Shensara's Favorites

liddle kitteh cracks himself up

Four Feet in Heaven

Oh... a wise

Fishi, fishi, in da streem, R u az nommi as u seem? Down dere in the cold an wet, Ai ain gotz to taist u yet! Swimz up here, swimz rite nao den Ai catchez u wif mai pao.

VIDEO: Teh Reel Singin Kitteh

He's Out To Get Me!

Waht Form Waht Grace Don Gets ani Better!

Ma baloney haz a furst name...Itz NOM!

Cyoot Kitteh of teh Day: Dey Will Neber Eben Notise Itz Gone!



DATs hims ovr dere - 1 who say u smell like wet dog!

WAIT!!! U furgot us

ok the catnips in the....ohh uhh just look cute I think we just got busted

Dis how you look when u came home las nite

teh older i getz teh more infuriating i feelz wen moronz waste my precious time

dat baloney haz a furst naim, m - i - n - e -e, MINE !

Top of the Food Chain

U gibs meez foreber home?? Iz promize tew beez gud...ish

i love u

Itteh bitteh kitteh SLEEPOVER!

throwz the chees poof I cans catched it

Yu pwomis mii we aint going tu teh V.E.T.'s adn ai pwomis nawt tu suk yur eyz owt, kthnx

Consheyenshus Awtomotif Kitteh Finks yu be tuu silleh to dribe

Dat's riet! It aint yur tern tu hab teh famblee bwayne sell tudai izzit?1!

Wen ai iz sad mai boks halps mii Butt tudai ai needz sum hugs tuu...

Hey, iffn yu wants tu studee muskels, yu ken puts doan dat silleh buuk adn studee mai ana-tummy


Dek teh halz wif bosof hollee, Falalalala, la la, la, LA!!!

Mittens expresses love of gushifud, squeaky mouses, catnip and naps through the medium of dans


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