Messages between ProvDog and flyhawk

By flyhawk on Jan 19, 2012 at 10:47 AM

Hey love! grabbed your flipflop before you finished it lol. Left a comment under this one,

By flyhawk on Dec 25, 2011 at 10:36 PM

By flyhawk on Oct 3, 2011 at 5:59 PM

By ProvDog on Jul 27, 2011 at 1:58 PM

Thanks, FLYHAWK! >>[“She would not have cared much for the typical eulogy.”]<< Yeah, I think you’re right; she was too unique for that. And she once said to me, “you're not like most people”, so I think she would have expected and preferred that my memorial to her was a bit... uh... “different”. And I guess it was, beginning with that particular word in the very title. She would have thought it funny that I borrowed one of her old F-bombs for the title. I’m really going to miss her long and wonderful comments. ~ProvDog

By flyhawk on Jul 26, 2011 at 2:48 PM

I'm glad you are receiving the kudos for your work. Annie deserves a good friend like you who knew her well and could give us a true look into her personality. She would not have cared much for the typical eulogy. Which is why I agree with you that even tho that fool left horrible lying remarks about her, she surely is simply laughing over it in triumph.

By ProvDog on Jul 26, 2011 at 1:08 PM

FLYHAWK~ >>"Can I claim 7x70 on that?"<< Ha! Absolutely. And yer still 489 credits to the good! >>"I read thru your beautiful tribute to Annie."<< Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. (I responded to it there.) I had seen where someone had posted remarks about her passing on your Cheezburger page & got the idea to provide you w/ a link. Yeah, I don't visit CB much anymore. Maybe 1.5 times per month. Happy to still be in contact w/ you though. ~ProvDog

By flyhawk on Jul 26, 2011 at 12:24 AM

By flyhawk on Jul 26, 2011 at 12:18 AM

THANK YOU! I have missed you. I should have checked out your blog earlier. Can I claim 7x70 on that? I read thru your beautiful tribute to Annie. She was a true gem. Way smarter than I but I don't think that would have mattered if we had friended in time. She will be waiting when we arrive. God bless love!

By ProvDog on Jul 24, 2011 at 11:41 PM ~ D-FensDogg 'Loyal American Underground'

By flyhawk on Dec 11, 2010 at 5:08 PM

By flyhawk on Jul 4, 2010 at 6:19 PM with comment

By ProvDog on Jan 29, 2010 at 9:50 AM

>>[His Canadian spoof is funny. But the investigative report he did on their 'free' health care was not.]<< Of course, there ain't no such thing as "free." When will people learn that the only "free" thing in "this world" is the Salvation God has offered us through the Atonement of His Son? Everything else comes with a price tag. ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Jan 28, 2010 at 9:12 AM

Ha! Yeah, that was pretty good, Flyhawk. Thanks! Never even heard of the bloke before, but I'm kinda outta da loop sometimes. ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Jan 27, 2010 at 7:51 AM

Hi and thanks, Flyhawk! Yeah, to be honest, I haven't been here much lately. I stop in briefly maybe once every 7 to 10 days. Just now saw your message from 2 or 3 days ago. >>["Seen any steve crowder lately?"]<< Steve Crowder? Not only have I not seen him, I don't think I've ever even heard of him. Who is Steve Crowder? ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Nov 16, 2009 at 10:12 AM

Thanks for the book recommendation, Flyhawk! Last week I gave a copy of Dr. Binzel's "ALIVE AND WELL" to a coworker who has cancer and has been told that he has a year to live. I sure hope he reads it and pursues that line of treatment. Unfortunately, most people won't even consider a treatment plan that doesn't involve multiple thousands of dollars going to a scalpel-wielding person with a framed piece of paper hanging on their wall. ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Aug 16, 2009 at 9:54 AM

Part 2 (the missing sentence): I don't know how I will eventually "Kick The Bucket" but I'm pretty darned certain it won't be by stroke or heart attack (probably by governmental homicide). Yak Later, Friend. ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Aug 16, 2009 at 9:51 AM

Hey, FLYHAWK, I'm happy to learn that I've finally done something right. Ha! By "the big book on Laetrile", I assume you mean "WORLD WITHOUT CANCER" by G. Edward Griffin. Yes, that is a great eye-opener. Another book I highly recommend is "YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER" by Dr. F. Batmanghelidj. Can't recall if I mentioned this one to you previously, but most people are walking around chronically dehydrated and don't realize that a lack of water is the root cause of seemingly unrelated illnesses they suffer from. And if you ever encounter anyone who complains of blocked arteries and is in danger of suffering stroke or heart attack, I strongly suggest you urge them to get on the lecithin program quickly (as mentioned in a chapter in Dick Quinn's "LEFT FOR DEAD"). Granular lecithin is the one dietary supplement I take religiously; I swear by this one more than any other. I don't know how I will eventually "Kick The Bucket" but I'm pretty darned certain it won't be by stroke or heart at

By ProvDog on Apr 30, 2009 at 2:11 PM

I also have a manuscript for a children's book; written years ago. At one point, it actually looked like it had a chance to get published (by the parent company in England that puts out those "Where's Waldo?" books), but after a rewrite and 10 months of readings by various editors, they finally declined. Oh well, so it goes. But I'll be interested to learn your reaction to the health books I recommended. Please get back in touch after you've read them and tell me what you thought. Bless And Be Blessed. ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Apr 30, 2009 at 9:18 AM

FLYHAWK, unless you live somewhere near a massive library, chances are they won't have those three titles. But you might be able to obtain them through an interlibrary loan, if your library system has that in place. Otherwise, you might need to buy them. But inexpensive used copies are undoubtedly available, and trust me, you'll never be sorry if you actually have to put out a little money for them. I used to have duplicate copies for loaning to people, but I eventually gave them away. Good luck! ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Apr 29, 2009 at 8:40 AM

Sorry to learn about yer recent health issues. You wrote: >>[Ai never realized til this tyme wat salzemen these docs were. They uze fear to get their product sold.]<< That is so true. When my Pa was in the hospital in '96, the docs convinced us (again, using the fear tactic) to allow them to perform an operation on his legs. It wasn't until later that I became convinced they already knew at that time he was going to pass away within a few days anyway. But they were able to increase their bill to the insurance company with the additional operation. B'stards! Read the books "World Without Cancer" by G. Edward Griffin, and "Alive And Well" by Dr. Philip Binzel, and you will never look at the medical establishment the same way again. And if you have a heart condition, you had BETTER read "Left For Dead" by Dick Quinn. Take these three books and call me in the morning. ~Doctor ProvDog

By ProvDog on Apr 28, 2009 at 1:59 PM

Hi, high-flyin' Flyhawk! Thanks for your very nice comment! Did I understand you correctly? That Edgar originally ordered a book on magic but received a book on ventriloquism by mistake, so he just started practicing that instead? If so, that's a great story I'd never heard. Guess God had decided on a different future for Edgar. Magic? Pshaw! What made you bring up Charlie McCarthy? I know I mentioned him in a Christmas Blog Bit I wrote. You read that? Glad ya liked the STILL SMOKIN' Lol, but I just deleted it. Came up with a better caption for the photo. Take a look when/if you have the time and inclination. Thanks again for your kind words, Flyhawk. Bless And Be Blessed. ~ProvDog

By ProvDog on Mar 6, 2009 at 9:31 AM

Howdy, FLYHAWK... Thanks for the Friend invite! I was happy to see that you "favorited" my "Nathan K. Greenberg" LOL 'cause I think dat's da best one I done had come up wid. Nice ta meetcha, F.H. ~ProvDog