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By betskand on Dec 6, 2011 at 9:54 AM

ARB! You're on the Voting Page again! I can't believe it! You're gonna be a star LOLSTER!

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By coeranch on Dec 6, 2011 at 9:49 AM

hello & nice to meet you too! I sent you a "Siamese Yaris" to complete your set. Yes there are horses here at the ranch, but they are roping horses, not pleasure riding. Look on my "my Stuff" to see my guys. Evie & George are darlings....You will find many, many wonderful people here. Mary Ann

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By Foxkatt on Dec 6, 2011 at 7:36 AM

OhHai new cheezfwend! Tankies fur extending da froofie paw O' fwendship. Nice ta meetcha. Just sent youz a collectable for your Yaris collection. ;~) LOVE your black and white pooter!!! Foxkatt

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By betskand on Dec 5, 2011 at 7:23 PM

Artbitrarium! Did you know your LOL made the VOTING PAGE??? The one with the highway patrol kitteh saying "Stup..." I just got up from a nap and found it. They keep adding new LOLS to the voting page so yours is about 10 pages in by now...but you should go quickly and vote for yourself! I already did! They set the votes to zero when you show up on the Voting Page. I can't believe you got there when you've only made a few took me FOREVER! I'm very glad to be your friend...your FIRST! Especially if you are going to be the top LOLLER...I can say "I knew her back when!" Anyway...go find your LOL and vote for yourself! The next step (this is REALLY rare) is that LOLS that get a lot of votes show up on the FRONT PAGE, where literally thousands of people, not just cheezpeeps, will see them... Wow! Can't believe you are taking off like a rocket! By the way, I have a lot of NICE, NICE Cheezfrends. Now that I am your friend you will see some of their LOLS going by as I favorite them. If you like any of them, send the author a friend request. (If they don't accept, don't take it personally. Some of the long-time members here are saturated with friends and aren't taking more.) But I guarantee you will meet some nice peeps! How are you? You are in OZ, where spring is springing? I'm in New Mexico and have been shovelling snow all afternoon...our first big storm of the year! Betsy

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By betskand on Dec 5, 2011 at 8:02 AM

OHAI, arbitrarium, noo cheezfrend! I'm Betsy in New Mexico! Betsy

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