Messages between annipuss and jd

By annipuss on Aug 16, 2012 at 6:10 AM

Ohai jd! there is good news and bad news - the bad is that Locats days seem to be numbered. The good news is that PK has set up a site that is like the original ICHC here is the link:

By jd on Aug 6, 2012 at 3:04 PM

I'll give that a maybe, but I'm not certain that newer folk really like it - after all, nobody posted during LOLAid that they did and you're the only one I've heard suggest that as a possibility. You may be right. If so, though, I'm not sure if I'd want to continue here. I guess the main reason I keep hoping and coming back is that I've lost so many friends and left so many communities that I worry I'll have nothing left.

By annipuss on Aug 4, 2012 at 12:28 PM

I've been thinking a bit about the repeat pictures. I know that we commenters find it annoying, but we are probably the smallest group of people involved in the site. The editors have a balancing act trying to please everyone. They have promised to reduce the frequency as far as they can without upsetting the other users of the site who have different wants to us. I think we will just have to live with things and grin and bear it!

By jd on Jul 22, 2012 at 10:45 PM

Thank you! I appreciate you saying that. A lot.

By annipuss on Jul 22, 2012 at 1:42 AM

Like PB said - some people delete their account completely(and I suspect that one or two may have been kicked out) I don't think it is anything you have done. I have had one or two 'friends' vanish from my list - it is hard not to take it personally but really one shouldn't!

By jd on Oct 13, 2011 at 2:12 PM

Hope you enjoyed Cheez Stork. Looks like the lol problem is being looked into, which is good, but the Great Cheez isn't talking to me over on the Q&A session which is not so good.

By annipuss on Oct 4, 2011 at 3:07 PM

Yes, I saw the flyer in the Cryer! It is not really my thing - I have a very limited knowledge of the songs that are parodied - all after my time! (I was even a bit too old for Elvis!) but I will watch with interest.

By jd on Oct 4, 2011 at 2:26 PM

If you've not seen the promotion on CTC, there will be a concert (Cheez Stork 2011: Nom of the LOL) on the 7th, with the main gig on the high noon lol and side stages available the rest of the day.

By annipuss on Oct 3, 2011 at 9:51 AM

That is tough. I think you had a valid point to make - When I was consulted about what we would like ICHC to do, I said much the same as you did. I have contacted the cheezes once or twice asking for things to return to something like the good old days, but with no luck. I dislike Gifs - they give me a headache and don't see the reason for the extra stuff that is available on dedicated sites. Hey Ho. I hope they relent and let you back soon.

By jd on Oct 3, 2011 at 9:40 AM

Teh head cheezez didn't spesify, sew it could pawssily be a cowinsidents, butt the ban started within 3-4 mins of me powsting teh protest sawng on here adn Cheez Town Cryer, with teh copy powsted on one ob teh lols heer being remoobed at teh saym thyme. Alsew, teh cheezez refoozed to answer how I could be unblocked. Eben iffen it had been WP, dat alown iz unfairifying adn upsetting. Iffen I'b upset them, oar iffen I'b upset WP, iz cowld adn mean ob dem to tell me to just get uzed to it.

By annipuss on Sep 30, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Were you banned because of your protest song, or is it just WP having one of its turns?

By annipuss on Sep 28, 2011 at 2:51 PM

Sry u can't poast - hoep it can be sortid owt.

By jd on Sep 28, 2011 at 9:31 AM

I be bannded from frunt payg. :( Sew habs to say ohai thru messages.