ProvDog's Favorites

The ladies' room? Go back the way you came, first on the left.

He Did It

vampire kitteh rises from afternoon nap

Dey make me runs thru maize to get here den deh stoopid bathroom locked! Scientists!

Ultimately unable to get that monkey off his back,

You r now in my power, hooman Bring me hot dogs... Lots and lots of hot dogs

The whole neighborhood came out to see Lionel's new lunch box

Move, I cant see da TV.

One small step for man One giant leap For special effects

C'mon Neil, work with me. I'm just not feeling your emotion. Let's go from the top again

Git off mah clubhouse Yu gonna ruin it!

hhhhheres KITTEH

oh geez.... ai splained it elebinty times...


Should Start Praying

This Just In... - ProvDog sez hez dummer dan a box of pet rox but the word dum means u cant talk and pet rox dont have moufs So HA! Back 2 u Fluffy

Sum1 stoled mah ear!

LOL Cats. . . Now in stackable party-sized packs

Get off the table!

Raindrops on roses and wiskers on kittens!!!

Former child star Cottonelle dog longs for the old days.

'scuse meh, waitah... there's a hare in mah soup.

Lenny stared in horror at the USDA inspector and the FDA agent. He'd been spotted, and now the world would know how the wheat got shredded.

Lauren Hutton Totally Looks Like Willem Dafoe

prayerie dogs

Easter bunneh not cumin dis yer Iz da sub: Pugs Bunneh

outta serivce dog

Forced to work, Chester returned exhausted after a day at the mall

and I batizez u in the nom of the fawderz, sonz, and you be ghost in a minut

World Dahminayshun.. After Napz


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