Messages between Rippys_Mother and 1TeamKSO

By 1TeamKSO on Jul 12, 2011 at 10:02 PM

From Sylviag. Attached is the URL for the Waterblol Wrap-up and Recognitions. Thank u so much for particpating! The team member count includes only those who actually threw a waterblol. Mentally put a + or - in front of any numerical tallies. I reviewed and tallied over 2500 LOLs and very likely "mistakes were made" :) All of you deserve recognition for joining in a very special and fun event. We'll keep the Waterblol collections as is for a week and then I will be folding them all into 1 big 2011 Waterblol Fite collection in team order. KSO Hugz

By 1TeamKSO on Jun 22, 2011 at 9:58 AM

From Sylviag. Hai nu fren. See ur a member of NWR so u know what's going on. Welcome hugz.