Messages between allcatsloved and Sugarcatsmom

By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 11, 2016 at 8:50 AM

That happened to my dad when he had leiomyosarcoma. He went to Boston and they got it all. No treatment cause they said the same thing that something else would get him and it did an aortic aneurysm. Speaking of brain issues. My cousin left last night and now we really have to call or see my aunt more. She's in assisted living but doesn't know its home even though her furniture is there. Last night was first night alone.

By allcatsloved on Jan 7, 2016 at 9:51 PM

Our weather has been going up and down between 30's and 40's. Lots of rain. Dad had his oncologist appt and the doc is not going to treat him with chemo. He said even if dad got cancer again right away, he still wouldn't die of cancer, he'll die of natural causes or of his other problems due to his heart condition which has gotten worse since he got anemic. I just hope he snaps out of this mental dementia soon, if at all! xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 5, 2016 at 7:09 AM

Welcome. Its been very mild here. We just got a blast or arctic air it was 10 this am. Brrrrrrr

By allcatsloved on Jan 4, 2016 at 1:52 PM

Tanks! And kittie prayers are de best, aifinkso! oxox

By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 4, 2016 at 1:29 PM

I hope your dad gets better quick as possible. We will send kitty prayers.

By allcatsloved on Jan 1, 2016 at 3:27 PM

I was in bed by 10 p.m. and was still awake watching CNN on my iPad at midnight with all my kitties piled on me. Cleaned my house today, finally! Dad is doing fairly well. He's recoving from his surgery nicely but the anesthesia hit him mentally, so he's having dementia problems that I hope will resolve in a couple of months. That and his CHF that started with all this. xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Jan 1, 2016 at 1:39 PM

I didn't make past 9:30. It was New Years somewhere. Did you do anything for your birthday. How is your dad doing.

By allcatsloved on Dec 31, 2015 at 4:17 PM

I can't stay up that late either. I just pretend I do and read about it in the paper the next day. Well, if I were you I'd already be attached! lol Tigerlily is a great name for her. Give your kitties a kiss and skritch from me. Happy New Years!!!! xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 31, 2015 at 1:37 PM

I know I can't stay awake that long anymore. I am glad you enjoyed the cookies. Did I tell you we are watching a little girl orange striped kitty named Tiger. She was living in her owners car. I have a Tiger so we are calling her Tigerlily. My two big boys (getting better) are not to happy with her. Shes small, sweet and very friendly. She has her own room when no one is home and when we go to bed. Shes out mingling other times. Hope her mom finds a place before I get attached.

By allcatsloved on Dec 31, 2015 at 9:37 AM

Hey! FANKS! Hopefully I can stay home and watch the ball come down. Or nawt. Heeee! (Oh, and i eeted awl da cookies! Dey wr delish!) xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 31, 2015 at 8:17 AM

Happy Birthday. I hope you have a great day.

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 23, 2015 at 8:37 AM

A friend of my daughters lost her apartment and he kitty was living in the car. The kitty is now with us until her mommy finds a new place to live. Seven families evicted last Thursday because landlord didn't pay mortgage. Kitties a girl named Tiger. I have a Tiger. Rocky said two tigers

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 21, 2015 at 6:37 AM

Yes its here that blocks. one time I was looking for cardamom (sp) cookie and I was blocked because its Swedish. Did you upgrade to windows ten. We did. It takes a little getting used to but we like it.

By allcatsloved on Dec 18, 2015 at 11:04 AM

DUR! it's your workplace, nawt ICHC. And here I thought my brain was fairly clear and working today! :D

By allcatsloved on Dec 18, 2015 at 11:03 AM

I didn't realize they would block anything, especially wen we were seeing all those naked girl GIFS and LOLs off to the side when you were checking on somebody's meme. xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 18, 2015 at 10:55 AM

I found it. My work actually blocked a lot of the pictures and mine wasn't blocked so its not so bad .I'm laughing now.

By allcatsloved on Dec 18, 2015 at 10:33 AM

I faved it yesterday and I just checked to see how many peeps liked it and I'M nawt showing either! So it must have not took. Gerrrr! Dis site drives me nuts! xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 18, 2015 at 9:41 AM

Glad you are amused. I found it. Guess I was bored yesterday.

By allcatsloved on Dec 17, 2015 at 7:54 PM

And it got on the community page! lolol!

By allcatsloved on Dec 17, 2015 at 4:46 PM

Bwahaha!! DAt perty gud one!! lolol

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 7, 2015 at 5:33 PM

Sure we have a few tins left come by and get yours. There are two neighbors that get cookies. One is an alderly lady whose son lives with her. He said he was sorry that we hd to live with all the stress of our next door neighbor. He was sincere which surprised me. I know the idiot tries to talk to the other neighbors and I am sure he complains about us and that proved it. What I notice now when he snags someone they walk away. Finally. Ive lived here a long time and these people had been my friends and they know I behave myself and keep everything neat and clean.

By allcatsloved on Dec 7, 2015 at 2:48 AM

Thanks for the prayers and remembering this day. It's funny some of the things we remember. We traveled a lot when we were kids coz dad had 3 weeks off every July for Caterpillar vacation. Stayed in motels and then started camping in a little trailer. I can has cookie? :) xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 6, 2015 at 5:13 PM

Prayers for your dad to have a speedy recovery. I must have been dreaming about my parents (both deceased) last night. I woke up remembering the time my dad took me fresh water fishing and my mom forgot to pick us up.It was pitch black when she came along. I was 5 didnt she notice I wasnt around. My dad would work all day and then take me fishing, out for a walk, playgound. He was a great dad considering he grew up in an orphanage without a male role model. Always miss them at the Holidays the most. My mom used to bake for a bakery so its only natural that my daughter and I both love to bake. Just finished our 30 tins of Christmas cookies and candy. A bit early this year but I was on vacation (going back Tuesday) so I made life easier by baking then. Its done yippee.

By allcatsloved on Dec 6, 2015 at 7:25 AM

I enjoy hearing about your neighbor, or I should say I like getting mad at him. My dad is doing fine. I'm more concerned about how far the cancer spread, if it did. The doc said they think they caught it in enough time and so far all his catscans and chest X-rays are clear. Thanks for your concern and prayers. xox

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 6, 2015 at 5:42 AM

I just saw messages about your dad. Im so sorry to bring up neighbor problems. Best wishes and prayers for your dad.

By allcatsloved on Dec 4, 2015 at 1:42 PM

Yeah, they're too mean to die! You know, even though everything was up to code, what about your birdhouses and feeding the birds. How was that not up to code? BAH! I can't stand that guy!!! lol

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 4, 2015 at 1:30 PM

I appreciate you getting angry with me. My daughter did call the building inspector and electric company and talked to the propane guys when they came here. Everything up to code. Hes just so smug and has to have everything his way. I hate to retire before I want to to relocate but neither one of us can stand him. He will probably outlive me cause he wants to. Mean people never go.

By allcatsloved on Dec 3, 2015 at 6:35 PM

You should report him like he did you and see what they say THEN about all his accusations about your bird feeders. What a boob this guy is. I'd like to shoot him myself! Hee! Oops, I probably shouldn't say that out loud coz some other boob might think I'm going come in with a machine gun screaming incoherently about boobs. lol

By Sugarcatsmom on Dec 3, 2015 at 6:14 PM

Next door neighbor had two oversized propene tanks installed along with a generator. Whats next a bomb shelter. Got to have the biggest toys. Only problem they are right next to his oil barrel close to me looks like a giant ticking bomb. Its quite a site. I cant even have a bird feeder beucase he didnt like the "mess". Hello my yard and I used shellless seed. Sign me cant stand it.

By allcatsloved on Dec 1, 2015 at 6:04 PM

I can't handle big stores and malls this time of year. I'll usually get all my shopping done by october. :)