The latest from SemperSolus

Check it out! SemperSolus has a new profile picture!
SemperSolus SemperSolus made a new lol

I don't even know what language this is.

I don't even know what language this is.
Check it out! SemperSolus has a new profile picture!
Check it out! SemperSolus has a new profile picture!
SemperSolus SemperSolus and EAVF92 are now Cheezburger friends
SemperSolus SemperSolus and PxOxGx are now Cheezburger friends
SemperSolus SemperSolus favorited a lol

Oh man, that blows.

Oh man, that blows.
SemperSolus SemperSolus and HaseoATC are now Cheezburger friends
SemperSolus SemperSolus and Voice.of.Reason are now Cheezburger friends
SemperSolus SemperSolus uploaded Video

Communication Problems

SemperSolus SemperSolus and BPlante are now Cheezburger friends
SemperSolus SemperSolus and TehDooche are now Cheezburger friends
SemperSolus SemperSolus and Unkodave are now Cheezburger friends
Check it out! SemperSolus has a new profile picture!
SemperSolus SemperSolus uploaded Video




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