The latest from _Sandclaw_

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

No.....apparently a very specific scroll went missing and I'm getting worried.....I think my brother ... [more]

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

Here I can help with that.....*takes you inside and gives you a cup of water and lays out a colorful ... [more]

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

(He has a tail in his human form along with the wolf ears XD) nah, was just looking for something... ... [more]

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

It's ok! It could be worse, I mean you're very pretty in this form ^^

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

*when you walk into the cave you see I'm not there, but then you see an enormous pile of scrolls in ... [more]

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

*uses a spell on my ears so I can understand you* come again?...

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

*keeps a hand on the hilt of one of my katanas* what's wrong?...

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

(Yes, and I should be on since it's the weekend :3)

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

What the?....*darts outside*

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

(Not where I am. It's storming out XD)

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

*sitting in my cave, bored*

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ favorited a lol

Slumber Party Selfies

Slumber Party Selfies
_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for ParadoxialEvent

(Sure )

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

(Want to do rent and sand?)

_Sandclaw_ _Sandclaw_ left a message for _Rikku_

(I good, you?)


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12 of 5362 messages
By Blood_Moon on Sep 5, 2015 at 7:39 PM
“RIP this account”

By _Rikku_ on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:51 AM
“You find it? *She giggles at the sight of you*”

By Blood_Moon on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:51 AM

By ParadoxialEvent on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:45 AM
“*since im still too altered it taks me a while to respond to that comment* ... [more]

By _Rikku_ on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:44 AM
“(Canine then?) *She walks over to you and tilts her head* Need a hand?”

By ParadoxialEvent on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:42 AM
“m my body!!! Q_Q!!! it suddenly turned bigger and human lik,e and i have no... [more]

By _Rikku_ on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:40 AM
“Yay x3 so shall we?)”

By ParadoxialEvent on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:37 AM
“líkami minn skyndilega breyst og ég hef ekki hugmynd um hvers vegna gerði þ... [more]

By ParadoxialEvent on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:12 AM
“(its sfw) (she looks like this only female and with b cup o3o https://stati... [more]

By _Rikku_ on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:10 AM
“xD the pojnt stands. Then in the morning can we do a Scoots? n-n)”

By ParadoxialEvent on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:05 AM
“*you hear a very loud and terrified screamcome from the woods* O___O!!!!!!!... [more]

By _Rikku_ on Sep 19, 2014 at 6:01 AM
“Is the sky blue?”