Messages between TzaeTzoe and laughingcats

By laughingcats on Apr 8, 2012 at 6:16 PM

ai hope yu hazza gud Easter also!! doan wurry abowt teh time yoo take tu respond ~ az long as we're frends, yoo take az lawng as yu lyke!!! glad tu heer frum yoo ennytime, sweetie. *schmoos*

By TzaeTzoe on Apr 8, 2012 at 1:41 PM

Ohai LC! Sorry, ai haz a berry looong reakshun tyme, butt(!) ai can asshure yoo taht ai behaved (in sum wae) on taht weekend yoo told me to :)) Ai wishes yoo a berry happe Eester full of laughter :)

By laughingcats on Feb 26, 2012 at 10:10 AM

ohai, TzTz! just having a lazy Sunnyday, checking in wit sum ov my frends tu wish dem a gud weekend, whut's left ov it. yoo behave, now! (notice ai didn't tell yoo _how_ tu behave, heeheehee.) *schmoos*

By TzaeTzoe on Feb 19, 2012 at 3:19 PM

ai lubz confetti!!! *runz aftur laughingcats and chaysez flying confitti around* ai luks forward tu lerning teh handshayk and all dat yoo sed too!

By laughingcats on Feb 18, 2012 at 12:58 PM

ai iz dansdansdansing fur yu! yaayy!!! yu am a club member naow, sew we gotta teech yu teh sekret handshake, nd teh passwurd, adn teh clubhaowse sekret bakk door. wuns dey teech me, dat iz, den ai'll be happy tu let yu know! *dansing daown teh street frowing confetti fur TzaeTzoe*

By TzaeTzoe on Feb 18, 2012 at 10:23 AM

Ohai LaughingCats! ;)

By TzaeTzoe on Feb 6, 2012 at 3:23 PM

Thanks for the relay, it was my last one missing from the yarises! :) A step closer to *the club* ;) Have a great day!

By TzaeTzoe on Feb 4, 2012 at 5:03 AM

ohai laughingcats! Fank Q fur the FR, nycetumeetcha twoo! I iz graytful fur yur help in advans! :)

By laughingcats on Feb 3, 2012 at 8:40 PM

ohai, TzaeTzoe! sowwy ai havent eggstended my floofy paw uv french hips before now, butt(!) heer it iz!! ai am halping peeps finish collectibles, sew ef ennyone sends me stuffs, ai can send it on directly tu yu! ai got tu club 82 quickly, nd ai bet yu get there tu! nycetumeetcha ~ kthxbai!