Messages between Puss-cat46 and bluesfan473

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 23, 2012 at 3:05 AM

*** Have you read this page, explaining what a smooth site ICHC has become!? ***

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 23, 2012 at 3:00 AM

**Here's the 'Reply' I received today... ** Hey there, Thanks so much for getting in touch, we really appreciate your feedback. We will be bringing those features back soon, we're just working out some kinks right now. Thanks for your patience, and please let me know if you have any other questions. All the best, Heather Cheezburger

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 22, 2012 at 5:54 AM

Fancy that! I didn't know we dinosaurs had to have a Word Press account. I joined when ICHC was gaining in popularity by leaps and bounds ~ sometime within the first year. But as I am in New Zealand certain PC stuff is handled differently. Most of my dealings go through Yahoo. * Underwhelming * is common these days. Lol! :D

By bluesfan473 on Mar 22, 2012 at 5:39 AM

Oh, almost forgot, I did ED a comment from the head cheese saying that they were planning to reinstate 'recaption this' and some other things "at some point". I wouldn't hold my breath on that either. :-D

By bluesfan473 on Mar 22, 2012 at 5:37 AM

I admit to being a dinosaur, don't take to change very well. When I first came to the site you had to have a Word Press account and be logged in in order to have an avatar or make your screen name be a link to your profile page. There are other ways around it now but hey, the old way was still working so I just kept on with it. I have no idea if, when the 'beta' version becomes the norm, we will even be able to have avatars anymore. The so called announcement on the cheezburger blog is completely underwhelming as far as any real info goes...

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 22, 2012 at 12:16 AM

I have mailed ICHC via the 'Contact Us' tab. I received an automated reply to let me know that someone will respond in 2-3 business days. I'm nawt holding my breath! ;)

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 21, 2012 at 9:38 PM

By the way, please tell me what is a WP account? Thanks so much. I'm not very savvy with all these mod cons ;)

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 21, 2012 at 3:39 PM

Thank you so much for replying to my request. I think everyone who loved ICHC is gutted at the changes being made. All the fun has gone out of voting and viewing. No trophies, no re-captioning; and the Powers That Be tell us this is an improvement! Pah! I will do as you suggest and use the tab to express my chagrin. Meows and purrs from Me and Silverman, my lovely boy.

By bluesfan473 on Mar 21, 2012 at 6:14 AM

Ohai hon, sorry, I wish I could help. With this new 'beta' version the recaption this button seems to have disappeared. I'm still using my WP account to comment on the front page lols and so far am still seeing the button there but if I click a picture on my dashboard it is in the beta and I don't see it. The only thing I can suggest..not that I really think anyone will tthat we all use the contact us tab at the bottom of the page and let them know in no uncertain terms that we want the 'recaption' option returned.

By Puss-cat46 on Mar 19, 2012 at 6:20 PM

It's a long time since I sent a message on this site! The thing I am wondering is this... Can we 'Re-caption' pictures we like? It appears that all of the FUN activities have been removed; much to everyone's chagrin! Purrs to you and your kittehs. xxx

By bluesfan473 on Oct 17, 2010 at 6:02 AM

Thanks! I do like to dress up my avatar kitteh for the lolidays, its silly, I know, but fun! Now I'm all ready for some trick or treating!

By bluesfan473 on Nov 30, 2009 at 6:16 AM

Ohai and welcome back! The lolspeak page is still around, on the main page click to see the comments for one of the lols. Then, right under the picture it will say the number of comments, right under that it has (in blue letters) the 'learn lolspeak' link. I'm not sure if from there you can get to the other pages you're looking for but I do know there's info about poor old lolrus's search for his bukkit and whatnot. *headbonks*

By bluesfan473 on Sep 11, 2008 at 9:31 AM

Hai Puss-cat! It aint eazy been "mumble mumble" iz it? hee hee! Ai akshully got dat pic frum Sairys lols, ai think itz a lil cutie mousie, he haz wun az a pet along wif lotz of udder lolaminals.