Messages between Riverfang and lolzirish

By Riverfang on Apr 22, 2014 at 2:00 PM

Hi! Long time no talk indeed! I was just going through my old favorited pages and WABAM, Icanhascheezburger appeared! I hope you're doing okay!

By lolzirish on Aug 21, 2013 at 7:51 AM

Hello, long time no chat. How are you?

By lolzirish on Feb 9, 2013 at 8:31 AM

oh, and i'm on my midterm now too, but doing work shadowing (like work experience but its for school and i dont get paid, but it still goes on my C.V.) in a special school on monday tuesday and wednesday.

By lolzirish on Feb 8, 2013 at 12:45 PM

we had a mild day on monday, and then it snowed pretty heavily on tuesday morning, and then it was all gone by the time i got home from school, and replaced with rain and wind. i didnt realise there was an american version, cos all i ever hear about are the irish and UK versions. our hottest days last year were in march, when it reached about 21'C in some parts (69'F), which was extremely warm for us, and a bunch of students ended up just lying down and trying to catch a tan for once :L our summers are usually very wet, with a few days of sun, and sometimes a week if we're lucky.

By Riverfang on Feb 4, 2013 at 5:59 PM

Haha. Wow. Our summers are like...high eighties on an average day, nineties if we're lucky. But now, I'd much rather have what you have. STILL SNOW WHOO...); Yess! I've seen the voice! I don't watch it every episode, but I'll usually go out after a few episodes of not seeing it and watch it. I think the last winner was pretty cool, so I might be more interested in watching this year.

By lolzirish on Feb 3, 2013 at 12:01 PM

me, lucky? i'd love that! we wouldnt be able to go to school or anything! :L its been getting warmer here recently, actually starting to feel like summer, eg. today we had a max. temp. of about 8'C (46.4'F) which isn't far off what we'd get at summer, in fact its warmer than most of what our spring would be. my parents are really into "the voice" now, its like the x factor, except this is only its second series, and the judges start facing away from the audience in the auditions, and then press the button if they like the singer's voice, and then their chair turns and they can see the singer. then the singer gets to choose their mentor out of the judges that turn around.

By Riverfang on Jan 27, 2013 at 4:44 PM

You're lucky! THE SNOW CONTINUES TO COME! AHHHHHHHH. I hate standing outside in the morning, waiting for school. Nice. I've been watching the Sylvester Stalone movies lately. He's awesome. Yeah, my parents used to watch it and so did my friends but I wasn't too interested in it.

By lolzirish on Jan 26, 2013 at 6:03 AM

i just realised, it's actually 0'C which is freezing temp. the snows gone now since monday, and we've been having heavy rain, and there was some more minor floods around. the impossible was very good :) i only watch some of the auditions, and occasionally other ones if someones watching it in the same room.

By Riverfang on Jan 22, 2013 at 2:12 PM

It's about 13'F here, so -10'C. We don't have very much snow, which I like. But, despite that, it is very cold and windy, which makes it feel colder than it really is. I, just now, had to go run outside to bring the garbage out, get the mail, and then bring my dog in in a matter of two minutes and I'm very cold. Seeing how it's Tuesday, how was The Impossible? We had yesterday off for Martin Luther King Jr. day. I spent the day with my best friend, since it was her birthday. Ahhh I see. I briefly watch X Factor somtimes, but they sound pretty cool. I'll look them up.

By lolzirish on Jan 18, 2013 at 3:45 PM

its 3'C-ish (32'F) (freezing temp.) at the moment, and britain and some of ireland have snow. i heard of that, sorta want to see it now. we're going to the cinema on monday for geography to see "the impossible". cant wait! :) have fun. jedward (john and edward) are twins from ireland who got famous from the british x factor. they were in eurovision the last 2 years for ireland and got us pretty far

By Riverfang on Jan 13, 2013 at 3:11 PM

That's too bad! But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try. Who knows what the weather will be like here by then. It's around 60 now! It's usually high with snow, but it's all melting now. Truthfully, after seeing Les Miserables yesterday, I have no interest in any other music but getting that soundtrack. I had to keep myself from crying when that movie finished. I am now, and truly, obsessed with it. IT WAS AMAZZZZIIINNGGG! I'm seeing the play on my birthday in May (: I can't wait. Jedward? Huh?

By lolzirish on Jan 11, 2013 at 12:23 PM

ya, over here you probably wont be able to see it, because there'll most likely be too much clouds/rain or whatever, as there usually is. marina and the diamonds would probably be my first choice at the moment though. i don't know any of the script's songs, but a bunch of people i know seem to love them, and some of them like jedward for some reason :L

By Riverfang on Jan 7, 2013 at 5:51 PM

It's one of those things that you talk about and people go, "Oh, there was a meteor passing? I didn't know." and you're all like, "YEAH OH YEAH WHAT NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." Or at least it's that way for me...(; Lady Gaga would be interesting, definitely, in concert and P!nk does do an amazing show. Brax? Never heard of him. The Script--ehhhh, wouldn't pay too much to see them.

By lolzirish on Jan 3, 2013 at 2:59 PM

ya, i cant wait to see it :) i'd like to see someone live, preferably marina and the diamonds, eminem, lady gaga, or maybe even pink. i keep hearing people going on about some guy called Brax, and wanting to go see The Script.

By Riverfang on Jan 2, 2013 at 4:04 PM

Exactly, it's just stupid. Maybe like...a few people in an average community, but other than one. Seriously? That's sick! I'mma write that down...maybe my cousin and I'll be able to see it at some point. She'll be over for that day, my parents are seeing P!nk live...which is unfair.

By lolzirish on Jan 2, 2013 at 2:55 PM

i never have, no one ever takes it seriously after a few days, they just go back to the old routine. i can't wait for february 15th, though, there's supposed to be a meteor passing between the earth and the moon, according to NASA :P

By Riverfang on Jan 1, 2013 at 2:16 PM

Ohhhkay hahaha. Nice! YES! Happy New Year! I've decided I will not make a resolution, since I never stick to mine anyway, and just try to make this a better year. It's new and open for possibilities.

By lolzirish on Jan 1, 2013 at 7:35 AM

haha, no, it's not that old! :L that's like my one. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

By Riverfang on Dec 31, 2012 at 4:28 PM

OMG A NOKIA! Like this: heh heh heh nice! Ohhhh! 911, yeah, I should've guessed.

By lolzirish on Dec 27, 2012 at 3:06 PM

haha, well i don't have to worry about my phone... it's a NOKIA! :D When it hits the floor, it doesn't break, it breaks the floor :L A&E stands for Accident and Emergency, so basically if you're injured, etc. or you could always go for 999 (or 911 in america)

By Riverfang on Dec 26, 2012 at 10:04 AM

Haha, well he's not alone then! I've broken many of my phones in a desperate attempt NOT to break them. I will :D A&E? Am I assuming correctly that, that's a medical service? Or?

By lolzirish on Dec 25, 2012 at 10:46 AM

my brother always loses or breaks his mobile in one way or another, "it fell in the fountain", "it fell down the toilet (3 times this happened)", etc. Have fun, and i would suggest putting A&E on speed-dial!

By lolzirish on Dec 25, 2012 at 10:45 AM

my brother always loses or breaks his mobile in one way or another, "it fell in the fountain", "it fell down the toilet (3 times this happened)", etc. Have fun, and i would suggest putting A&E on speed-dial!

By Riverfang on Dec 23, 2012 at 12:08 PM

LOL! Ako taco, is what we say lately. My dad would be like, *One look.* *Leaves.* *Later.* "So how was the movie?" :D yay! I love my grandparents. Well it sounds like a fun Christmas! I usually go to my bestfriend's New Years Eve party...last year I broke my phone, the year before I accidentally slit my elbow open, the year before I broke one of my teeth in half...yes, it seems I am always breaking or hurting things. :/ well at least you get to see them!!!

By lolzirish on Dec 23, 2012 at 10:18 AM

ya, one time i was watching a movie with my brother and sister, and my dad came in and watched the start, and all you could hear is a girl moaning, and a guy with his head coming up from under her skirt... totes awky momo, as my friend says :L my grandparents will be up on xmas day, and then i'll be going off to cousins, etc. on other days, and on new year's eve, we'll be having family friends up, who we only see once a year, even though they only live about 20 mins away :L

By Riverfang on Dec 22, 2012 at 5:49 PM

Yeah, basically. Haha yes, I'm a girl! It's all right, sometimes when I'm talking to someone I'm like, "Yeah,...person!" :L no, haha. YES! Exactly! That awkward moment when one of your parents chooses the exact moment of the ONE and ONLY sex scene in the movie to walk in and you're like, *Shoves popcorn into mouth intently, looking away.* My plans for Christmas?, sleep, open presents, the same ol' :D Actually, I'm doing Christmas with my parents first, then Christmas with my step-dad's parents, and then going to my Aunt's house for the rest of the day. On Christmas Eve every year I see my actual dad's family, but I don't talk to him much...oh well X) how about you?

By lolzirish on Dec 19, 2012 at 5:27 AM

Hello :) Any plans for Xmas?

By lolzirish on Dec 8, 2012 at 12:52 PM

sweatshirt? is that basically a hoodie/jumper? oh, so you're a girl? haha, sorry, i'm really bad at determining gender, i thought you meant 'boy issue' in a diferrent way :L ya, i don't have much my age anyway.. ya, it does sound boring.. either way i'd probably watch a dvd, but at least if they're gone i dont have to worry about them walking past when a random sex scene pops up out of nowhere! :L

By Riverfang on Dec 2, 2012 at 8:32 AM

Brr...brr. I'm still a sweatshirt wearer but I might have to be wearing a coat soon. Eh just this girl Jess likes the guy I like and he stares at me a lot but everyone keeps saying he likes her. -_- it's quite confusing. Ouch, I don't know what I'd do without my cousins. They're so funny. It's too bad yours live far away. It is boring...very boring. Sometimes they do and I sit at home and eat food but sometimes they stay and hog the living room.

By lolzirish on Dec 1, 2012 at 10:26 AM

its getting colder now, slowly but surely, and even went down to -3'C one night. what kind of troubles/issues? i barely ever see my cousins, because my closest live 20-30mins away, and some more than an hour, and 2 are in australia and one in london. that sounds boring ¬_¬ do they even go out on saturday night?