Messages between Shani-saurus and AnOldCowhand

By AnOldCowhand on Jan 5, 2012 at 2:06 PM

By Shani-saurus on Jan 4, 2012 at 3:06 AM

Thank you for the Christmas and New Year greetings James. And I wish you, too, and wonderful New Year ahead, with lots of blessings and joy and good health. Sorry I was not around much over the last couple of weeks, especially to return your Christmas greeting in time. My husband threw off his back (he has a weak disk on his spine) so I was too wrapped up in helping him get around.

By AnOldCowhand on Jan 3, 2012 at 2:39 PM

I missed stopping by to say Happy New Year, Shani. I hope 2012 treats you well. - James

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 24, 2011 at 10:19 PM

Merry Christmas, Shani. I have truly enjoyed getting to know you these last few weeks and I look forward to continuing our chats.

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 13, 2011 at 3:39 PM

I have noticed regional differences like that in Mexican food too. A chicken en mole from Zacatecas is different than one from Sonora and both are different from Chiapas. So, have you got a favorite curry that you'll share the recipe for? >I'm not sure where my Dad was stationed actually. He was in the Army Air Corps and I know some of the towns where he was based but I don't remember him ever mentioning the base names. >My background? Well, I grew up in southern California. My grandparents had a cattle ranch in the mountains of Ventura County so I grew up working on the ranch. After my Dad died and my uncles took over the ranch I just kind drew away from it and started cutting the emotional ties to the place. I studied manufacturing engineering in college thinking that a career path in engineering might enable me to afford to get my own cattle operation going some day, but that hasn't worked out so well. Not much else to tell really. I still like to get out and hunt and fish and pack into the backcountry, especially the High Sierras, but I haven't had much time for that lately either :-(

By Shani-saurus on Dec 10, 2011 at 1:53 AM

Thank you! Yeah we do have a pretty long culture - some Indian (Hindu) legends record a pretty advanced civilization in Lanka as far back as around 2500 BC and a king who had a "flying machine". Our recorded history of the known kingdoms go back to 6th century BC. During this trip my husband and I visited some of the ruins of one of the early kingdoms actually. It's amazing how they built 8-storey buildings with running water and everything back then! As far as the Sri Lankan and Indian food go, the basics are pretty similar, but if you are familiar with the two cuisines you can smell/taste a dish and tell a difference. And yes, the food of North and South India are different. They have a huge variety in their dishes based on the region of origin. Indians use Ghee (clarified butter) in their cooking which gives dishes a distinct taste. We mostly use coconut oil. I do cook Indian food sometimes (my husband loves Butter Chicken :D) and their various flat breads, but personally I prefer Sri Lankan curries. Our food it hotter than Indian though. Don't worry about the questions - I like to talk about my country. In fact, just before we went to SL I did a presentation about it at a Women's Retreat in Minnesota, which was fun. Was your dad at Ft. Bliss? It's grown pretty big now, but we have several military friends attached to it. Tell me about your background too...especially the "Old Cow Hand" handle :D. By the way, if you're on Facebook and feel like it, pls add me and you can see pics of SL from our trip. The surname's Dexter.

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 9, 2011 at 9:36 AM

Well, I'm glad the war has ended but it is too bad that it was a backdrop to most of your life. I'm also very sorry for the loss of your cousin. I've done a little bit of reading and I must confess I was totally unaware of the depth and age of your culture. I must read more. Oooo...I've never had occasion to visit Texas (although my Dad was stationed near El Paso for a while during WWII) but now I have incentive :-D (I love sampling ethnic cuisine). Everything you listed sounds very appealing. I eat at a local Indian restaurant on occasion, does Sri Lankan cooking vary considerably? I was told once that food (and tastes) from northern Indian is very different from southern India so I would presume that semi-isolation on an island would also have led to differences. Sorry for the 20 questions but I love learning about new to me...insofar as I have never been there or met anyone from there before :-)

By Shani-saurus on Dec 9, 2011 at 8:33 AM

The war ended in the May of 2009, few months before I left Sri Lanka. I was very fortunate to see the end of it before I left, since it's been going on pretty much all my life and the effects of it were not very pleasant on any of us, even those who were not directly involved in it in any way. With the tsunami, while my home town was not affected, I did lose a much loved cousin to it unfortunately. He was working at a hotel in an area that was totally wiped out. The country has recovered physically from both the war and the tsunami, but the emotional scars still remain. Tasty Sri Lankan dishes, I like rice with coconut sambol, dried fish fried, beef curry, fried bitter-gourd salad and egg hoppers :D. If you ever come down to El Paso, let me know, we'd be happy to cook you a Sri Lankan meal :)

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 9, 2011 at 8:06 AM

I wasn't aware that the war with the Tamil Tigers had ended. Hopefully it ended well for the nation and the people. So what are some tasty Sri Lankan dishes? Were you affected at all by the tsunami in 2004?

By Shani-saurus on Dec 9, 2011 at 7:17 AM

Thanks James! Yup, SL is pretty much about half-way around the world from El Paso. It's been 2 years since I left SL so it was good to go back and visit family and gorge on all my ethnic favorites :D. I also got to see some parts of the country that I was never able to visit before because of a long war. Thanks again for your help with the collectibles and for the offer of help during future times off :). That's very sweet of you and I appreciate your kindness :)

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 8, 2011 at 9:22 AM

Good morning Shani, Glad you surfaced safe and sound :-) Sri Lanka eh? That's a fur piece from El Paso. Next time you decide to take off let me know and I'll make sure you stay up to date. I'll let you finish out this week on your own and then I'll check in to see what you need to finish on Sunday or Monday. Thanks for checkin' in. - James

By Shani-saurus on Dec 8, 2011 at 7:57 AM

Hi James! Thank you so much for checking up on me and also for keeping me up to date on the collectibles with all your gifts. It was so thoughtful of you! I am ok - was on vacation back home in Sri Lanka, visiting family and attending my brother's wedding. Didn't have much internet access while there though, just too much running around and unpredictable connections. Met some nice kittehs and goggies while we were there too! :D Thanks again! *hugs* ~Shani

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 4, 2011 at 12:03 PM

Hey Shani, I noticed that you haven't been on for a little bit. I hope all is well and that you're just gettin a li'l vacation.- James

By AnOldCowhand on Oct 19, 2011 at 7:43 AM

Aw, shucks...yer makin' me blush.

By Shani-saurus on Oct 19, 2011 at 2:12 AM

Fank yoo so much fur kompleeting mai "Hao Peepul View Meh" set! Ai owe yoo big taim for dis, buddy! Yoo'r da bestest! *hugz*

By Shani-saurus on Oct 18, 2011 at 2:22 AM

Thank you, my dear cheezfrend! You're the best :)

By AnOldCowhand on Oct 17, 2011 at 11:26 PM

I got you covered.

By Shani-saurus on Oct 17, 2011 at 3:43 PM

Thank you sooooo much for the Golf Clubs collectible to complete my Dr. Tiny Cat set! I was traveling and missed some of last week's collectibles :(. If you have any other extras that I don't have, I'd love to take 'em ;)

By AnOldCowhand on Aug 14, 2011 at 8:34 AM

Any time.

By Shani-saurus on Aug 14, 2011 at 6:09 AM

Thank you so much for the Burgers Away!!! :D You just make my day! (LOL! Didn't realize that rhymed! XD)

By Shani-saurus on Aug 13, 2011 at 11:47 PM

Hi Cheezfrend! May I ask a favor? I see that you have a bunch of "Burgers Away" collectibles. Would you mind sending one my way if you don't mind? I keep getting all the others except that one and I'm so bummed that I may not get to complete my set :(. Cheers!

By AnOldCowhand on Jun 30, 2011 at 1:34 PM

You're very welcome. Since they are cutting off all but the LOLrus collektys tomorrow, I'm trying to fill out my bestest cheezpeeps' dance cards. With the new one week limit (that I'm fighting) I don't know how much help I'll be in the future. If you would like to register your dismay:

By Shani-saurus on Jun 30, 2011 at 1:22 PM

Hai cheezfrend! Fank yoo so much fur da kollektible!! It kompleted mai kollekshun! :)

By Shani-saurus on Dec 10, 2010 at 9:24 PM

O hai. No problem. Ai found mai frend sumfin else they needed, so all good.

By AnOldCowhand on Dec 10, 2010 at 7:47 AM

Hi. I just discovered my messages (I'm a little slow sometimes). I would have traded for the Invisible Trophy but I see I'm too late. Oh well. I'm hoping to trade for a Band-Aid now. I keep getting elf shooz and Santa hats and sweaters but no basement cat stuff. Phooey.

By Shani-saurus on Dec 3, 2010 at 3:25 AM

PS: Also haf an xtra Invisible Trophy if yoo wud prefur dat. De corm is fur a friend, not meh akshually (ai alreddy has wun).

By Shani-saurus on Dec 2, 2010 at 10:23 AM

O hai cheezfrend! Fanks for the add. Wud yoo be interested in trading a corm fur a paer uf Elf Shooz?