Messages between alainadragon and everyonesxwife

By everyonesxwife on Jan 21, 2012 at 2:41 AM

Hi Alaina! I am dropping in on old friends and telling them hello and wishing them a happy new year. Consider yourself visited : D

By everyonesxwife on Mar 2, 2011 at 10:15 AM

I know it is a crap shoot, but I would like to put your name and contact info in my will in case I die so that they will test me for compatability with you before they give them away to a stranger. Is that okay with you??? Now, be warned, I'm only 49 so they may not be available until you are a very old lady - LOL. Just let me know if this is okay with you. T

By everyonesxwife on Mar 2, 2011 at 10:12 AM

Hi Alaina! How are you? I hope you check your mail every day because I need to talk to you. I am re-writing my will today and having major surgery tomorrow. The doctors say that it is not high risk but I understand how that goes *giggle, oops, we were supposed to remove the RIGHT leg?*. ANYHOW, I am an organ donor and I want to will you my kidneys (I know they would have to be tested for a match first) in case something goes wrong tomorrow AND for the future in case something happens to me.

By everyonesxwife on Oct 21, 2009 at 11:34 PM

Hi Alaina! How are you these days? I haven't spoken to you in a long time, been off-line since early 2009. Lost one of my human bffs in April & then lost another last week. So I've been hiding under the covers waiting for time to rewind.... :/

By alainadragon on Dec 21, 2008 at 9:25 PM

merry x-mas

By everyonesxwife on Nov 5, 2008 at 9:44 PM

They probably think she's a VERY convincing transvestite!

By everyonesxwife on Nov 5, 2008 at 9:43 PM

Yow... I have a friend who got a ilyoscopy (???) - urine bag! when she was 5 because of chronic kidney stones & other problems. She named her Opal. She's 47 now and has never had the money/insurance/doctpr to reverse it. It's funny though when we go into a ladies room. She stands facing the toilet to empty the bag and it 'sounds' like a man peeing. The other ladies usually flip out when they see she's not sitting down! We laugh our asses off at them!

By alainadragon on Nov 5, 2008 at 11:02 AM

sore i got a new dialysis catheter yesterday

By everyonesxwife on Nov 5, 2008 at 9:34 AM

Hey Alaina! Nic enew picture! You look ur age now! HOw are you feeling?

By everyonesxwife on Nov 5, 2008 at 9:33 AM

Hey Alaina! Nic enew picture! You look ur age now! HOw are you feeling?

By alainadragon on Oct 29, 2008 at 1:08 AM

i feel better thanks

By everyonesxwife on Oct 29, 2008 at 12:46 AM

Glad to see u back sweetie. HOw are you felling now?

By everyonesxwife on Oct 28, 2008 at 2:39 AM

Alaina Darling! How are u feeling today? I see uv been verry busy making lols! Gud - cause we all missed you! *hugs* T

By everyonesxwife on Oct 25, 2008 at 12:46 AM

Hey Sweetie! I'm so sorry to hear that! Are you feeling better? Were they nice to u at the hospital? I hope they treat u like a queen there. Make them wait on you and keep u company. I noticed u wer missing but wasn't sure why! I hope u came home with a lot of lols stored up in ur head - we need you! I'm glad to have you back and hope you feel better... try to stay well this time cause we miss you when your not here!

By everyonesxwife on Oct 16, 2008 at 1:44 AM

hey Alainadragon! Where've u been? I haven't seen u lately, r u feeling okay? Dialysis has got to be a bitch. Sorry ur kidneys hated u and moved out. If it'll make u feel a connection to me I'll tell u a secret? All my girtly parts moved out on me 3 years ago! LOL! For real! I got up one night and my girly parts were hanging OUT! and NOT with me!@ if u know what I mean! They tried to move out while I was asleep - rotten stinkers! Ur still young tho. Hopefully ur girly parts LIKE U! I got tired of mine complaining so I had the doctor take them out and let them go live somewhere else. I don't think they got to go where they wanted to tho..... : ) T

By everyonesxwife on Sep 29, 2008 at 3:01 AM

Hi Alaina! So very nice to meet you! Thanks for being my friend! Is Vallejo anywhere near Oxnard? I seriously doubt it! Is it in northern CA where you can get some snow? I hope whereever u r u get lots of cold weather! We get snow here ever 7-8 years (southeast Texas) and then it's a freak occurance. We lived in Tyler (Texas) for about 6 years and it snows there - that was FUN! My sone was little and I loved dressing him up in warm clothes and taking him out to play in it! Welcome to my friends! T