Messages between bbsenshi and jlandis

By jlandis on May 17, 2012 at 3:38 PM

Thank you very much, bbsenshi!!! :)

By jlandis on May 17, 2012 at 4:28 AM

Hi, bbsenshi! I'm visiting with an odd request. Although the Collectibles program has ended, it's still possible to send them at the moment. A friend of mine who helped a great many people wasn't quite able to finish the last one he was working on. She's 20 items away, and you have one of them. Could you please send me a Drink Like A Boss? You'll see the little gift box no longer appears when hovering over the item. Click the empty gray box that appears in its place, and the gifting page will open. From there it works like always. I know it's a lot to ask, but if you could please spare a few minutes, you'd be making three people unreasonably happy. Thank you!

By jlandis on May 12, 2012 at 10:15 PM

Hi, bbsenshi! Could I please bother you for collectibles just once more? I have friends still hoping to finish by the May 15 deadline. They need these: Turkey (The Country), Turtroll, Gonna Hate Kid, Scholarly Scroll, Drink Like A Boss, Bacon, Hairball Microscope, Basement Cat, Zombie Kitteh, King Of Paw, and a Catnarok Stone. Thank you so much for all your kind help!

By jlandis on Mar 10, 2012 at 7:35 PM

I'm so grateful for your help!

By jlandis on Mar 10, 2012 at 4:49 AM

Hi, bbsenshi! If you don't have other plans for them, could I please have any of these duplicate collectibles you'd like to share with people still working on their collections? (Musically Oblivious 8th Grader set) Van Halensing, (Ninja Turtrolls set) Me Gusta-angelo, (Haters Gonna Hate set) Skiers Gonna Ski and Struttin' Eagle, (Like A Boss set) Sound Like A Boss, (Super Heroes of MEMEbase set) Professor Poker, LOLMan, and Captain Troll, (HallowMeme) Jason Alone, and a (Wilderness Survival Kit) Compass. Thank you very much for helping these people, and have a wonderful weekend!

By jlandis on Feb 5, 2012 at 8:14 PM

Hello! I'm glad to meet you -- thanks for accepting my friend request! I'm working with 34 people to complete their collectibles collections before time runs out. Would you mind sharing a few of your extras to help them? If it would be all right, I'd like to request an extra Drink Like A Boss. If you know of any people who are still working to complete collections, you're welcome to give me their names and I could check their collectibles pages to see if I or others I know might be able to help them. Thank you most kindly, and have a great day! ~Jane