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By Kissankello on Dec 20, 2011 at 9:37 AM

Hi Tuutti I saw your Independence days receptions at your blog, you really are a queen at youir castle :) Hoomins have funny habits, like hiding presents. Yet i dont suppose you should help them find the packages, its something to do with surprize, they like. Yeah the fox visited friends garden andwasnt yet white. But there at neighborhood lives a huge white kitteh whom i thought could be ceiling cat. Oh, thanks for the beach ball, you shouldnt, but its really nice -bump, bump-. Have a great week and Merry Christmas wherever you spend it!

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By Kissankello on Dec 19, 2011 at 7:20 AM

Hi Tuutti Just spread the word, we get old and retired collectibles! Write you better latur. have a great day!

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By inspiredbychaos on Dec 15, 2011 at 5:03 PM

Hey cheezbuddy! Glad you could recharge with your long weekend and now you're all done with the big deadlines! That must feel great! Hope you and your boyfriend have fun celebrating his birthday this weekend-- I like how you are being creative and making American-style pancakes. :) My week is going well- got an extracurricular project that will present on Tuesday to finish up and also doing some interview prep. Our summer internship search starts really early in business school and I've already got a few interviews lined up for January. :) My mom is coming to visit for a few days (my sister lives near me) a week from tomorrow (Friday) and I am so excited to see her! Have a fun weekend!!

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By badbonita on Dec 15, 2011 at 4:45 AM

Thanks for completing my collection!

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By Kissankello on Dec 14, 2011 at 9:52 AM

Hi Tuutti Yeah, the same collectibles again and again, and someone else gets another again and again. Well, sharing is fine anyway. My noms last weekend was pasta with fish and tomatosauce, very noms but also fills the belly too much. Mysli cookies sound great, must try sometimes, i think its quite same as the normal oatmealcookies except made with mysli. So nice to hear you have got a new toy. With catnips, so nomicious, nom, nomnom. Did you celebrate Independence Day with it? Have you noticed your hoomins are more busy than usual and try to hide things? Of course they cant hide anything from you but from other hoomins. Last weekend i saw a fox, totally red and so fine. The purrsons had put some fat for birds and maybe the fox was hungry too. Have a grreat weekend :)

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By ljlh1962 on Dec 11, 2011 at 1:11 PM

Thanks for completing my collection!

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By morningsinger on Dec 9, 2011 at 2:55 PM

Hi Tuuti! thanks a lot for the duck , wish you a nice weekend :)

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By Isis1066 on Dec 6, 2011 at 2:17 PM

Thank you so much! The lazy Sunday proved to be Tuesday, though ...

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By inspiredbychaos on Dec 6, 2011 at 11:35 AM

PS Thanks for the LOL Rally Driver!

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By inspiredbychaos on Dec 6, 2011 at 11:34 AM

Hi TuutiKuutamo! Not to worry-- school gets particularly hectic this time of year it seems! Glad to hear you get a winter break from school. That is so cool that you have been to cat sports competitions! I would much rather go to that than a pedigree cat show. I think Muppets is coming out in Europe next year... I saw something to that effect on the facebook page for the movie. If you like Muppets I would definitely recommend it! Did you have a good weekend? Sounds like you had some nice relaxing plans. :) My weekend was mostly studying since I had finals Mon and Tues. Now it's a small break before finals on Thurs and Fri but thankfully those are subjects I am strongest in. Hope you are having a great week!

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By Isis1066 on Dec 4, 2011 at 10:57 PM

You are most welcome!

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By morningsinger on Dec 3, 2011 at 11:35 AM

Have a nice weekend too, I very happy in my new home it's a bit cold a rainy than the old one but the city is so beautiful :)

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By Isis1066 on Dec 2, 2011 at 6:31 PM

You have a great weekend as well!

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By OneSkunkTodd on Dec 2, 2011 at 1:18 PM

Yay! Glad I completed your set. :) Hope you have a great weekend too!

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By Jiskat on Dec 2, 2011 at 7:37 AM

Hai dear friend! Thank you so much for the Sun Dog collectable!! Hope your doing well! Have a great weekend!! *floofy hugz*

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By inspiredbychaos on Dec 1, 2011 at 2:56 PM

Hey TuuttiKuutamo! Hope you are having a great week. Thanks for the Hard Corg Corgi! I just finished my last class for the semester... time to study for finals! I have 4 of them all next week. Do you get a winter break from your studies?

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By tltlbjt on Dec 1, 2011 at 1:11 PM

OMG your kitty upside down, tummy rub please I swore it was mine. she is always upside down!

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By Isis1066 on Dec 1, 2011 at 12:25 PM

Thank you so much for the collectible! Right now, I have a Noob tap dancing on the keyboard ...

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By Kissankello on Nov 28, 2011 at 9:03 AM

Hi Tuutti Thanks for the collectibles, actually got five times the same collectible. At least had lots of extras for friends :) Must telle you about last weekends noms. You surely had liked them.The beefeater of family got some lamb and ready chooolate desserts. Lamb was roasted in real fireplace for an hour and it smelled so nomicious even the purrson who doesnt like meat had to confess it. And the chocolate desert, lots of cream and butter and chocolate. So totally noms. And then there was a feeding place for burds. Lots of burds, no waxwings but great tits, blue tits, woodpeckers, sparrows and even a jay visited it. This cake looks exactly something that makes hoomins happy. Must try it sometimes. My cake was from "myllyn paras"- recipes. Very simple, no whipping, just mixing. Was looking for oatmeal-cookies recipe but the real one is still missing. The waxwings have gone, but theyll be back, theyll be. Hope your faithful magpies stay close to your window:) Have a great week and tell me how was your weekend!

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By inspiredbychaos on Nov 26, 2011 at 8:56 AM

Thanks! I am very proud of my fiance. Glad to hear Drive was good! I'm looking forward to checking it out soon. Also pleased to hear you enjoyed Source Code since it was me who recommended it earlier this year. It's a well-done film and packs a lot into its short running time! :) Thanks for the leftover turkey sandwich... nom nom nom. I've spent the past few days in Dallas (3 hrs away from Austin, still in Texas) with my fiance's family for Thanksgiving. It's been nice to have some extra time off to relax. I've still had some studying to do, but we did go see The Muppets, which I really loved. Looking forward to seeing pics of your gingerbread house! Do you have any special plans this weekend? Not sure if you can see this article in Finland, but this story about cat agility contests made me think of you and your clicker trained kitteh:

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