Messages between bluecats0 and getagrip

By getagrip on Nov 12, 2012 at 2:03 PM

Fanks 4 teh mesugge! Iz happee u liek teh sho.

By bluecats0 on Nov 11, 2012 at 4:14 PM

Ooooooooooo, dWd....! Ai jess sawd teh furst eppiesoud ob "LOLworks" awn teh intahwebz an uze, ma frend....ottamagudness! *clappittee clappitte standinz obashunz* Bravoe, bravoe, O Grate Upholdur ob Kittehz ebereeware! *appwaws appwaws appwaws* Enjoez an caterbrate! :)

By bluecats0 on Feb 14, 2012 at 5:00 AM

In awhile (crocodile)! Thank you, both, so incredibly much! Have a wonderful Valentine's Day! *beeg beeg hujist bearz an gurillur hugz*

By getagrip on Feb 13, 2012 at 10:46 PM

Ben and I sent you and jlandis some collectibles today:D Will send more later (aligator) -Will

By bluecats0 on Feb 10, 2012 at 9:23 PM

Oooooo an nao weez frendz, aiz seez taht uze gotz sum lublee extree kollekabullz *smilinz* Wud uze mebbee beez willinz tu sharez tehm wif peepz wut needz tehm? Iffen soez, u kin sendz tehm direktlee tooz jlandis cuz herz iz werkinz wiff gobz ob peepz tu breengz tehm tu kumpleeshunz! (Herz iz berree berree dedkatid furshure) Soez der uze goe...jus inz kase...*winkz* :)

By bluecats0 on Feb 10, 2012 at 9:15 PM

Hai der dd! Aiz berree gladz tu maek urze quaintense fur reel! *extendz teh floofee paw ob frendship* Fankuze sooooo mush fur halping teh peepz wiff Benz kolllekabullz! An fankuze fur teh frendqwest tu meez! Haz urzsulz uh wunnahfullz Caterdae, k? :)