Messages between SilentWing and smokyzmom

By smokyzmom on Mar 11, 2014 at 8:03 AM

Hi sweetie, Hope you and the babies are healthy and happy, I miss you think about you but can't message good on this new website, Your bestest cheezbud, Lee

By SilentWing on Mar 12, 2012 at 10:32 AM

Thanks Lee :) And thank you for being so thrilled for me *hugs* I hope you start feeling better very soon. Please keep me updated when you can on how you're doing. In the meantime I hope you're happy and getting plenty of rest *moar hugs*

By smokyzmom on Mar 10, 2012 at 6:51 AM

K, For you sweetie, anything. Don't apologize, I'm so very thrilled that you have the job you've searched for for so long, are enjoying 'real life" as opposed to the "cyber time" you were spending, and Luke to officially call your own. Enjoy your time, Luke the babies, ect... And get some sleep! I hope I bounce back soon too, Ever your friend, Lee

By SilentWing on Mar 9, 2012 at 2:42 PM

Oh gee, what kind of friend am I that I didn't stop by to wish you a Happy Birthday :( I hope it was a really reallly really great one! Lots of extra big hugs for you! Sometime we should swap e-mail addresses if you're interested. Maybe that would make it easier to keep in touch? By the way, WatogaSP asked me to copy and paste this for you: Hi, Kristen! I'm still working as part of the "Collectibles Co-Op in helping other collectibles needy CFs fill their collections. I saw that SmokyzMom, Lee, is willing to help w. relaying colls. My question is, would you mind asking her if she would send some my way if I tell you what is needed? Also, would you mind being one of the "middle men" in the relays? I hate to just FR someone & turn right around & req. colls. However, I have had 4 or 5 CheezPeeps agree to be CFs just during the colls. frenzy. A couple of them turned out to share similar interests & sense of humor w. me, so we have stayed CFs. The others & I mutually agreed to unfriend after the colls. relays w. no hard feelings. Would you mind copying & posting this msg to Lee? Thanks!--------------- If you want to accept her friend request she is a great person and a good friend to have. Here's hoping you're feeling better *hugs*

By SilentWing on Mar 2, 2012 at 2:42 PM

Hiya Lee! SO glad to hear from you!! Thanks for all of the congrats and wonderful wishes *many hugs*. I'm so sorry to hear about being off of work on medical leave, I hope it's nothing too bad :( I miss hearing from you too, but as long as I know you're ok I'm happy about that. Hope Smoky and Murray are still doing great as well *moar hugs*

By smokyzmom on Mar 1, 2012 at 11:30 AM

Kristen, Conga-rats on both your new job and hubby(Luke's not new but his title is) Happy Birthday sweetie!!!!!I can't believe so much time has gone by, bt I'm off work for awhile on medical and hope to have a speedy recovery. Miss you like crazy and wish you joy, health and hapiness. Lee(say 'hi" to AOC for me):)

By SilentWing on Jan 20, 2012 at 5:29 AM

Hiya Lee :) No need to be sorry for being busy, or for not being online... I completely understand. I'll say extra prayers for ya (been saying them all along). Here's wishing you good luck too *hugs* We'll catch up when you can.

By smokyzmom on Jan 20, 2012 at 2:19 AM

I'm busy as a bee and puter problems, sorry I haven't been online in weeks, even months....holding on trying to keep my job....wish me luck, no pray for me, that would be better... Headbonks right back at'cha... Lee

By SilentWing on Jan 18, 2012 at 6:31 AM

Hiya Lee! Gosh I haven't heard from you since Thanksgibin'... I hope everything is ok with you and your kittehs! I would imagine January is a very busy time for you since so many people get sick over the winter. Here's hoping all is ok, and if you could just drop me even a quick note to say you're alright it'd be greatly appreciated *lotsa hugs and headbonkz*

By SilentWing on Dec 31, 2011 at 7:49 AM

Hi Lee! Just wanted to drop by and wish you a very-super-Happy New Year! I hope you have a wonderful New Year's Eve as well! Here's hoping for much less stress and maybe some more free time in 2012! *hugs*

By SilentWing on Dec 25, 2011 at 12:58 PM

Ohai Lee! I'd never forget to drop by and wish you and your daughter and your kittehs all a Very Merry Christmas! Here's hoping you're having a truly wonderful one! Thanks for being such a great friend, and here's hoping you're doing very well *hugs*

By SilentWing on Nov 24, 2011 at 4:56 PM

Aww thanks Lee ^.^ It's been a wonderful Thanksgiving, and even better now that I've heard from you :) I hope you had a wonderful day as well, and no thanks needed... your friendship is worth it's weight in gold, let along collectibles :D *Hugz*

By smokyzmom on Nov 24, 2011 at 3:19 PM

Happiest of Turkey Days sweetie, I hope you and Luke have a fabulous day, with lots of play time and appreciation for your babies, Jade Rain and Ginger! Lub them up and always remember how fortunate you are to have him,them and your health!!!! Your positive attitude helps alot too! Always your friend, and I give thanks for all you do for me, Lee

By SilentWing on Nov 24, 2011 at 10:24 AM

Ohai Lee ^.^ I definitely could never forget to wish you and your kittehs and your daughter a wonderfully Happy Thanksgiving! Here's hoping for a very relaxing day for you. I hope all is well on your end and you're taking care of yourself and keeping warm. *BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG Hugz* lub ya!

By SilentWing on Oct 24, 2011 at 6:03 AM

Hi Lee ^.^ I'm so glad to hear from you! Of course we're happy to help you out with your collectibles. You've always been super generous with others and now that you've got so much on your plate it's only natural for us to help you out :D I'm glad to hear that you love your job, but I sure hope that you're trying to take as much time as possible to rest. Hopefully your ulcers aren't acting up anymore, just remember to take breaks and take care of yourself. I agree, it's amazing how fast this year has gone by, time has really been flying lately. Since Joe left for med school it's all been a blurr of activity. I've had a few job interviews (same bank but different branches) and I'm still waiting to hear from two, I didn't make the cut for the first. With the economy the way it is I don't *expect* anything, but I still hope for it :) In the meantime I'm still applying to places and seeing where that goes. I also can't believe how close Christmas is, it's almost Halloween and it seems like just yesterday we were entering into the first days of September. Time to break out the dog sweaters for the girls lol. The little ones get colder than Jade does, but I still like to keep Jade as warm as possible once the temperatures really start to dip down. Best of luck with keeping up with your job, and thanks for taking the time to write *BIIIIIIIIIG Hugz*

By smokyzmom on Oct 22, 2011 at 8:41 AM

Hi sweetie!! Long time no get online, I'm so amazed and awed that you, AOCH, azrael_xf, KingDun for a start, have done such a wonderful and generous job of keeping my collys updated and complete!! I don't know how I can thank you!! Since there are no words, I'll stop. Work is wonderful, stressful, amazing, time-consuming, inspiring, and so much more. I'm so blessed to have this job at this time. I can't believe I am still learning something new every day. My field is evolving so fast, I can't keep up, nor would I want to I think. Unfortunately, it has been taxing my health, it's been hard in that respect. Some days I feel myself slipping, but on others, I'm too busy to even think about myself. But I'm always thankful, and always thinking about you, hoping you find something soon you like, can you believe it's going to be a year soon that we met? Thanksgiving is coming up then Christmas, and things will get really crazy then. I know, I keep waiting for things to settle down but it hasn't yet. I just keep on keepin' on, no choice, thats the only alternative. You take good care now and thank everyone who's been helping me finish my collys, especially you and AOCH. Don't ever take your helth for granted, enjoy it each day, and live your life to the fullest. Which I think you are doing now, but, anyways....I'm sounding like a Hallmark greeting card.. Warmest hugz and headbops, Your bestest cheezbud, at least from my viewpoint;) Lee

By SilentWing on Oct 5, 2011 at 5:53 AM

Hiya Lee ^.^ Just wanted to let you know in case you do get a chance to get on the 'puter... the third set of Yaris collectibles can be gotten by visiting two pages here: ................ I know that site can be a bit of a pain in the behind to find.

By SilentWing on Sep 30, 2011 at 6:14 AM

Hai Lee! I'm so sorry to hear that you haven't been feeling well. I hope you're feeling much better by now. Hehe, high maintenance kittehs are adorable, but tiring to look after. I hope your daughter has a safe and wonderful trip. Hope things get a lot better for you too, and a happy friday to you too! Have a great weekend *hugz*

By smokyzmom on Sep 30, 2011 at 3:12 AM

Hi sweetie, thanks for checking in. It's been a hard week, I got a UTI(shiver\0 and didn't treat it quick enough. Then had side effects from the Bactrim, yuck. My daughter went to Fla to see my parents, which I'm thrilled about, but I have to care for her babies, who are DEFINITELY high maintenance. So I can't wait for her to come home. Happy Friday!!!!! Enjoy, Lee

By SilentWing on Sep 26, 2011 at 5:56 AM

Ohai Lee ^.^ Just checking in to see how you're doing. Hope everything is great with you and your kittehs *hugz*

By SilentWing on Sep 7, 2011 at 3:01 PM

Always happy to help you out Lee, yer an amazing friend *hugz and headbonkz, and some aspirin fer the tweetin birds* :)

By smokyzmom on Sep 7, 2011 at 2:56 PM

YOU TWO ROCK!!!!!!! THANKS FOR FINISHING MY COLLYS!!!!!!! Headbonks all around(but the little birdies tweeting around my brainpan are a little distracting!!!!) Lee

By SilentWing on Aug 30, 2011 at 5:28 AM

Well thank you again :) Me and AOCH always make sure you're taken care of first, after that I have a couple more friends I keep an eye on, but if someone asks me for one I always try to help. Hope you have a wonderful day *hugz*

By smokyzmom on Aug 30, 2011 at 1:04 AM

No, I'm not saving anything for someone, I just look around and see who needs my extras. But you and AOCH are always the first on my list to get my extras, ALWAYS. Problem is, you guys are full up, always helping everyone else. Lee

By SilentWing on Aug 29, 2011 at 6:45 PM

Aww thanks Lee, but don't ever feel obligated, if you're saving something I can more than understand *hugz and lubs* and thank you for the FP congratz too! I miss having you around, but as long as I know you're happy, then I'm happy ^.^

By smokyzmom on Aug 29, 2011 at 4:56 PM

Frog sent, anything for you sweetie, with all you do for me, how can I say no|?? Miss you, Hugs and head bop. Conga rats on your FP!!!!!!! Lee

By SilentWing on Aug 28, 2011 at 7:58 AM

Oh wow, it is always something! That's great that your daughter's cat walks on a harness, I always thought cat harnesses were a great idea. That way the kitty can go out without the owner having to worry about it running away ^.^ Sorry to hear that Smokey and Murray still aren't getting along. Is Murray at least behaving himself better? Last I heard he was peeing on walls. Thanks for sending those collectibles over ^.^ And for taking the time to write too! So glad to hear from you again *big hugz* loves ya <3

By smokyzmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 6:55 PM

Wait strike that, the cats been sent frog comes over to you tomorrow!!! Smoky and Bill Murray are status quo, no changes. My daughters cat has been looking forward to her walkies outside when her harness comes out. It's hilarious to see her walking along the street!!She really gets second looks, and third! Lee

By smokyzmom on Aug 27, 2011 at 6:47 PM

Now it's summer vacations and a new Team Lead, its always something. Of course I'll send you the frog now, the other tomorrow. Lee

By SilentWing on Aug 26, 2011 at 11:22 AM

Hey Lee ^.^ I've got a pal who could use a watermellon cat and a bachelor frog if you can spare them? Hope everything is great with you, I'm really glad you love your job so much with how hard you've been working. Is there any projected time when you won't be as busy? Or is it going to stay busy for quite a while? Haven't heard much about Smokey and Murray either, hope all is well with them. *many hugz*