Messages between NineLivesBurra and laughingcats

By laughingcats on Jul 2, 2012 at 4:02 PM

ai's sorry tu heer ov yer recent deevors. congaratulayshuns awn yer wedding day!

By laughingcats on Jun 5, 2012 at 4:44 AM

Caturday wiff fyrewerks! how nice. glad yoo lyked et ~ ai didn't du it until late, nd my brain wuz shutting down. LOL

By NineLivesBurra on Jun 5, 2012 at 3:35 AM

Fanks yew sew mutch....iz haz sended it tew mai lolcat syte....EberyDai iz Caturdai....

By laughingcats on Jun 4, 2012 at 7:26 PM ai spelled yer name wrong, but teh wish iz sinceer!!! hippy, hoppy, happy burfday!!

By NineLivesBurra on Apr 16, 2012 at 2:15 AM noes. We iz awlways splittin and geddin marryed ai betz teh big bosses is berry confuzled wiv fanks fur teh bubblez tikled mai

By laughingcats on Apr 15, 2012 at 8:04 PM

ai saw yoo nd betskand ar bakk awn, nd ai'm sillybrating wiff teh boff uv yu! ai didn't see it rite away, sew dis iz belayted congarats fur yur ? whutebber. relashunship/marriage/photoshoot? ai gotta keep my eye awn yoo tu, cause its lyke, every uther week now!!! *opens shampane bottle*

By NineLivesBurra on Mar 26, 2012 at 10:07 AM

ohai LC....gud tew seez yoo agin. Betsey adn ai iz awlwayz needin tew fyte adn den we iz awl frends We haz interwebz prawblemz styll butt teh man iz fixin it on ai iz towld. den maibeez we can post moar...:)

By laughingcats on Mar 25, 2012 at 8:54 PM

ohai, NineLivesBurra!! are yoo nd Betskand back tugevver again? teh naybors WERE talking abowt teh last fite! yoo two make me laff ~ ebery time ai see teh message about Betskand nd yoo being frends again, it makes me want tu send yoo a message! gud thing yoo are frends sew offen, ovverwise ai wouldn't send yu enuff messages. how am yoo doing? ai don't keep in tuch, nd ai'm sorry fur taht. ai still lykes yoo lots, ai promise!! *schmoos*

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 22, 2012 at 3:15 PM

oops....sumting wen rong der....u gotz teh messig

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 22, 2012 at 3:14 PM

oops....sumting wen rong der....u gotz teh messig

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 22, 2012 at 3:13 PM

hehe, ohai, LC...yes....Betsey adn ai are on agin, until ai goez frum her payge den we startz agin....:) Ai will chek owt ur faborites....:)

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 22, 2012 at 3:12 PM

hehe, ohai, LC...yes....Betsey adn ai are on agin, until ai goez frum her payge den we startz agin....:) Ai will chek owt ur faborites....:)

By laughingcats on Feb 22, 2012 at 2:43 PM

ohai, NineLivesBurra!!! ai just favorited a lol wit a meerkat innit & thot uv yu!! ai hope yu see nd lyke it, sweetie. (ar yu nd betskand still habbin trubbles??) HA!

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 4, 2012 at 10:15 AM

hehe, yes, we awl muz hab a hobbee....uvverwyze we getz

By laughingcats on Feb 3, 2012 at 8:03 PM

growndhawgs hog teh grownd, natcherly! we also gots gophers, (teh mascot ov teh universitty uv manysodas) nd beevers, nd odder types uv rodents, awl chewing on teh scenery. reely. dey eet farmers crops nd hang owt inna forests nd da planes (MN iz a prairie state) lukking fur noms. yu gotz tu hab a hobby, ai guess! *hedbonk*

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 2, 2012 at 9:50 PM

yes, she duz butt iz funnee tew. she sed todai dat ICHC peeps muzzt finks we iz habin an on-agin, orf-agin Minnesota looks lubly in teh moobies...:) and besydes u haz dem straynj fings cawld growndhawgs, lol. I duzent get dem at awl. wat duz day hab tew doo?

By laughingcats on Feb 2, 2012 at 9:07 PM

ai'm sew stoopy!! ai didn't realyz taht kookaburras were BURDS!!! living heer in Minnesota, we doan get owt much, juss sayin. yes, teh meerkat hazza sweet liddle fayse. ai unnerstand why won ov yur frends keeps refrending yu tu keep yur avatar on teh page!

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 2, 2012 at 4:50 AM

Can u send fings to jlandis for me or miniminsmum? dat wud be a grayte halp...:)

By NineLivesBurra on Feb 2, 2012 at 4:48 AM

ai haz a wunnerfully fyne feelin...:) fanks. the grinnin liddl crittur iz wun meerkat....dey iz sew cyoot and ai lubs dem az mutch az ai lubs kittehs. ai haz seen manee kukaburraz wen ai lib in Oz and teh noyse dey maykes iz deffanin. butt dey iz beyootiful.

By laughingcats on Jan 31, 2012 at 8:43 PM

congratulayshuns awn making it into teh 82 club!!! whoo hoo! iznt it a fyne feeling? *schmoos*

By laughingcats on Jan 17, 2012 at 6:19 PM

ohai, NineLivesBurra! sew happy tu meetchu! may ai eggstend mah floofy paw ov french hips? ai hab made several neu frends in TTI wit dis collecting frenzy ~ whut fun! ai wuz sad when dey tuk awai teh noo collectmals, butt(!) ai have had more contact wit old & neu frends in teh last month than in teh several before taht! sew itz a silver-lyned gray clowd, aifinkso. ai sended yu a liddle sumfing ~ ai doan hab much left, butt ai'm happy tu relay fur our mutual frends, ef dey need tu send moar tahn one item a day. let me know ef ai can halp! btw ~ iz dat grinning liddle crittur a kookaburra? doan rekagnize it.