Messages between badkitty181 and CatBurgh

By badkitty181 on Apr 29, 2012 at 6:47 PM

***** I haz been 'caught out" by the big bad men in black at werk ( they hack my puter and saw all the 'non werk related' stuffs I been going into)...and they took my interweb access away...NOOOOOOO.... sniffle no moar ICHC at werk... I sez seriously dude U fink ICHC is a threat to national sercurity...thye said BAD KITTY IZ berry berry peeps I not be able to read any message or dont leave me any....I just come in to look when I can get in via public access at a library or sumfing.......once I get an IPAD i might come in moar...till then LUBS U ALL...HUGGGGZZZZZZZ and smoochies...and PFFFFFT BOO HISS to the stoopy werk rules........

By CatBurgh on Feb 15, 2012 at 6:03 AM

Ohai, BK! *waves acrost teh oshun* Berry berry good to heer from you. I'z nawt bin heer much myownself lately, so it was a good sprize to see yore message. Poor colleague wif teh borked ankle - nawt fun! Adn you having to pull teh double duty - also nawt fun! Better times are ahead. *nod nod*

By badkitty181 on Feb 14, 2012 at 9:52 PM

fankies for the collectibles...I not ignoring you..I haz been very very werk colleagues been off work wif a borked ankle so I doing all the werk by myself (((BK))

By CatBurgh on Jan 22, 2012 at 1:32 PM

*burp* oops, skuze me. The frosty beverage (what's left of it) is from miniminsmum. :-)

By badkitty181 on Jan 18, 2012 at 5:56 PM

Indonesia was claimed as a dutch Colony by the Dutch ( I not sure when) It isnt anymore but there is still a large Dutch influence....rijsttafel, ( Dutch: “rice table”) an elaborate meal of Indonesian dishes developed during the Dutch colonial era. The diner is served a plate of rice and chooses from among the side dishes to achieve a balance of salty, spicy, sweet, and sour accompaniments. A rijsttafel of 40 dishes was not uncommon, the meal sometimes taking three to four hours to popular and so is German/Dutch food in most resturants....some dutch/german words also feature in the Baharsa Laguage....and I fink the german foods is popular at christmas time because there is a large tourist prersence of Dutch and Germans still in Bali and Indonesia

By CatBurgh on Jan 18, 2012 at 5:27 AM

Ohai, how interesting dat teh fuds we eat heer for teh gnu yeer are also eaten on Bali - small whirld! I sent yu an early Balintine's gift - plz to ignorify teh otto-generated message asking yu to look for sumfing tu send me. Nuffing eggspected but a smile now adn then. :-)

By badkitty181 on Jan 17, 2012 at 11:47 PM

I wents to a german resturant in Bali and i had the pork knuckle wif potato salad and sour krautz...they had the pretzels there wif the icing and froots and nuts too...but i was full so I didnt have any.....Head bonks and purrs to you too

By CatBurgh on Jan 13, 2012 at 2:38 PM

Ohai yoresef! Oooh, Bali sownds wunnerful. Gud to hab yoo back in Cheezland. We had a gud gnu yeer heer, low key adn wif frends. We had teh tradishnul western Pennsilbaynyah fuds ob pork adn sour krautz adn teh gnu yeer pretzel, made wif sweet d'oh adn iced wif dried froots adn nuts on top. Ate too much, nao ai gotsa try to take it bak off. * hedbonks adn purrs headed yore way. *

By badkitty181 on Jan 12, 2012 at 9:57 PM

ohai my Cheezefrend...fankies for the Catmus wishes... I hopes u had the good catmus and a tip top Happy new year too......head bonks and purrs .. I iz back from Bali...all relaxed and ready for workies <<BK snuggle cuddles cheeze frend>>>>

By CatBurgh on Dec 20, 2011 at 7:54 PM

Ai hoaps you enjoy Bali. Be safe. *schmoo*

By CatBurgh on Sep 23, 2011 at 4:37 AM

P.S. I forgotted teh hedbonks!!! *hedbonks adn purrs* :-)

By CatBurgh on Sep 23, 2011 at 4:36 AM

Ohai BK! For us in teh U S ob Hay, todai am teh furst dai ob Autumn, adn heer in teh Eest it's muggy adn warm. Ai needs tu put awai owr outdoor stuffs until nekst yeer (sigh) adn do many yard werks. Ai hoaps yu has a gudgud weekend too.

By badkitty181 on Sep 23, 2011 at 12:49 AM


By CatBurgh on Sep 19, 2011 at 6:48 PM

Yor welkom, nuffin eggspected in retern. Sorry tu heer yu has teh evil Diabetes too. I took Smudge off all dry fuds, adn it made a big diffrunss. Teh hardest part is not gibbon him treets, so he gets lotsa extra headrubs instead.

By badkitty181 on Sep 19, 2011 at 6:35 PM

fanks for the collectibles...if I gets some extras I will send them..and fanks for being a cheeze fend...tell smudge that Diabetes is no funs...I haz it toos..he must be good boy and only eats the fuds u gives sneakin ...and take his medicines ( if he haz to) I haf to do that ...eats the good fuds and take my tablets....

By CatBurgh on Sep 16, 2011 at 4:43 AM

Ohai, badkitty181! Fanks for teh fren rekwest. *eggstands floofy paw ob french hip* I liek dis RUOK fingy. We ar fyne heer, hads bigbig medical emergencies wif Smudge in teh springtime, but awl is well nao. We juss gotted bak frum baykayshun, adn dere's lotsa purrs adn snorgles. How ar yu?