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By tookat on Apr 8, 2012 at 6:40 PM

Happy Easter to one and all from Tookat and from the Majik Kittenz. Warm wishes for a joyous year and many more to come. ish it saef yet? (de bratpak) Happy Easter note (kate and Les)

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By tookat on Dec 31, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Frum me tewYu Happee NewYear kthnx bye!

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By tookat on Dec 24, 2011 at 6:19 PM

Abracadazzle.. Celestial Cee.......I wish all my cheezpeeps a Merriest Christmas from A to Z (and let's not forget the numbers and symbols!!!) by tookat

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By tookat on Oct 7, 2011 at 10:56 AM

if you can afford to buy a set of color therapy chakra tinted glasses, I have found them to be a HUGE help in keeping me from being dizzy, feeling ill, feeling frightened or disconnected. They have been a godsend for me and for years I just had a single pair in Indigo tint. I have the full set of the over the eyeglass style which includes an extra color, Baker-Miller Pink which is a wonderful all purpose tint I can wear and still watch tv, read or drive. If you can only buy a few colors, Indigo, Green, Yellow, Red, Baker-Miller Pink

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By tookat on Oct 7, 2011 at 10:50 AM

I think if someone sticks another needle in me I may go ballistic, but I HAVE to do this. two things. One, and kitteh daddy can do this...though I do not know if he will try, because it calls for a stretch of belief. One. Put himself in the Hands of his Highest Buddha Self for coping with the stress of all of this. This will help him find his calm place in the face of all the tests. I did this four years ago when my life was running out of control for too long a while and My Highest Buddha Self has been my best buddy ever since, helping me be calm through my parent's growing senility and all sorts of other things. Second. I would like to send an angel to help him with the nausea if he will accept..and we would gift him with a cloak to imagine around him when he feels sick in any way. I did this when I almost bled to death a few weeks ago. The angel will be Archangel Sandalphon. He does not need to remember the Archangels name...just to ask for help for anything...and if it can be done, it will. The cloak for him to imagine is deep red jasper and green jadite. The green to bring strength of heart to go ahead, and the red to help him be grounded and less sick.

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By tookat on Oct 7, 2011 at 10:40 AM

i have had two transfusion and I don't know how many blood tests, plus a stress test that was drug induced yesterday in preparation for my cancer surgery next week. I don't know if I told you or not...the Megase I am on to control the endometrial bleeding gives me serious brain fog. The cancer was caught early, stage 1.

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By tookat on Oct 7, 2011 at 2:31 AM

We bequeath you and Kitty daddy these "cloaks" to help wend your way through the various medical paths while seeking complete health, for it may be possible. Not to give up hope because of what some doctor says, until there is a decision that this is the wellspring I live in, and here, with all the possibilities and limitations, i CAN live. Where I was when I came to terms of peace with the Fibro and CFS, but for me, there was always the hope of possibility of remission and regaining of full health. My absolute sympathies on all the invasive tests. They are the pits.

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By tookat on Oct 7, 2011 at 2:26 AM

These are both Chakra colors that need strengthening....and also stones that have certain properties. Citrine yellow and cats eye, intellect, creativity and most important, Chi...the center of vitality. Citrine in particular does not let negative energies or entities to take hold. Lapis Blue and indigo, throat...."just" speech and truthfulness, defending ones self or others, Also the color of the protective shield of Archangel Michael, also clear seeing. Tanzanite...purple, intuition and creativity and being open to the energies of the cosmos...being more intuitive and trusting one's instincts. Amber and Cats eye, like the Citrine, but deeper into the chakra of the Chi and the Kundalini, Creative force and most of all centering. Being ones own being and not swayed by blandishments of others....finding the "gut" level truth in all things, especially those items that will lead back into the path of health.

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By tookat on Oct 2, 2011 at 11:07 PM

Princess you are back! Please tell me, how are you and Kitteh daddy? I sense there has been quite a visitation of chaos in your house and I am sorry for that...but that which we face and conquer, makes us wiser, if not stronger eh? I am sorry to say I am facing health problems of my own. Stage one endometrial cancer and the hysterectomy has been delayed because the doctors did not like my EKG. I believe the EKG was as it was because of the medication I am taking to slow the bleeding caused by the cancer....and I have some strange thing that causes me to get extremely anemic every five years or doctor attributes the EKG to that, but I am wise enough to admit I have lived well off the hog, beef and generous cream sauces and cheeses. I just hope it will be angioplasty and not bypass surgery if it comes to that. I wish you and Kitteh daddy all the best...and hope you will save your strengths, towards beaming upon him, that which I cannot right now. Your colors and his are citrine yellow, cats eye, peridot, amber and indigo....especially Lapis Lazuli but also Tanzanite....and Turquoise. Wear them as capes around yourselves when the going gets tough!

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By tookat on May 25, 2011 at 8:32 AM

ohai. You have been gone from ICHC for so long now. I misses you...but am cleaning up my friends list. If you get back to us...please, please send a friend request...ok?

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By tookat on Mar 10, 2011 at 9:37 AM

Mamagwyn/majikkittehz/Glynda is somewhat better this morning but still in serious condition. Please send prayers and healing l.ight to her and her family. Post messages at either mamagwyn or majikkittehz. She has been put into induced coma to make being on a respirator more easy and is being given high levels of antibiotics so she is stablizing. Her husband Rich is with her.

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By booksncats on Dec 24, 2010 at 1:32 PM

Merry Christmas!

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By tookat on Dec 15, 2010 at 6:05 PM

my first solstice lol of the season...warning...more witchly than new age!

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By tookat on Nov 24, 2010 at 10:33 PM

A Happy and Bountiful Thanksgiving to all my Cheezepeeps! ITTEH BITTEH FANKS GIBBING POLL HAPPY FANKSGIBBING

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By catzrme on Oct 30, 2010 at 10:14 PM

Smeek..Smeek....smeek...POUNCE ANKLE! Grab grabgrab byte byte byte byte byte! RUNAWAY...Hyde under couwch! Hee! Debewish kittenz day! Now....wars dat toilwet paper ish a must for debelish kitten dai! Fubar! We too small to weach te eggies in fwidgeraptor...can't frow eggies! Oooh! Les tern on te Roombas! Day gonna cween up te toiwet papers! So Wee do it agin later....Oh wook! Sets dat ankle agin! Rush POUNCE! heeheeheeheehee!

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By tookat on Oct 30, 2010 at 10:07 PM

Smeek..Smeek....smeek...POUNCE ANKLE! Grab grabgrab byte byte byte byte byte! RUNAWAY...Hyde under couwch! Hee! Debewish kittenz day! Now....wars dat toilwet paper ish a must for debelish kitten dai! Fubar! We too small to weach te eggies in fwidgeraptor...can't frow eggies! Oooh! Les tern on te Roombas! Day gonna cween up te toiwet papers! So Wee do it agin later....Oh wook! Sets dat ankle agin! Rush POUNCE! heeheeheeheehee!

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By tookat on Oct 10, 2010 at 2:45 AM

Today is 10.10.10, the day of the opening of the crystal portals in the worlds waters! a very auspicious occassion whether one is new age, pagan or "other". oh yes...and I have started my Haloween and Samhein lols...check "my stuff"!

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By tookat on Jul 16, 2010 at 4:05 PM

greetings! The Conscious Convergence is on its way! Join us!

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By tookat on Jun 25, 2010 at 6:32 PM

Buffalo Medicine

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By tookat on Jun 23, 2010 at 5:28 AM

all is multidimensional

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