Messages between WilliamKeckler and cat_a_lyst

By cat_a_lyst on Apr 3, 2014 at 10:30 PM

The girl cat cares for you. So do I. xox k

By cat_a_lyst on Mar 8, 2014 at 9:59 PM

G'day Mate. I can still breathe enough to laugh at you LOLs ... Tks Mate! xox

By WilliamKeckler on Dec 8, 2011 at 8:01 AM

and lol at lol...somebody's gettin teh Cleopatra treatment lol...

By WilliamKeckler on Dec 8, 2011 at 7:59 AM

xo Carol.

By cat_a_lyst on Dec 7, 2011 at 10:41 PM

Hi Bill, ED your convo with David. Thanks for the caring wishes Sweet man....muchly appreciated! <3 Hope things are well with you a the moment. And don't let David's self depreciating attitude fool you..he is one in a million!! Many caring (((Hugs))) Special man! Love Carol xoxox

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 27, 2011 at 8:37 PM

Same here. I think I'll just enjoy them online. xo

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 27, 2011 at 8:36 PM

Oh WOW!! They are fantastic!! Wish I was rich enough to buy them.

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 27, 2011 at 8:31 PM

Nope you got them right and knowing they are intelligent is TOTALLY scary. You will never catch me in the sea past Noosa. And if I ever came to the USA I'd be packing an AK47. Iz scared of your wildlife, regardless of how many footz it got!! Going to check out the site.

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 27, 2011 at 4:58 PM

I think I'd want the anti-venom in my pockets lol. I saw a docu recently on those box jellyfish. Twas interesting...but scary. It's like one bump and you're usually a goner. Unless I'm thinking of another jellyfish. In any case, they're in full bloom and are hitting all kinds of warm shores...even Hawaii...they were surprised to learn how optically astute the creatures are...they had thought they were blind previously and here they were seeing just what they needed to see in these these aquarium many of the creatures are really amazingly beautiful...i love that artist's work who reproduces them in glass...let me find These would probably be so cool in a darkened room with some appropriate spot/track lighting...cheers.

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 26, 2011 at 10:16 PM

Ooops I forgot about the Crocs and the box jelly fish *blush* They start over 1,000k up north from us, so I forget about them. Mind you there isn't a place in Oz, that I know of, where you don't get snakes and red backed spiders, but we have antivenom for those, so we don't worry too much :D Glad you like my Black cats...ta muchly!! I hate the bad press they have, so I try to remind people they are just lovely Purry Furries. Nice to talk to you again. Much Love Carol xoxo

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 26, 2011 at 7:08 PM

Love your pro-black cat series!

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 13, 2011 at 11:24 PM

lol. I guess the Crocs are in another part of the country then. Cuz I know they luv da hoomin snax! For some reason the documentaries here play up the number of venomous species...many very tiny things. With my luck, I'd probably encounter one in whatever your version of WALMART is...i'd go to pick up my favorite bar soap and there it would be. Or a box jellyfish would come out my showerhead at the Sydney Hilton. These sort of things happen to me all the time. lol

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 12, 2011 at 4:01 PM

Catching up with my messages.... Pop was born in 1889 and Nanna in 1896, so they saw the world much more basically than we do now. *lol* I'm surprised you find our critters daunting, we don't have anything that eats people - except sharks of course - so we think we are lucky, compared to the USA with bears, mountain lions, wolves THEY are scary!! Yes the Outback is a dangerous place, we lose a backpacker or two each year who don't take the warnings seriously. :( It is a lovely country, I hope you make it down here one day. Hugs Carol

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 11, 2011 at 11:28 AM

I know they grown them Strong down under. Men and women both. Well, to live on the continent you do, with the critters you share the land with...can be a little daunting. Of course now we have the ability to isolate ourselves from the wildlife most places...but I still think crossing the Nullarbor Plain might be a daunting task. If that vehicle breaks down, you're sort of instantly back into the Paleolithic! But what a gorgeous country to shape a free spirit in...and I've only seen the movies...

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 10, 2011 at 6:29 PM

Thanks Mate. I can thank my Grandparents for that one. Pop used to say that I should be A Cook in the Kitchen, A Lady in the Lounge room, and A Whore in the Bedroom. And Nan used to say that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach and what hangs off it. So it was an easy jump from there. BTW David throughly approves of my upbringing. ;)

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 10, 2011 at 4:11 PM

Hey Carol. GMTA is "great minds think alike." Don't know what the urban dictionary said but they lie a lot lol. You know how sometimes everybody comes up the same caption or variants when a picture is just too suggestive in one direction...Well more to be proud of for her...I had no idea she's a co-founder. I tip my hat in her direction. Okay, i'm not wearing one. But you get the point. I think that's awesome.

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 10, 2011 at 2:48 PM

The back to normal was you getting 4/5 FPs! :D Though I am feeling pretty good thanks. Glad you liked 3 Rs, it made a voting page, first one for a week. What does GMTA mean?....not what Urban Dictionary tells me.....I hope!! Tofu, isn't a 'real' friend..she is the co-founder of ICHC and she's cool. Hugz Carol xox

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 9, 2011 at 7:29 PM

I read comments backwards. Obviously no apologies necessary, Carol, for a kindness you did on my behalf! Silly to apologize. Thanks again and I'm especially glad to hear it didn't create any friction between you and your friend! Cheers!

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 9, 2011 at 7:09 PM

And loved your 3 R's..GMTA cuz I tried to come up with a newer version of the three R's too...but couldn't even think of one!

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 9, 2011 at 7:07 PM

Hi Carol! Happy to hear things are back to normal! Keep bringing da funny!

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 9, 2011 at 2:20 PM

Many, many congrats on your Kitteh, Pundit and 2 x Razzi FPs!! Things are back to normal :D Hugz Carol

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 8, 2011 at 8:27 PM

And your tree lol is a bewdy!

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 8, 2011 at 8:25 PM

Many congrats on your Razzi x 2 FPs!! Hugz Carol

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 8, 2011 at 5:48 PM

I don't think Tofu is miffed with me Bill. I wasn't rude to her and I'm sure she is far too smart to be angry at someone who was trying to make a valid point. Which it appears she has acted on, with the JC voting page and Radveeolee's profile having both now disappeared. I do hope I didn't embarrass you with my crusade on Cheats. This is the 3rd or 4th time I have taken them on - never for myself, mine aren't good enough to copy - but this is the first time something concrete has been done by TPTB. Being a dyed in the wool Sagitarian I hate lies and always fight for my friends - even when not asked. *blush* Sorry about that...luv C

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 8, 2011 at 6:06 AM

I hope Tofu isn't miffed with you btw over me. That would make me sad.

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 8, 2011 at 6:04 AM

Thanks much for your vicarious fit of dudgeon on my behalf, Carol! I went there and saw another Cheezfrend had something so I owe her a Thank You too. And now I see a comment from Winnie Wonka facing me here on this page and after reading THAT I'm saying YOICKS! My copying thing was NUTHIN! At least nobody's trying to burn down my house over an LOL. Ay de mi!!! I never even checked bad to see if my comment had been appeared to be hanging there pending so I thought the mods killed it but now I see they did post it. I spoke my mind in that and the sarky lol and then I just let it go. Happy to see people liked it the third time around (think it was on JC also but maybe I'm hallucinating that. Been known to happen.) And I like "shat." And not just in Shatner. I also like saying "Shite!" Even though I'm not Scottish or anything. Blame Trainspotting or one of those movies. <hugz>

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 7, 2011 at 9:51 PM

Oh, here's the link to see your previously non published statement. And Aussies always use shat as a past works for us.

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 7, 2011 at 9:46 PM

Hey Mate, I got totally shat off with that guy who copied your Lol and wrote to Tofu about it. I wasn't pleased with with her answer and told her so. And made a Lol to push the point!! Bottom line...he (Radveeolee) is no longer on ICHC and your comment on his copy Lol now appears!! Gwad knows where the votes are going, but at least the are not to him!! BTW I have taken this problem up a few times in the past with Tofu...I hate plagiarizers. Lubz C

By WilliamKeckler on Nov 7, 2011 at 4:19 PM

Many fanks, Carol! I've enjoyed your latest a lot. Saw like three zingers across my dash in a row earlier today!

By cat_a_lyst on Nov 7, 2011 at 3:54 PM

Many congrats on your JC FP!! Hugz Carol