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By Brony4lyfe on Aug 28, 2017 at 9:50 AM

I guess it's been awhile since I last wrote something here, so I'll do that now. As you know, I now have no toes to worry about. I do however have a new appreciation for when I had good balance while standing still. I guess I should get a cane or something. Perhaps one of those old style pimp canes but with a zebra head for the handle, haha. I also had a problem with my car a little while ago. The brakes just locked up for whatever reason and I had to get them all replaced. Of course, now they seem weaker in doing their job then before, so I may have to take it in again to see if they can tighten them somehow. My grandson started Kindergarten on the 7th and he apparently is enjoying it so far. My daughter has told me that I'll soon have a granddaughter as well, so that will be fun. I've started playing some of my games again, and it feels good to do something other than watch movies and random YT vids. I've also kicked my celery and hummus addiction and have now replaced it with my Summer time peach and plum addiction instead. Nothing quite like a tasty fresh peach/plum out of the fridge on a warm day. It's almost heavenly. I hope you are well, my friend. I'll write again when I write again. See? Deadlines just cause stress and who needs that, right? ^_^

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By Brony4lyfe on May 31, 2017 at 8:45 PM

Been rather busy as of late with constant doctor appointments. My appointment a couple weeks ago went about as expected, and I was given the choice to either remove a couple toes and have the possibility of losing the rest or even more of my foot later on, or just have them all removed and save the hassle of the "later on". So I chose the 2nd option and can now only count to 10. Ah well, not like I was going to go out and run a marathon or anything anyways, right? I'm still on my celery and hummus addiction. Why must hummus be so delicious and come in so many varieties? XD I've also seen all the One Punch Man eps on Netflix, and found myself wanting to see more when I got done with the last one. When I said "SJ" I was just shortening "Samurai Jack". In any case, it ended and I personally thought they should've just let it stay canceled. I was, however, elated to see they had new F is for Family eps available on Netflix. I spent last night watching them all in one sitting and now I want more. Now to just wait for more BoJack and I'll be all set for another marathon watching. It's getting to be about Summertime, so soon the brats will be out playing in the street and disregarding traffic as if it isn't even there. Along with the hot humid days that make me feel like just crawling into the freezer and staying there until Fall. I hope you are well and that your DS problems have been resolved. See you when I see you my friend.

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By Brony4lyfe on May 7, 2017 at 4:25 PM

So I went to the store, and I saw they had red, white, and blue Mountain Dew. It's apparently White out, Code red, and the blue raspberry flavors combined together in one drink. I didn't think it would be too good, given the fact that Code red usually has a weird medicinal aftertaste to it and I despise the raspberry flavor for reasons. Maybe it's because of the White out, but it wasn't too bad. It's not something I'd probably buy again, but not bad for what it was. I've been on a celery and hummus kick lately. Just trying the different kinds of hummus really. I guess even vegans can get something right once in awhile. So far, I like this curry and coconut kind they have as it was a good balance between spicy and sweet. So far this has been a food and drink review. I hope that doesn't bother you too much. I found some energy and got a bit of cleaning done, so that was a small accomplishment. I still have a bit to go however. I really need to get it done before Summer when it's too frigging hot to do anything besides sit in front of the air conditioner and try not to spontaneously combust. For now, I shall sit and watch the MLP and SJ episodes I missed for this week. I also started watching Attack on Titan on Netflix because why not. Seems kind of interesting and weird so far as is to be expected from japanime. I hope you are well and that your day and week go by smoothly with no complications. Stay well fed and well rested my kitty komrade.

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By Brony4lyfe on Apr 28, 2017 at 9:58 AM

Mushroomy ham puff things? Sounds interesting. I had a roast beef sandwich with celery and hummus for lunch myself. It's the only thing I could think of that was heavy enough to be a meal, but light enough not to feel like it just sticks in my gut and won't move. My appointment on Wednesday went okay I guess. They had to take my big toe though, so that was kind of a bummer. They also gave me a new blood pressure medicine. I think it might be doing too good a job though, because I've gotten dizzy a couple times since using it, and had to sit down for a minute or so until I felt better. That's the only thing about Summer I enjoy, is the new things that come out during it. Especially the new drink flavors, those are always fun to try. It just reminds me that Doritos hasn't put out a new flavor in quite some time. Do they actually expect me to buy their regular old nacho or ranch flavors? How boring. I need something new and exotic to munch, Doritos...get on it! I didn't get any half off candy this year because I was entirely too lazy to be bothered to go to the store for them. It's fine though, I really only enjoy jelly beans and Cadbury crème eggs for Easter, and those were pretty much sold out before Easter anyways. The battery in my vehicle decided to die on me, so that was a bit of a hassle getting replaced. I really need to get some cleaning around here done. Not as much as I need to just throw a lot of this stuff out into the road and leave it for either the trashmen or the neighborhood scavengers to collect. Unfortunately, both options require energy I just don't possess any longer. Maybe I could just put a sign out front advertising a house sale? That might work actually. I've also had the chance to catch up on the new Samurai Jack, and I feel as if they are trying to tell an epic ending to a tale much too fast. Sadly, it would be much better if they didn't have time constraints in telling it, but it is what it is. It was nice seeing the Scotsman again, as he was one of my favorite characters from the old seasons. See you around and have fun crunching your chocolates and your pills my pointy eared pal.

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By Brony4lyfe on Apr 16, 2017 at 1:10 PM

I just got back from eating Easter lunch with the family. Man...I am SO full right now. Not much planned this week, thankfully enough. Just the usual appointments with one special one on Wednesday. Other than that, not too much going on. I hope you have a relaxing day today. Try to eat just enough chocolate bunnies to keep up your energy for buying even more candy tomorrow when it's half price. XD See you around, my friend.

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By Brony4lyfe on Apr 12, 2017 at 6:34 AM

I have a busy day today, full of (you guessed it) medical appointments. FUN FUN FUN!! I really feel as if I'm stuck in a rut. Day after day after day the same things, or similar things. I feel tired most of the time, and bored the rest of it. Is this what it feels like to get old? I don't like it if it is. Well, this Saturday will be the start of the new MLP season, so at least I'll have something new to watch that isn't random YT vids. Who knows, maybe I'll even be able to get a good idea for a comic or two from it. It feels like ages since I did one last. The week has been going by quite fast for me. In fact, not only the week, but the entire month. I'm still thinking it's March sometimes. XD That's all I can think of to talk about, not because of brain not functioning, but because total doldrums. Maybe I'll have more that comes to mind next time. Until then, stay comfy, warm, and well fed!

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By Brony4lyfe on Apr 7, 2017 at 6:17 PM

Someone got funds from your bank account to buy some shoes? The actual fak?? I'm surprised they didn't get a pack of gum while they were at it. XD I'm happy that it got solved though. You didn't lose any money from it I hope. Ah yes, responsibility...that's what is lacking in today's society. People's thinking has gone from "I screwed up, how can I mend this situation that I've created?" to "It's everyone else's fault but mine, what else can I screw up and blame on someone else?". It's sad, really. It always sucks when a computer dies for sure. Especially the more pricier ones. I've had this one about 2 and a half years now, and I'm hoping I can get at least another 2 and a half years out of it before it goes belly up on me. I saw the doctor, and he looked at my other foot. He had me take an x-ray to determine if I have any infection in the toes. If there is, I'll probably be losing them on that foot too. I won't know until next Wednesday though. This week went by pretty fast actually. It's almost Sunday, so I'll be sure to enjoy my day off for the week. I hope you'll do the same. Your face may not be fuzzy, but mine sure is. XD You could always bury your face into one of your cat's bellies. Then not only will you have a fuzzy face, but you'll have scratches to boot! Have a good 'un Aevee.

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By Brony4lyfe on Apr 1, 2017 at 10:22 PM

Wait, what happened to your bank account? Hopefully it got sorted out, because that didn't sound good at all. It's not that logic is missing, it's just that more and more people seem to want to ignore it and live in make-believe land. I mean, I enjoy a good rp, don't get me wrong, but I know when to stop and live in the real world around me. Personally, I blame society's need to shield kids from anything that may be even slightly uncomfortable to them. Take me for instance, I tried doing a stupid stunt twice on my bike, and both times, I ended up with a skinned knee. I still have a scar on that knee to this day, but I learned that you can live through something like that, and I feel as if my pain tolerance grew because of it. Nowadays, kids have to have pads on their knees, elbows, chin, head, etc... How do people expect these kids to deal with stress and uncomfortable things later on in life if they never get subjected to the small things to learn from? There I go, ranting again. The sandwich sounds weird for sure, but I'd still give it a try, because that's the kind of risk taker I am. XD I had a busy week of medical appointments, and this next week is looking just as packed. At least I have Sunday to myself. I'll probably spend it sleeping most of the day away. I'm even currently looking at the Which Wich menu and deciding what to get for lunch tomorrow, haha. Well, until next time, my fuzzy faced feline friendo.

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By Brony4lyfe on Mar 26, 2017 at 1:51 PM

Days off never really do tend to last long enough. I guess because most sleep away a good portion of it, and fun always seems to make the time go faster. I got another week of constant medical appointments coming up, and I can't say I'm too thrilled about it. In some sense, today is my only day off for the week. I'm just glad my insurances will be taking care of the bills from them. My video spree actually just started with watching a video of a group of protesters walking out onto a highway at night, and one of them getting hit by a car (big surprise) and afterwards, I was still bored and just kept clicking the *next video* until I was deep into *idiot territory* and unable to believe the lack of logic that produces such offspring. I mean, I knew people were ignorant and liked to live in make-believe land...but holy crap, there should be a limit! Anyway, I won't talk about that any further because I can still feel my brain cells committing Sudoku en masse. I'm pretty sure everyone knows how dangerous the atomic bomb can be, we had an entire cold war about it after all. They had to be used in order to prevent a possible defeat due to fighting on two fronts instead of just one though. So if they had never used the atomic bombs, we may very well be speaking German or Japanese right now. It sounds to me like the only thing more dangerous than the atom bomb is that chicken sammich you described. I remember seeing that awhile ago and thinking "wat?" before going someplace else with healthier food. Stranger Things was alright. It had a few things in it that I've heard about on late night talk radio shows, and a few clichés. It takes place in the early 80's as well, so there were a few visual things in it that I remembered from when I was a kid, so that was kind of cool about it. Sanity is for the boring, but it usually helps to keep a little of it for special occasions. I hope your Sunday is a funday my kitty komrade.

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By Brony4lyfe on Mar 21, 2017 at 11:36 PM

I hope you had a relaxing lazy day. Those are always nice to have every so often after all. I believe there is a positive in every situation. Even if those situations are rather dark. In fact, it's during dark times that you really should be looking for positives anyway. I'd look for a hobby, but that would involve doing stuff, and I'm totally against that. You're correct, I am honest...which is why I could never be a politician. XD You know, I remember seeing Watchmen....but I honestly couldn't tell you about anything from it. I don't know if it's because it was that forgettable, or just so bad,that my brain is trying to block it from memory. I've spent a considerable amount of time watching videos of SJWs and post Trump election riots. Never have I felt that humanity is nearing it's final days. Perhaps it was just too much of an idiocy dosage to take in all at once, but holy dumb. I think I'll spend the next few hours watching Stranger Things on Netflix, since it's been queued up for awhile now. I hope you remain safe and sane my feline friend.

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By Brony4lyfe on Mar 17, 2017 at 12:01 PM

The last few days have been nothing but medical appointments. I mean, one right after the other. Today for instance, I had to go get an EKG on my legs, then off to wound care to get my foot wrapped, and now I go to another doctor in about an hour. At least me being alive is making those in the medical field rich, so I guess that's a positive. I'm glad that you enjoy talking with me. I also enjoy talking with you guys. I just wish I had more time and energy to do so. You're right. I did spend an awful lot of time just going to work. I hardly took vacation time, and in fact, I only took it when I was about to start losing time saved up. I'd start a hobby, but I don't even play video games that much anymore, and that has been my favorite hobby since I was a kid. Politics would be better if we had leaders that weren't in it for themselves. Sadly, the world we live in right now has very very few of those types in it. I'd try and go for the presidency, but I'm pretty sure I'd round up all the dumbasses of the nation and go full Hitler on them. So I'm probably not the best choice now that I think of it. I introduced you to Sound of Silence? From my Twilight Alicorn song parody?'s a great song, isn't it? I think I prefer the original one to the cover though.

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By Brony4lyfe on Mar 12, 2017 at 1:29 PM

It's way better than Subway. I remember being double charged at a Subway once. I had to go there, talk to the manager, who wasn't present at the time I went, so I had to wait for 20 mins until they got back from somewhere. Then, I had to show them my credit card statement along with the receipt and they STILL dragged their feet in setting things right, so I just started my boycott on that place instead. Today, I ordered a sub from Which Wich, and after eating half of it, I realized they had forgotten the bacon. I called them up and told them about it, and they got my name and number and said the next time I come in, they'll give me a sub of my choice for free. Now that's the kind of business I can give my loyalty to. XD Yeah, birthdays just turn into "another day" after you reach a certain age. I still have trouble believing I'm as old as I am, because I sure as heck don't feel like it. I don't like having too much attention either. A little is fine, but too much is kind of scary to me. I just keep wondering why people want to talk to me and worry because I don't have much to talk about. Netflix is also best because you can pause, use the restroom and grab a snack before continuing. Your theater has ushers? What kind of fancy theater are you going to?? I remember those days quite well. It was a struggle to think of stuff to talk about then as well. The only difference was I had a life back then. XD I guess I could ramble on about Trump since he does something dumb every day, but politics bore me to tears, so nah. See you around, my pointy-eared pal.

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By Brony4lyfe on Mar 10, 2017 at 1:59 PM

I decided to try out a new sandwich shop for lunch today. It's called Which Wich, and they make pretty good subs. Though they are a bit pricey. You also have the choice of making your sandwich into a salad instead, which is a nice option for those days where I feel like eating food's food. For some reason, I felt unusually thirsty today, so I went and bought a couple liters of various soda. I just have to be really careful not to drink too much, or else my fluids would be off. I say that, but of course I already chugged about a quarter of the bottle. XD Aevee, I'm serious...DO NOT spend your money on me. I'd much rather you save it for something you need in the future. Believe me, I appreciate you thinking of me, but I really don't need or want anything, ok? I mean, I feel bad enough for missing your birthday, (happy belated birthday by the way) so I'd feel awful about getting something from you. So please, just don't. I remember going to Denny's last as a kid and ordering chili in a bread bowl there. I think I had some New England clam chowder there once or twice as well. I seem to remember the last time I went and ordered the chili in a bread bowl, the bread didn't taste quite right, so I never went back. I imagine Logan might be pretty good just based off the trailers. I figure they always show the best parts in the trailers though, but I'll give it a watch when/if it comes to Netflix. There are a lot of movies I've been meaning to see, but just haven't gotten around to seeing. Like any Marvel movie after Captain America came out, or any of the new Star Wars movies. I'd go to the theater to watch them, but I always seem to go whenever there is someone or a group of someones that are being as annoying as humanly possible. I mean, why is it so difficult for some folks to just sit down and shut the fak up for 2 hours?! It just aggravates me to tears and makes me want to end all I don't go to theaters. Anyways...I'm rambling, so I'll end here. Toodles for now my whiskered whimsical uhhh.....friend? Alliteration is for chumps anyway.

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By Brony4lyfe on Mar 8, 2017 at 2:30 PM

That's usually how I do things as well, at the last possible minute. Sometimes it produces greatness, while other times it produces disappointment in all those involved. I stopped paying attention to Pokémon after the first season. It's hilarious to me that the people who will talk badly of bronies are the same people that will fawn over Pokémania. People just need to learn that there are and always will be things they don't like that others do and just live in peace with that knowledge. I really think the world would be a better place if people just had an open mind about things that they don't agree with...except pedophilia, because that's just wrong on all counts. I really wish they would make more of the "F is for family" on Netflix. I thought it was pretty funny. More Bojack is also appreciated. I didn't 'mention gay elves, because everyone already knows that elves are inherently gay. Why else would they be so good at making cookies? You don't have to worry about a care package for me, save your money. Also, don't worry about my sugar levels, because they never get too high and I eat candy all the time. I guess as long as it's in small doses, I'm good to go. XD I hope all is well with you and yours, and don't let the cats use you as a scratching post my fuzzy friend.

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By Brony4lyfe on Feb 20, 2017 at 6:55 PM

That's why I've always loved the old procrastination joke of "When is the best time to do something?" "Tomorrow!" XD All these advances in technology, and are we on the moon growing crops in our biodomes? No! But we sure have PSAs telling us not to Pokémon and drive. *sighs deeply* If only common sense would evolve as fast as our tech, the world wouldn't give me such a migraine. Parents that actually follow through on disciplining their little hellions? What sorcery is this?? I like Twitch because I can listen to it while I do other things online. Watching Netflix requires more of my attention I feel. Gay elves and bats? Why gay bats? Did a gay bat spite you? :p Later for meow, my friend.

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By Brony4lyfe on Feb 16, 2017 at 10:41 PM

Procrastination is like that, believe me, I know the feeling. I usually do stay positive about things. It's only when I become bored and start thinking of things that depresses the crap out of me. That's why I try and keep my mind as occupied with BS as possible. Speaking of looking for positives in any situation, Nazis did some very bad things, yes. However, if they had never existed, we might not have such great things like jet engines and space rockets to explore space with. War has a knack for improving technology rather quickly after all. That sounds like the best kind of Valentine's Day. Children that behave themselves in public? What sorcery is this?? My entertainment is solely up to people that post on YT and Twitch at the present time. I really wish the weather would make up it's mind what it wants to be. It was warm like Spring this morning and afternoon, then comes night and it feels like Winter again. I blame Trump. Talk to you when I next talk to you, my kitty companion.

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By Brony4lyfe on Feb 13, 2017 at 12:52 PM

I sometimes think that I've used up all my good days and now all I have left is meh days. Maybe I just need to think more positive though, and maybe take my mind off of things for awhile. They already tried to make Nazis fashionable again though. Why do you think they have such thing as Nazi zombies? I think people soon got tired of even that though. I did watch a movie called Dead Snow or something like that. It had Nazi zombies and was actually pretty good. It had a dark humor to it that was just corny enough to work. She probably thinks of herself as one of the alpha cats and is confused as to why the other alpha cats don't want her in the alpha cat bed. XD See you around, and I hope you and Jon have a Happy Valentine's Day. ^_^

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By Brony4lyfe on Feb 6, 2017 at 1:55 PM

Yeah, I do have a few internet friends. It's just too bad that most times these days I don't have the energy or mood to carry on a conversation with them. I wonder if it's because of my health, me slipping into my old antisocial ways, or some kind of combination of the two. I'm not sure, but I feel bad for not talking with them more than I do. Zombies are overused because it's no longer fashionable to use Nazis in shoot em up style movies. I just like zombie movies because they don't require a lot of thought in keeping track of a plotline or anything. It's just "Who's going to survive?" and "How will this guy die?". That's what makes most zombie movies fun to watch even though you've seen it a million times in other movies and games. I'm pretty sure that's where the term "Kill them with kindness" emerged from. XD I'm aware that it pisses some people off as well, which is why I do it too. I once got yelled at by a customer for smiling. It just made me smile even wider. I'm glad your legs felt better, even though you tortured them again soon afterwards. A bully cat? Nooooooo....such a thing, I've never heard of it. XD Good thing you're around to exert your dominance of the cat clowder. Keep her in line! See you around my kitty companion.

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By Brony4lyfe on Jan 30, 2017 at 6:25 PM

Yeah, collectibles have been gone for quite a few years now though. At least you still have some people at work that you like. I lost ALL contact with the people I liked at work when my health took a nosedive and I couldn't work anymore. Remember to always count your blessings and look for the positives in everything. I've been watching a lot of zombie films. Not sure why, but I find them relaxing to watch. XD Not too much scares me these days though, so it's like whatever, you know. Well, cats are social animals, even if it doesn't seem like it at times. She probably was wondering why you were tossing her out of the group. XD Hopefully the rest did your legs some good. Take care for now!

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By Brony4lyfe on Jan 27, 2017 at 12:44 PM

Yeah, but unlike Skype, I don't have to load this up and then wait some more if there is an "upgrade" to it. As for fun, I'm just doing what I normally do. Watch movies, play games, watch people play games, that sort of thing. How about yourself?

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