Messages between TikkyTac and Elka

By Elka on Jan 23, 2012 at 6:18 AM

Dat muss be the patient model ob the paintinz. Mizz Jane is lovely!

By TikkyTac on Jan 20, 2012 at 8:24 PM

O fankyu Elka, datz such a naise complymink! Iz eezie tu paynt pixchurz ob beyootimuss animlolz lyke mai Jane kitteh cuz I lubz tu duing it. Minny hugz tu yu! {{{{{{{{{Elka}}}}}}}}

By Elka on Jan 20, 2012 at 2:31 AM

Dis be a paintin by U???? *gasp* U haz a Hudge Talent!

By Elka on Dec 6, 2011 at 11:55 PM

Oh TikkyTac wot beatimuss portrets you made offa kitteh.

By TikkyTac on Jul 14, 2011 at 9:24 AM

Ohai mai deer Elka! Fankyu so much for yore wunnerflol burfingdai wishiz - it maiks me so happi tu haz de fyrewurks adn de caek and de parteeeez!!! Yay! Minny hugz and smoochiez tu yu frum me and Jane & Laurie! {{{{{{{{{{{{deer Elka}}}}}}}}}}}}

By Elka on Jul 14, 2011 at 1:54 AM

Hippy Birffday to U, Hippy Birffday to U, Hippy Birffday dear TikkyTac, Hippy Birffday to UUUUUU!!!! FIRE WORKS!!!!!!!CAKE!!!!!PARTIEZ!!!!!!

By Elka on Jun 16, 2011 at 2:50 AM

Oh, TikkyTac wot happened wif yor fingor!! Call Dr. TinyCat Stat!

By TikkyTac on May 20, 2011 at 12:20 AM

Ohai dere, Elka! Yez, doze am mai kittehz. De blak & wyte wun iz mai gurl Jane, and de blak wun wif de wyte floof betwean himz bak leggiez adn wyte star awn himz chezt iz mai boi Laurie. Deyz bofe sweety pize adn bery bery snuglolable! I wil telling dem dat yoo gabe dem a grate complymink!! Fankyu & Cheezlubz tu yu!

By Elka on May 19, 2011 at 11:54 PM

Ohai, TikkyTac, am dose piktures yur kittehz? Day am so purdy adn snuggleboll!

By TikkyTac on Mar 11, 2011 at 6:22 PM

Ohai Elka! Fankyu so much fur de naise complymint awn mai paynting. Yez, I did dat littlol wun a fyoo weakz agoe, it wuz kind ob an afturthot akshly. Iz frum a dreem dat I had reecintlie, ware de landskaip wuz strainj cullers and partlie reelistik adn partlie reelie weerd! Ihoap yuze doing bery well - hazza wunnerflol week ind!!

By Elka on Mar 11, 2011 at 3:55 AM

Oh, TikkyTac wot a beautimuss pentin you haz dere! Did you pent it?

By Elka on Sep 20, 2010 at 12:26 AM

Ohai TikkyTac, fanxs so match for befrending mi back. I hope you will haz a good week! (i starteded it oll ready in teh nezzerlandz coz we be a liddle ahead ob u guyz). Bi Elka

By TikkyTac on Sep 17, 2010 at 10:22 AM

Ohai Elka! Fankew fur de frend rekwest! Ize happe to be frenz nao! Ize glad yu liekd de Shostykobich mooziks dat I linkd tu in de Tea Rume plais - I lubs de classykool moozik an speshly de opera of awl kines. Butt I also lubs jazz and R&B and pop and jus bowt eberyfing else, too. Hab a guud dai to yu!