Messages between ZippersandSquid and greykitteh

By greykitteh on Feb 20, 2012 at 10:53 PM

hi zippersandsquid, I thought I'd just check in and see if your friends have finished their collectible sets yet? and if not, what do they still need? I am getting to the last of my cheezcoins so if they need hard-to-get ones I'll need to know soon. Perhaps you could tell me their names and I could see what they have missing and pass as many as I can onto you? I hope you and your ginger floofy kittehs are doing well and are keeping warm and cosy :) wif lubs greykitteh xxx

By ZippersandSquid on Feb 10, 2012 at 12:08 AM

that was a lot of collectibles in one day hehe!! thanks for those, all have gone to a good home!! Hope you are well GK!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Feb 3, 2012 at 6:05 AM

Hai grey Kitteh, thanks for all the collectibles, they have been very useful in helping my cheezepals get complete sets, please keep sending them if you can, i have found homes for all of them so far!! if there are any i have you need just let me know!! Hope you are well xx

By greykitteh on Jan 27, 2012 at 4:29 PM

ohai zippersandsquid, any update on the collectibles that your friends need? how are your gorgeous ginger kittehs going?

By ZippersandSquid on Jan 18, 2012 at 11:59 PM

Hai Grey Kitteh, i have a few cheezpeeps missing the collectibles for foul batchelor frog, valentines, bunny day, do not want and those older ones like xmas and thanksgiving if you could spare any more collecibles please!!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Jan 18, 2012 at 12:59 AM

Hi GreyKitteh!! Sorry for the late reply i have been on a course with no internets!!!!! thankyou for my thermometer!!!!! much appreciated and for the others you sent for my cheezfriends! if you need any more collectibles sharing out send them my way and will share the wealth! Hope you are well!! xx

By greykitteh on Jan 15, 2012 at 10:22 PM

hi zips'n'squid, of course i can help out your friend with their missing collectibles - but I just had to complete your collection first! :) I think you have them all now? I will send over the ones your friend needs as soon as the system lets me... if you need any more let me know, coz I have heeeeeaps of cheez coins so I can buy any further ones that are needed too! have a great week lubs greykitteh xxx

By ZippersandSquid on Jan 13, 2012 at 12:34 AM

hai grey kitteh, you have some spare collectibles another of my cheezfriends needs, if you could spare them they need celeb bomb, problem solver, typewriter, glasses, problem, kitteh bed and a few others lol xx

By ZippersandSquid on Nov 28, 2011 at 12:02 AM

Thankyou for my collectible and completing my set!!! Hope you had a lovely weekend!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Nov 7, 2011 at 2:07 AM

Thankyou for your help with those Yaris collectibles!! xx

By greykitteh on Oct 30, 2011 at 11:09 PM

eep - owchies - sitting on glass?? CONE????? do NOT want!!! Nawty Zipper! I am glad to hear he is okay, and that Squid is doing well too. Give them a chin skritchee from me :) aww you are an awsome cheezfrend too. Things in Oz are okay I guess, especially since it's a public holiday tomorrow - for a horse-race no less. (Is there anywhere in the world apart from Melbourne where that happens?? I doubt it!) *lub, purrs an headbonks* greykitteh xxx

By ZippersandSquid on Oct 28, 2011 at 2:55 AM

lol!! well you are one of the first people i look to send them too as you have been an awesome cheezfriend!! My gingers are good thanks, had a couple of expensive weeks when Zipper sat on some glass and lacerated his leg which ended up with costly stiches and a cone, which equated to a week of hell for me as he made it very aware he did not want cone lol! but squid is doing well on his drugs so that good!! How is everything over is Oz?? xx

By greykitteh on Oct 27, 2011 at 6:04 PM

well NOW look who is the one who is finding the "impossible-to-find collectibles" :) Thank you for the LOL Scream and Pitchfork & Scythe! How are your kitties doing?

By ZippersandSquid on Oct 20, 2011 at 11:43 PM

Thankyou for my matches and completing my set!! You always find the ones that are impossible to get hehe!! Hope all is well and you have a lovely weekend!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Oct 7, 2011 at 12:00 AM

Good morning Grey Kitteh!! Hope all is well over in Oz!! Thankyou for completing my collectible set, thats some hunting i dont have to do this morning!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Oct 5, 2011 at 12:26 AM

Hey greykitteh!! Where do we find the Yaris collectibles?!?! I see you have one!!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Aug 19, 2011 at 12:19 AM

Oh i know poor little Dexter, his little story upset me so much, i cried in the iddle of my office when i read that!! its so sad that disgusting people like that woman live in this world. At least he is at peace now and reunited with his brother at the bridge and he had the kindness of those with him as he passed. My little squid, i was devastated when i got the news, hes only 6 so still a baby in my eyes!! There is nothing they can do, he is on a cocktail of tablets everyday now, which makes meal times a rather painful time for me lol! The vet was happy with his progress last time she saw him so thats good news!! Ant thankyou for the collectible - my cheezfriend will be very pleased!!! xx

By greykitteh on Aug 18, 2011 at 7:41 PM

Of course you can have my spare collectible... you know what's mine is yours :D I have just seen your updated profile info, and I am so sorry to hear about Squid. I know how painful it is to have a cat with an illness and to not be able to do anything about it. It's been such a sad week, with poor little Dexter passing on (I still keep on crying just thinking of him). Sometimes I feel like the world is full of nothing but evilness and pain, but ICHC and the people on this site make me feel better! *purrs and headbonks* greykitteh xxx

By ZippersandSquid on Aug 17, 2011 at 11:34 PM

Morning Grey Kitteh!!! Any chance i could possibly take a pair of your spare glasses, i have a cheezfriend in need!! Thankees Hope you have a fab day!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 29, 2011 at 12:15 AM

yay monorrraaaaiiiiilllllllll kitteh!!!!! Mine ginger beast was doing an amazing impression of that this morning himself!!! Thankyou for sending it over!!! Hope you have a lovely weekend!!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 27, 2011 at 11:41 PM

Thankyou muchly for my socially awkward penguin!!!!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 22, 2011 at 1:26 AM

yay!!! Thanks for my lolcat!! and completing my set woohoo!! Hope you have an amazign weekend!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 21, 2011 at 12:21 AM

aww no worries - i just like to help out and share too!! Thankyou for looking for the carrot and thermometer i appreciate that!! I like to share my collectibles first with those who i speak too and have helped me out and those who say thankyou lol. xx

By greykitteh on Jul 20, 2011 at 6:04 PM

WOOHOO fankyoo so mush faw dah (scarey) lion rawwwr!! :D Y'know you do not have to feel obligated to send me all your spares just coz I helped you out a bit with your collectibles. Not that I'm complaining, not at all, I'm very grateful!! And I even do the same thing myself, to the cheezfrends who helped me out with collectibles when *I* started out. Again, thank you. I have been checking out my friends spares and I cannot find anyone with a spare Karot or Thermometer so I am unable to complete your collection. Ai haz a sad :(

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 14, 2011 at 1:00 AM

wow you are such an amazing cheezfriend!!!! I have no idea how you manage to find all these collectibles!!!! And you are most welcome - i always try and send the spare ones i have your way if you need them, as you have been awesome!! Yeah i know the week to collect is going to be a right pain, i like that there will be more collectibles but such a short time frame means you are stuck if you go on hols for a week or two lol!! Guess thats one of the things that makes cheezburger so addictive!! Hope you have a great day!! xx

By greykitteh on Jul 14, 2011 at 12:56 AM

YAY fankyoo for the hip hop bunneh! here - have a stethoscope! woohoo! only the karot and thermometer to go now :) Collectibles are going to be even harder to get now that they are only giving them out for a week. It's just not long enough, dont you agree?

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 14, 2011 at 12:31 AM

Hai that was quicker than i thought - my friend Juliebooya sent me her spare hiphop bunny for you, so i have sent it your way!!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on Jul 14, 2011 at 12:12 AM

Hi Thankyou so much for completing my set!!!! I am on a mission to try and find you thjose missing collectibles from yours!!! Hope you have a lovely day!! xx

By ZippersandSquid on May 4, 2011 at 1:07 AM

yeay i finally managed to send you a collectible you needed!!! has made me very happy!!! xxx

By ZippersandSquid on May 4, 2011 at 12:40 AM

i know what you mean!!! i always try and give away any spare collectibles i can to peeps and its great that some people are so generous!! and thankyou to you for helping me so much!!! i only wish i could return the favour!!! xx