Messages between ZippersandSquid and Spleenz

By Spleenz on Jan 25, 2012 at 10:50 PM

I just got to my messages, didn't realize I had any, haven't been on cheezburgerz everyday since collectible program died. Do you still need collectible eggs? I tried looking what set are they from...if it's the easter eggs I don't have any extras, sorry :( but if you are talking about something else let me know I'll totes send it right over! :)

By ZippersandSquid on Jan 13, 2012 at 12:07 AM

hai spleenz collectible egg has come from Pulver. if you have any spares that you wish to have sent to other cheezepeeps, please send them to me and will find them a forever home xx

By ZippersandSquid on Oct 19, 2011 at 12:10 AM

Thanks for my collectible i will be sure to pass it on to someone who needs it!!! Hope you had an awesome weekend heres to the one thats coming lol!! xx

By Spleenz on Oct 7, 2011 at 8:43 AM

Wow, you are the queen of collectibles!! LOL. If I get an extra Yaris joke book you are gonna be the first to get it. I've been trying to get you a collectible back lol. I haven't forgotten about you!

By ZippersandSquid on Oct 3, 2011 at 12:20 AM

No worries i will help you make them up with my spares!! And dont worry about having to send me one back its fine, if yu get a spare one i need at some opint then that would be great but honestly its fine, all i appreciate is that you said thanks lol!! Hope you have a lovely day!! xx

By Spleenz on Oct 2, 2011 at 1:04 PM

:( wish I had a collectible to send you back that u didn't already have, lol. Thank you for the collectible :)