Messages between Poisonkitty and _Otto

By _Otto on Jan 27, 2012 at 7:55 AM

:) 82

By _Otto on Dec 21, 2011 at 8:02 PM

Hi!!1! probably about time I say something to you eh?.. OK.. well first off, You were number 2 in this post I was talking about here under my name... Second is, as long as I can give out a collectible to you I will til the end. It has served me a purpose.. increasing my number of giving them away, because I got to where I didn't like seeing what looked like I was hoarding them for nothing and I might be able to make someone happy with a treat they didn't expect. I appreciate receiving ones from you, however I know a way to always be able to get anyone of them I want, so I don't worry about me getting one, but which ones I might need to help fill yours. I've weeks to go with helping you if not months. But it has been my pleasure to do it. So,, here in the West my Christmas is just a few days away now (25th.) and I'd like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be of service and share a little here.

By _Otto on Nov 27, 2011 at 3:12 AM

would you believe that red riding hood lol is one i uploaded to lolcats almost a moth ago, and then also sent it to Squee and they get it from a site on the net a week ago, but don't give credit to me? kinda pisses me off. Another thing is, 3 times now on the Yaris collectibles they show me a collectible and I click to accept it and I get a different one, I write them and they had said that no one would get back to me until NEXT wednesday. I'm getting tired of this place REAL fast.. the junk that ends up on the front page is no where near as good as most of the lols that do get made.

By _Otto on Nov 23, 2011 at 5:36 AM

To get any collectible you wish! This is for anyone that reads this and should copy/paste it too their friends. I see people asking this question all the time. This works for you to pick whatever collectible you wish to receive per sites of ICHC & Memebase; PASS IT AROUND. 1) Log OFF your account before you are due to receive a new collectible for a new day. 00:00 Midnight, Seattle WA. USA time. 2) Visit the two pages as normal and you'll be shown the collectible of the day as before. IF it's not what you want CANCEL it. THEN 3) You have to Clear All Cookies [Example: for IE go to Tools/Internet Options/General/Delete/ [*Delete Temp Internet Files & Cookies* should be selected] in your browser. 4) REPEAT steps 2 & 3 until the collectible shows Up that you want, then sign in to your account as asked and you will have the one you want. 5) This only allows you the same 1 collectible per day/site as before, but now you can fill the set AND get 3 that YOU want and not worry about ICHC's failed random generator. TRICK is to CLEAR COOKIES: although it clears ALL cookies for every other site you might depend on to auto log in too in the process. (Google Chrome has a feature to prevent clearing cookies of sites you do not wish that to happen to, As I just use IE; I'm unable to help with other browsers) Use as you wish. I won't be running short with any collectibles. :) Copy/Paste to your other friends to help them.