Messages between TheArchfiend and hopioh

By hopioh on Jan 18, 2012 at 8:11 AM

Hello! Me and my friends did a new stoner comic, plz see it, rate it, comment it. Ty so much so your help. Hugs and Kiss from stoner5

By hopioh on Jan 3, 2012 at 3:30 PM

Hello!! We release today a new stoner comic, yes another adventure of the stoner man. The new comic: --- if u want to know the rest of the history go on the comment’s... And if u didn’t see the old stoner comics the links are: and -------------- Please we like you to vote, comment and send us messages, because we like to have some feedback about the work we do... Thanks for everything (the stoner 5)

By hopioh on Jan 1, 2012 at 5:02 PM

Happy New Year!! We don’t forget that we promise one stoner comic every two weeks so we will release one more in days, so if u dint see the 2 comics that we have, please see it in the links: And it means the world to us if u rate it and comment... This way I know if u are liking the comics or not... Please feel free to send me comments whit advises to the future stoner comics. TY for your attention The Stoner 5