Messages between TampaAnna and WatogaSP

By WatogaSP on Feb 14, 2012 at 2:49 PM

Please see my EchoPoint msg. posted at Feb 14, 2012 at 2:16 PM

By WatogaSP on Feb 14, 2012 at 1:45 PM

By WatogaSP on Dec 21, 2011 at 3:56 PM

Thanks so much for the cute Christmas card. It was just what I needed when I reached our mailbox! [ I don't have a vehicle since Hubby isn't back yet & our mailbox is 1 mile away from our residence .] ;-P With all that has been going on, I haven't gotten out to our own place where our Christmas items inc. cards are stored in our garage. So, I hope that I'll get some e-mail cards sent. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

By TampaAnna on Mar 7, 2010 at 11:17 AM

I'd forgotten about the tennis courts. Working the hours that I did, I wasn't able to avail myself of the facilities. But now that you mention it, ... weren't the tennis courts on the same level as Firestone Lodge? I seem to think that both venues shared the parking lot. Or maybe the courts were behind the 2nd Admin parking lot and the cemetary was on the level below with Firestone Lodge? It's only been 30 years, how could I have forgotten? ... I'm not a golfer either. I once dated a doctor, but the romance soured when he tried to take me golfing. According to him, my divits were more on the order of major excavation! Oh well, I thought that it was a pretty dumb game; I still do, in fact!

By TampaAnna on Mar 7, 2010 at 11:02 AM

Verona Maple Hall! No, my memory is not that good, but Google does a terrific job if you know how to search. At any rate, here's the link that brought it all back ... ... Apparently, the ghosts of GSC are active to this day!

By TampaAnna on Mar 7, 2010 at 10:08 AM

Shoot, I was hoping that you could recall the name of that dormitory. I was employed at GSC from 77-80; at that time, the old dorm was rumoured to be haunted. In fact, it seemed to be quite the fun for soroities to cart their passed-out (from drink) pledges up to the dorm and leave them inside. I can remember the campus police being involved in a number of instances with hysterical pledglings! At any rate, you are correct in that the dorm was named after a woman, but the initials W and S aren't ringing any bells.

By TampaAnna on Mar 7, 2010 at 7:38 AM

Re the eldercare, it sounds as though your shoulders were wide indeed. We do our best with as much grace, patience and understanding as we can muster. And, at the end of the day, that's all that anyone can ask.

By TampaAnna on Mar 5, 2010 at 12:14 PM

OK, do you remember the name of the dorm that sat off from the science building. During the time that I was at GSC, that dorm was closed and sat vacant. In fact, I believe that it had been labeled as unsafe, although there were still no plans for its demolition when I left in 80. You know, I had forgotten about the cemetary! It was behind LB and visible from the parking lot above Firestone Lodge, wasn't it? Do you remember the driveway up to the administration building? With a front-wheel drive vehicle, it didn' take me long to realize that the only way I was going up that drive was in reverse!

By TampaAnna on Mar 4, 2010 at 1:02 PM

Ah ha! Wildlife Management explains a lot! In our "neck of the woods," I don't have the opportunity to shoot much any more. We go to the firing range occassionally, but the only weapon that I have these days is a little 9mm ruger. I cannot tell you the last time that I fired any kind of rifle; it may have been back in my Glenville days! Your Nik sounds like a wonderful and protective companion. Our Mamma Lady used to drag me around the block at 3:30 in the morning. The neighborhood isn't overly dangerous, but I wouldn't call it safe either. Anyway, with an 80lb shephard-border collie mix on the tether, I never had a spot of trouble!

By TampaAnna on Mar 2, 2010 at 12:51 PM

Hubby mom is 79? Mine is 84. And I'll bet that they're both just as stubborn as can be! I remember Cedar Creek SP. And I can commiserate with you about not falling into a category. I was in my early 20s, but on the staff. It was very difficult to procure lodging when I first moved to Glenville because of my young age. And, since I was not a student, I couldn't live in the dorm. I got the LBH apt when it became available since I was staff.

By TampaAnna on Mar 2, 2010 at 12:46 PM

Heaven, I remember the bake sales and some of the "special" brownies and cookies! At the time that I was at GSC, Pickens and Louis Bennett were the only two dorms in operation. In fact, an entire wing of LB was offices with two private apartments. It used to be quite the conversation stopper whenever I announced that I lived in Louis Bennett. Especially when someone would exclaim, "But, that's the men's dormitory" and I would wink while replying, "Yes, I know!" I have fond memories of Patrick Gainer, Dr. Turner and Fern Rollyson. There are quite a few people who touched my heart in the three years that I worked there. Webster County - I knew a family in Sand Fork with relatives there. The names of the towns escape me just now, but I can remember driving up into the mountains with them in order to find relief from the summer's heat. At any rate, please accept my condolences for the loss of your family friend.

By TampaAnna on Mar 2, 2010 at 12:33 PM

OK, Campus Pub. I had forgotten about The House Of The Rising Sun. But not the old hotel. I once stumbled into a poker game and peering down the barrel of a gun pointed at your nose is not something that is forgettable! The street in front of Pickens Hall was called College Hill. I used to have and pull my groceries up that damned hill when it was iced. One early evening, i was pulling my provision-loaded sled, minding my own business, when a kid's voice hollered, "Look out!" Down the hill came three boys on cafeteria trays. They hit me and I slid from 3/4 up-the-hill to down across main street. My groceries were everywhere and the boys were nowhere! Come to think of it, I'm not so certain that I'd call that a cherished memory!

By TampaAnna on Feb 27, 2010 at 10:20 AM

I'd love to see photos. Just be certain to include WatogaSP in the subject line of your 1st email so that I will know it's from you. Actually, if you'll include your name, I'll create an address book entry and then my spam filter will pass your messages to my inbox.

By TampaAnna on Feb 23, 2010 at 12:26 PM

(cont.) You mentioned the hippies. When I was in Glenville, we used to hang out at a little bar by the bridge called the campus pub. Inside, the mose diverse collection of peoples would mingle - sometimes not so well. Let's see ... you had the native mountaineers, some "townies", a very diverse group of students from all over the US and some foreign nationalities, hippies to whom the 60s had been VERY good and bikers! Yep, there used to be some entertaining mixers once the beer started flowing!

By TampaAnna on Feb 23, 2010 at 12:20 PM

Oh, before I forget (not bad manner, mind you. My memory leaks like a sieve!), I wanted to thank you for the Link to MorningStar FolkArts. I'm also enjoying the Native Ground Music website. Actually, if they are not paying you a commission, they should be! Good Grief! I've not thought of Mike Morningstar in years, but I enjoyed his music as well. (cont.)

By TampaAnna on Feb 23, 2010 at 12:08 PM

(cont.) Now you've got me started. In this article - - there's a great photo of Alan and Frank at the 2003 Folk Festival in Glenville. I can remember many an afternoon spent in Frank's music store just listening to him play. Looks like I'll be ordering a number of CDs - I had no idea that Alan's career had taken off so well!

By TampaAnna on Feb 23, 2010 at 12:01 PM

No, not Black Mountain Boys. I'm talking about an album named Black Mountain Dulcimer that was recorded by Alan Freeman and Frank Beall of Glenville. I remember Frank from his "downtown" music store. So, I've been poking around, and darned if I didn't find more of Alan's music at - just scroll down. Alan has 6 recordings now! (cont.)

By TampaAnna on Feb 22, 2010 at 7:09 AM

I was right! The album is Black Mountain Dulcimer and was recorded by Alan Freeman and Frank Beal. Alan and his wife lived on a hilltop farm outside of Grantsville. Frank had a music shop in Glenville.

By TampaAnna on Feb 21, 2010 at 3:24 PM

Thanks for calling my attention to your new pics; indeed they did bring a smile to my face. Dulcimer! I have a recording made by 2 fellows in Glenville pairing dulcimer and guitar. I haven't seen it in years, but I believe that the album was named Black Mountain Dulcimer. Or maybe not. So, that's my mission for tomorrow. I'm going to unearth the vinyl and copy the music to MP3! I'll keep you posted!

By TampaAnna on Dec 29, 2009 at 12:33 PM

Wishing you all the best in 2010 ...

By TampaAnna on Dec 28, 2009 at 7:53 AM

So, did you get your Christmas kitty? It's going to take a bit of time for me to catch up after Christmas. Hope that your day was happy and that Sandy Paws bought you everything nice.

By TampaAnna on Dec 21, 2009 at 1:29 PM

By TampaAnna on Dec 6, 2009 at 7:22 AM

Ha – I worked at GSC from 77-80! Small world, isn’t it? And I was born at the USMC Recruit Depot Paris Island, so Marines have a special place in my heart. Yeah – I have begun to have concerns with one of my younger friends of which you wrote. Having raised 3 boys, I am still young at-heart myself. However, I might have mistaken immaturity for loneliness – although I do want to give it a bit longer to see how it plays out. Thanks for the advisory; I’ll keep you posted.

By TampaAnna on Dec 5, 2009 at 1:15 PM

Oh hai nu cheeze fren! Where in WV are you? I've lived in Glenville and Parkersburg. And we're both born in August. I've enjoyes scrolling thru your lols and I see you've found my misguided stork - hoping to make a series of those. Thanks for inviting me to friend with you; I think that we'll have fun. McGruder and Wally send *purrs* to Nik.