Messages between blizzyyy and GumbieKat

By GumbieKat on Jun 26, 2012 at 2:27 PM

ohai blizzyyy, yu came intu mai thoughts yesterdai - ai don noe why! - so ai thought ai'd say ohai an aihoepso yu am well mai deer :) xox

By blizzyyy on Feb 10, 2012 at 3:49 PM

Fankee gumbiekat!! we am super egg sited!! we've been lookin fur dis babbeh fur 2 yeers!!

By GumbieKat on Feb 10, 2012 at 3:40 PM

Blizzyyy! fankees fur eggseptin mai frend rekwest... Ai fowt we wuz awlreddy cheezfrends but ai had a mistayken :P Yoor grate gnus has mayd my day :) *waves across teh oshun frum cawldcawld TTI to warmwarm Mexico*