly :) Hope ur are well and wishing u the best for the season.

By Sylviag on Jul 30, 2013 at 1:02 AM

Sorry, I get so used to using acronyms around here cuz I am too lazy to type it all out :) Unexpected and unexplained deaths are particularly hard. Final toxicology and pathology reports are still not in - takes months sometimes I guess. The kids are handling it pretty well and fortunately it has been a very active summer for them as keeping busy is a good thing in this situation..

By Molly_B on Jul 29, 2013 at 11:46 PM

I assumed Dil must be your husband's name. I'm relieved to hear your husband is still with us, but very sorry for your son's loss. It must have been a terrible shock for him.

By Sylviag on Jul 29, 2013 at 11:37 PM

No. no! My Daughter-in-law did, leaving son with 3 gkids ages 16, 13 and 10. We need to be closer to help him out.

By Molly_B on Jul 29, 2013 at 11:21 PM

Did your husband pass away? I'm so very sorry to hear that.

By Sylviag on Jul 29, 2013 at 11:14 PM

Molly - how wonderful to hear from you! I hear u on the passwords. I do the unthinkable and unforgivable to an IT guru - I have a cheat sheet I hide in my house an take with me on the road cuz I can't remember all the flipping things either :) When they changed the DB, anything under the links portion no longer shows up to anyone looking at your profile info. U need to put the link right in ur basic profile info. A lot of big life changes for us but moving to be close to son and gkids is the right thing to do at the right time (DIL passed away suddenly at 47 late May). Hope all is well with u and hubs and ur enjoying a nice summer. On vacay right now with son and gkids but will check out the link when I have more time to catch ur new creativities.

By Molly_B on Jul 29, 2013 at 11:00 PM

Sorry I didn't get back to you in time for the history theme party you sent me a message about ages ago, but I couldn't remember my password for this site and have only just managed to find it again. (Too many passwords for too many different things, and too little space in my head to remember them all!) The link to my youtube channel seems to have been removed from my profile. I'll try to put it back, but just in case, you can find most of my recent stuff at: (I say "most" because there are a couple that haven't been made "public" yet because they've been submitted to festivals that don't want anything that's already publicly available on the internet.) Hope you've been keeping well. I can't help noticing from your other messages that you've apparently sold your house, so well done on that!

By Sylviag on Jun 19, 2013 at 12:08 AM

I just had to post this to you cuz you are my Histy Hero. Don't know if u knew but ICHC axed the Histy Site so a fren started a Histy profile. Hope all is well and are having continued success with ur ossum vids. Wear your toga, grab the gramaphone and hitch up the team and join us at our first evah theme party.

By Sylviag on May 17, 2013 at 6:48 PM

MollyB! How very wonderful to hear from you. Vashon Island is about an 1 1/2 hours from us. That is too cool your work is being shown there - you're international gurrl! I can't find the link to your YouTube on ur profile anymore :( They chnged the profile page awhile ago and maybe that dropped?

By Molly_B on May 17, 2013 at 7:25 AM

Hi Sylvia, thanks for your message ages ago. Sorry I didn't get back to you before now, but I've been completely snowed under with deadlines and the like. I have a film being shown in Washington state on Sunday, do you live anywhere near this thing? (It's apparently in some place called Vashon.)

By Sylviag on Mar 17, 2013 at 5:14 PM

Hey, one of your classics hit ICHC Main FP! Hope all is well with you. Sure do miss ya. Happy St. Patrick's day hugz.

By Sylviag on Dec 22, 2012 at 9:15 AM

Molly I love that one - u should do more earth "news". Squeaky Shakespeare - I'm picturing Alvin and the Chipmunks doing all the great soliloquies LOL I do believe this will eventually be a paying gig for u as u keep getting better and better.

By Molly_B on Dec 21, 2012 at 5:54 AM

Thanks very much for your recent messages. Sorry not to reply sooner, but as soon as I'd finished Topsy Turvy Xmas, I started on another (for a rather silly "challenge.") If you feel like having a look at the new one, it's on my youtube channel. I met someone at a screening the other week who said he'd like to hire me (as in *pay* me) to do some animation for him sometime, but I'm not holding my breath about that; I'll believe it when I see it. Hope you've been keeping well and that you have a lovely Christmas and New Year's.

By Sylviag on Dec 12, 2012 at 9:52 AM

Hope u have a wonderful English Christmas. Keep on making those vids and sharing them with us :) Wishing you and your loved ones peace and joy.

By Sylviag on Nov 19, 2012 at 7:13 AM

Great Christmas music vid! Good job illustrating that song. Forging a new path into music aifinkso. BTW - great sax player. "Dance carefully" - do that all the time :) I ED u came in 2d for Halloween - not for lack of us trying to et outthe vote :) If I don't hear from u before Christmas - hope u have a wonderful one.

By Sylviag on Oct 31, 2012 at 7:47 AM

I know I would vociferously second ur conclusions :) Like ICHC, while votes are important, they are not, and should not be, the only deciding factor for FP. So I hope the judges factor in talent and creativity with equal weight.

By Molly_B on Oct 31, 2012 at 7:41 AM

Thanks very much, it's greatly appreciated. Alas I fear it' may turn out to be a wasted effort as I'm so *vastly* outnumbered by the entry that has a cast and crew of more than 35 people - they are apparently massing their forces for a last-minute push and are accumulating more and more likes by the minute. I don't want to say anything negative about this other entry in a public forum, so I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to my thoughts on the matter. ;)

By Sylviag on Oct 31, 2012 at 7:26 AM

Hai Molly! Several peeps here pumping up the YTub vote for ur vid. Wishing u good luck in the contest. Way to go! Happy Hallowwen :)

By Molly_B on Oct 31, 2012 at 7:12 AM

Thanks for your nice message the other day. Sorry I didn't acknowledge it sooner but for some reason I haven't been getting email notifications when I have messages here.

By Sylviag on Oct 21, 2012 at 9:38 PM

And best of luck in the competition!

By Sylviag on Oct 21, 2012 at 9:37 PM

Oh Molly, those animation shorts u made are fun and fantastic! I'm keeping those Zombie Apocalypse tips handy just in case. Jazzercise class ROFL - that's pretty much how I would look! The Evil Table is brilliant. That beginning dance sequence must have been a lot of work and I love the Evil Table and its mouth. I noticed u worked a burger into it - shades of ICHC - hope it was a cheeze one :) Truly ur are devloping ur own unique sytle of animation Keep up the ossum creativity. Hugz from across the Big Pond

By Molly_B on Oct 19, 2012 at 8:44 AM

Hi Sylvia, Sorry I haven't been around for ages but I've just made two animations in a row, which ate up just about every waking moment over the last four months or so. Hope you've been keeping well. If you'd like to have a look at my latest, the first one (which I finished a couple of months ago) is at: and the one I finished two days ago - and which I made for a competition - is at: Best, Molly

By Sylviag on Sep 19, 2012 at 10:48 PM

Know u've been super busy being creative in RL but wanted u to know that ur "Right to Parley" fomr last year was featured as part of their Talk Like a Pirate Day on the ICHC Main FP. Made me miss u :)

By Sylviag on Jun 20, 2012 at 7:27 AM

Hai fren, I told u awhile ago that ur great LOLs will keep on giving. Hot Diggity Dog congrats! Hope to see u around again and that ur vid creativity is stlll rocking and rolling :)

By Sylviag on May 9, 2012 at 9:15 AM

Just always very good to hear from u. Hugz

By Sylviag on May 8, 2012 at 10:22 PM

I see u are really venturing into animation. Loved it. Looks like the fat suit may have had another go :)

By Sylviag on Apr 27, 2012 at 9:47 AM

Hai Molly - buyerbware passed on ur latest vid, Afterhours - brilliant! Who knew a duster could wreak so much havoc :) Hugz

By Sylviag on Apr 2, 2012 at 6:14 PM

Just stopping by to say Hai and hope all ur cinematic ventures are doing well. When u come back, there are some very significant changes to ICHC. If u need help at that point, let me know.

By Sylviag on Feb 10, 2012 at 8:33 AM

Mornin Molly. Thx for ur exrta oldie moldie collectibles. I'll take all u can give cuz I am helping a lot of other peeps. Have a great day!