Messages between Twiggy_Stardust and Amber27

By Amber27 on Oct 4, 2011 at 11:32 PM

A friend of mine sent me this message "New (unannounced) collectibles set - go to and refresh once it loads (or click around) to collect." It does work!!! Please spread the word!

By Amber27 on Sep 20, 2011 at 3:02 PM

You've got some adorable & funny LOLz! Keep 'em coming! ;3

By Amber27 on Sep 16, 2011 at 7:56 PM

"the dogs are just terrified and the cats want to play with them but they (the ferrets) don't want to play with the cats haha." That made me think of how politics can make people distrust each other and behave as crazy & silly as the dog, the cat, & the ferrets. I'm into collectables and was annoyed I was getting only Bluetooths the last few days. Sorry I was confusing! ;3

By Twiggy_Stardust on Sep 16, 2011 at 4:41 PM


By Amber27 on Sep 16, 2011 at 4:15 PM

Sounds like a metaphor for life in 21st Century America! Whoa! Didn't mean to get so serious! Got called into work early this A.M. and the caffeine is wearing off. (Arrgh!) Used to hang with mostly actors and musicians, you know, people with OPEN minds? Think a big chunk of the USA needs surgery to remove the 2 x 4's stuck up their respective bums! Forgive me, Cheezy Buddy, I usually not this cranky! Hope you, girlfriend, & critters have a great weekend! Maybe the Cheeze Powers that Be will send me something besides Bluetooths! ;3

By Twiggy_Stardust on Sep 16, 2011 at 3:55 PM

bowie is a GOD among men. haha but yes i do have 2 ferrets but they don't really get along with the others...the dogs are just terrified and the cats want to play with them but they don't want to play with the cats haha

By Amber27 on Sep 16, 2011 at 3:43 PM

Hi, new Cheeze Friend! Like the Bowie reference. And you have ferrets! Do they get along with the other critters?