The latest from WeWillMissYouAngel

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel and Dreamer4ever are now Cheezburger friends
WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel and Keshwar are now Cheezburger friends
WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel and Bullet-Proof are now Cheezburger friends
WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda

ok cheez bro

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda

Okay, I'll email you know.

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda

Of course :)

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda

I Am 20..

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda


WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel favorited a lol

So, That's What a Church Mouse Is

So, That's What a Church Mouse Is
WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda

Okay (: wanna rp?

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for vampirekittygirl

Haha okay

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for vampirekittygirl

Fine. Wanna rp? I'm bored lol

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda

fine. what do you want to do?

WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel left a message for Touta_Matsuda


WeWillMissYouAngel WeWillMissYouAngel made a new lol

Jupiter & Kona Totally Looks Like Jupiter

Jupiter & Kona Totally Looks Like Jupiter


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For 4 Lolz

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2 of 2 messages
By kprojects on Feb 14, 2013 at 2:51 PM
“happy valentines^^”

By Touta_Matsuda on Jan 9, 2013 at 8:09 PM
“ANGEL you were my cheez sister and im so very happy to have met you angel w... [more]