
Frum teh bottum ub mai hart shaped boks ub choklits - Lub, Emerald63

No? 'K, dat's all fur tuday. Reedz Chapperz For an Fibe fur neks week!

Because Scottish kittehs get neutered, too

To all my Cheezfrends in Europe and beyond, Happy New Year! (links to info on the symbolism are in the comments)

Merry & Blessed Everything to Everyone from Emerald63

If it wernt fur der skillz wif can openerz I'd be owta heer in a hartbeet

Friday the 13th, you say? Ehhhxcellent!

Arachnaphobes... there's just no reasoning with them

But iz nachurall funkshun ub teh washin momsheen!

Guys, take my advice... just go with it, 'k?

Attention Tournamet of Roses Parade Fans!

Warmest Greetings from Emerald63

U wach owt, cuz ai haz a ax t grine wif u!

Ninja Cat gettin teh Fedral Assistanz

The turn-out was small, but they had a good time.

Luftennant, coom quickly - deh raygement is haunted!

And you win a blue ribbon fur yor efforts, Mate!

Dey'z a menass to societeez, ai tellz u!

Ai cant duz a fing wif mai furz!

Behold - teh 'mazin Chambered Catilus! Havin lil trubble wif dat last chamber, akshelly . . .

Ai swarez to Ceilin Cat if u tellz ennywun ai'z a fan ub Teh Mowse ai deenize it 2 mai dyin bref

It's Worth A Try

This man's car has 3 inch thich bullet-proof glass

Ai'z studyin up on mai eticat fur teh Royal Weddin

Guess what? You're not getting season tickets, either!

Weddings Crashers - Royal Edition

Team KSO: Night Patrol - We know where you sleep...

Team KSO: Motuvashunal Pawpurrganda!

Team KSO: Promotional Consideration provided by...

Aifinx ai'z gunna croak!
