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By SovaPlum on Dec 24, 2021 at 9:08 PM

Ohai beckysdad!

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By venusdemilo on Oct 10, 2021 at 9:54 PM

Found out my password on here was breached so had to change it (why?), but HAD to stop in & say HI! LOVE that pic of Becky, LOVED Becky without ever actually meeting her. Briefly see you & Paws talking football -- NFL. I am, too -- college. UGA is #1 after Bama's loss yesterday!!!! Hate Bama. Hope my DAWGS can keep it up, but I love them no matter what. How are you? I'm OLD, can't walk anymore, diabetes getting bad, but I'm alive & 70 now! WOW! Can't complain about that. Just stay tired so not even FB now. Even Roxie is a chore. Hello to all who see this message also, though mamawalker never friended me on FB & when I came on here way back when to ask her why, she had deleted me from here. Never knew I made her angry -- sorry! Did you get another pet companion? I don't think anyone could ever compare to Becky, just as I've learned no one has ever compared to my Venus. She chose me, she loved me & I knew it! Take care, my friend. I really do miss you & think of you often -- just as I do some others, but am just too tired to do much of anything. Life of Good, though. God is Great -- All the Time!

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By 2katmom on Apr 5, 2021 at 2:48 PM

Miss you!

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By SovaPlum on Dec 25, 2020 at 3:09 PM

Ohai beckysdad! Meowy Catmus frum Kiwilandia!

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By catmom on Dec 31, 2019 at 6:54 AM

Rest in peace my friend

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By DoodliePoo on Dec 30, 2019 at 5:57 AM

Fare thee well to the Meadow and beyond, BD.

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By SovaPlum on Dec 25, 2019 at 12:36 AM

Ohai beckysdad!

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By mamawalker on Dec 22, 2019 at 2:07 PM

Ho! Ho! Ho!

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By Foxkatt on Sep 6, 2019 at 12:26 PM

Oh, and I just saw your note about Becky. Extremely sorry!!! I'm fresh, not even a week out from losing Frankie. We had her over 14 years and I'm devastated.

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By Foxkatt on Sep 6, 2019 at 12:19 PM

Oh my goodness!!! SO glad you got good news. Very happy for my friend. Becky looks wonderful and so do you.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 20, 2019 at 5:41 AM

I hope your dad makes it home this time. I do have places I'd love to visit - Australia, England, Ireland and Switzerland are at the top of my list. Maybe just eastern Canada, which would probably be the most likely. You're right about Chuck not being much for travel so I'd probably have to go with my sis if I did go anywhere. Mostly my traveling is probably just a pipe dream but you never know. Elf is having a very hard time using the litter box this morning. He keeps getting in it and not being able to do anything. I might have to call the vet and make an appointment if this keeps up. He was fine yesterday so I'll give it some more time and see what happens. I hate taking him to the vet, especially if it's not necessary. He just hates going there. Poor little guy.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 16, 2019 at 2:43 PM

I haven't been keeping up with O-line injuries, or D-line either, for that matter. I see Chuck has a note here with the best O-line on it. I'll have to warn him. Injuries are usually the last things I look at before our draft so that I get the latest updates, and then of course I hope there aren't any more injuries between the draft and the start of the regular season. It really sucks to lose a player you've drafted before things even get started. Our draft is Sunday the 25th. How's your dad? Is he back at home yet? We decided to renew our passports before time ran out, just in case we ever want to travel out of the country again. Today we went and got our new passport photos. Chuck's pic looks like something on a Wanted poster and I look like I'm about 80 years old. Sheesh. Oh well. Probably no one will ever see them.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 15, 2019 at 7:26 AM

The Niners D-line isn't ranked very highly in our FF magazine, but I'm betting there will be improvements, especially once they gel and get it all going. Their O-line, on the other hand, looks pretty darn good. It's ranked second only to the Chargers. Jimmy G ought to have plenty of protection and I'm betting he has a a better year than predicted. I'd sure like to get Kittle for our TE again this year but I doubt if we'll be so lucky.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 12, 2019 at 9:58 AM

We only watched the first quarter of the Dallas/Niners game so I was glad to see the Niners won. Your sis should learn to wait until the game's over before she mouths off - or nawt! LOL Glad you're enjoying the book and it was nicely done. I bought a FF magazine a few weeks ago but haven't gotten very far reading it. Chuck's gone through the whole thing. You go, Chuck! I'll catch up in a while.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 9, 2019 at 10:43 AM

PETA whacking - LOL They were a wacky group, hence wackable. I wonder if they're even still around. I'd look it up but I really don't care. They didn't seem to do a lot of good. Ah, the book! How KEWL! That's exciting indeed. It's nice that even though you haven't gotten rain in a long while, at least there's enough in reserve to keep things watered. I need to start concentrating on fantasy football. Our "draft" will be on the 25th this year. Chuck's been studying up but as usual I'll wait until a week or so before the draft. I can remember stuff better that way.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 8, 2019 at 10:20 AM

I doubt if Armadillo whacking would be much more popular than curling. Unless PETA decided to protest. That might draw a crowd. It is a shame about wrestling but you're right - money is the key factor, no doubt. Money (and egos) rule the world. I hope there are no unwelcome surprises next Tuesday. We had a surprising downpour of rain yesterday afternoon after the weather gurus had told us we only had a 20% chance of a light shower. I'm sure we got well over an inch. I was glad to see it. Things were getting way too dry.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 7, 2019 at 11:14 AM

Hopefully you got a good update from your mom. Yep, the older dogs are definitely helping. When they're tired of playful "attacks" from the pups, they let out a subtle growl or two until the pups catch on and run off to play with each other. At least for a while. That's the good thing about getting two puppies - they can keep themselves busy chewing on each other. I saw a couple of armadillos in the front yard this morning, one on each side of the yard. Sis had told me to grab a broom and whack them with it until they left. By the time I got out there with my broom they were already waddling away - slowly. I didn't get close enough to whack either one but I did make enough noise that they each picked up the pace somewhat to a faster waddle. They were actually kinda cute in their own frumpy way.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 6, 2019 at 5:17 AM

That was some wise advice you gave to your mom and it seems to have helped. Ask and, who knows, you just might receive. Ah Teresa! She's been a busy woman this year. And a huge help. Sis is making progress with the new pups but she has a way to go yet. I think by October things should be at least somewhat calmer. I can't wait to see them.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 4, 2019 at 10:50 AM

No news was probably good news yesterday - they got your dad moved, your mom spent the afternoon there and then went home to bed and got a good night's sleep. My sis adopted two puppies Friday, a brother and sister. The shelter was looking for someone to foster them and that was her original intention - until she saw them. She knew once she had them for a while she'd want to keep them so just went and ahead and adopted. They're mutts, Maltese and something else and cute as they can be. They're driving her 2 older dogs nuts of course, but are learning the meaning of growls and to keep the playing between themselves, for the most part. I'll probably go visit her in October - should be fun.

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By Fauxpaws on Aug 3, 2019 at 11:11 AM

I would expect nothing less from your mom. You're right though, she'll no doubt sleep better at home in her own bed. Beautiful day today. It's still hot of course, but the humidity level is down. I had a nice time watering plants outside this morning. No coyotes, no armadillos, just birds and chippies and me. It's my version of going to church. =)

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