Messages between bluecats0 and jlandis

By jlandis on Apr 9, 2012 at 9:03 PM

Iffn u habded moar tu gib, ai wud hab to faent elebenty moar tiems, an' mai butt wud brake! Peese doan brake mai butt, bluecat0! Pease?! Iz alreddy gotz a krak in it! <ai run an' dukk frum da bad joak, ai du> See? U maeks me awl goofie-hedded! Ai stillz klappin' an' dansin'! Boingitty, boingitty, boingitty! Dat'z an eksullent song! Ai siging it tu, an' know juss in mai hed -- owt lowd enuff foar da nayburs tu knoez ai gotz a gud fren' bluecats0 dat maeks me sing! Ai gonna go lukk at hao pritty deay alwl is a sittin' dere, den ai gonna senz 'em awl owt foar peebuls to waeks up tu. Heeheehee! Dae will faents tu! Ai lubbz u. U'z a gud, gud peebul, an' big-fun-sneekie and so SWEEET! Gib urseff a big hug frum me rite nao and den anudder wun tu. Ai smootch ur fase! Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!

By bluecats0 on Apr 9, 2012 at 8:17 PM

Aiz jes wishinz ai hadz mor tu gibz!

By bluecats0 on Apr 9, 2012 at 7:57 PM

*singinz wiff gustoez* Awn teh neinth dae ob aprulee ai sendid tu ma frend...alottuh stuffz an uh marshowmallee chikh...Awwwwwwwmeeeeeeeeeeeeeenz*beeg beeg jumpeeumpee bounsin hugz an kissayz* Fankusoooomush fur awlowinz mee tu halp an fur beinz teh bestustes bestustesst ob frendz!!! Uze kin git upp offa teh fluur nao....*winkz an giggolz* Ai lubz uze, janez! *squissolz*

By jlandis on Apr 9, 2012 at 7:24 PM

An' ai prawmiss knot to eetz da Marshmallow Chick -- ebben doe iz lukkin' berry taestie ... Mebbe juss a liddul likk? Noap. Iz knot mien!

By jlandis on Apr 9, 2012 at 7:22 PM

Ai'm watchin' 'em kummin' in, an' awl ai kan du iz klap mai hanz an' trai knotz tu letz mai aibawls leekz awl ober da plaes!!! U iz a souperstar, bluecats0. Ai senz u moar hugz an' a grate big smootch foar awl u'z doin' foar da peebuls!

By jlandis on Apr 9, 2012 at 6:21 PM

Okie-dokiez! I figgurd it awl owt nao, an' wowie, izzit fun tu knoe awl dees niec peebuls will hab awl dis jeneris helpz! Heer's da list afoar ai faentz agin: Dees eleben whoal sets, peese: Haters Gonna Hate, Wilderness Survival Kit, Success Kid, PokeMemes, Forever Alone Guy, Me Gusta, Cereal Guys favorite flavors, Challenge Accepted, My Little Bronies, Poptart Cat, Foul Bachelor Frog. Dat's 44 fings. Foar da lass fing, cud ai peese haz a Marshmallow Chick? Dis iz awl so wunnerful obn u tu du foar awl dees cheezpeeps, bluecats0! U iz a herow! Ai will splitz dees up foar at leest seben peebuls u r makin' happiez. Fank u elebenty hunnerd tiems an' moar!

By jlandis on Apr 9, 2012 at 4:22 PM

Ai sorrie ai'z so sloe! Da site wuz habbin' hikkups dis moarnin' wile ai wuz tryin' tu send stuffz. Ai'm wurkin' on da big needs list nao an' will hab u a list soonist! Mwah! <--dat's a smootchie fur u

By jlandis on Apr 9, 2012 at 10:32 AM

Ai faent! <plop> Ai faent elebenty tiems! Ai will feenush sendign wat ai kan dis moarnin an' maek u a leest ob hao tu maek 9 peebuls BERY HAPPIE! Liek u juss maed me! <plop> See?! Ai faent agin! Lubbz an' huggz tu u bigtiem!

By bluecats0 on Apr 8, 2012 at 11:13 PM

Ohai der hoepz uze haddid uh Hoppee Eester! Okee...pweeze tu sendz meez uh leest ob furty-fife kollekabullz uze arr needing rite nao an ai wull sendz tehm tu uze direklee soez uze kin kumpleetz urze frendz kollekashunz, k? Ai kin git ebereefing buts teh Yaris soe letz mee noe teh wunz uze reelee needz ritawae! :)

By jlandis on Mar 19, 2012 at 10:22 AM

You are scary good there! And SNEAKY TOO! Thanks on both counts!

By jlandis on Mar 18, 2012 at 11:17 PM

No foargibs 'coz dere nutting tu foargibs! Ai hoaps u iz okae dere, frend. Ai'z okie-dokie, an' ai willz be heer wen u habs moar tiem foar a vizzit. Till den, ai senz mai lubbz and grate big hugz tu u! Fank u foar da kollekiblols -- ai go senz dem tu foaks nao! Manee wiskeree smootchies frum mai whoal widdul gang, an' a big wun frum me!

By bluecats0 on Mar 18, 2012 at 10:40 PM

Ottamagudness, ottamagudness! Hai der, janez...mai berree sinseer pologeez fur notz reespondinz tu urze lublee howdee doo; ai feelz turribullz taht aiz didntz ansur suuner....pweeze tu furgib mee? Fingz haz bin upsee downsee butz mush beddur nao. Ai hoepz taht uze ar dooinz wull tu...aiz missid eberreewun! *beeg beeg beearz hugz an uh smoosh*

By jlandis on Feb 21, 2012 at 6:50 AM

Hao ya doin', smily lady?!

By jlandis on Feb 15, 2012 at 6:49 PM

Happy to have them for you! A lot of the time, I have items counted up for the people I'm working on who are making returns to me as we go, so I get their whole collection saved up while we're still working through our trades a few at a time. I hate when someone sees things on my page, but I still have to say no. :( I know I'm doing this in a weird way, but it's taken care of so many dozens of people in 3 1/2 weeks that I have to stick with it -- if only because I can't figure out anything better. I'm just a huge baby about people being disappointed in me or mad at me, and it happens too often. :( So big thanks for asking when the answer could be YES! Big hugs and twitchy li'l whiskery smoochies!

By bluecats0 on Feb 15, 2012 at 4:16 PM

Fankuzesomush, janez! *beeg hugz*

By jlandis on Feb 15, 2012 at 3:51 PM

Sending ...

By bluecats0 on Feb 15, 2012 at 2:16 PM

Uze berree welkum...iz cuz ob wunnahfullz frendz hooz ar halpinz mee furshure! Pweeze...wud uze sendz mee anneefing frum "What Rhymes With Yaris" kollekashunz fur ma frend Delay? Herz haz sendid uze lotz ob kollekabullz fru meez an herz iz almos dun septin fur taht wun kollekashunz! Fankusomush, janez! *hugz*

By jlandis on Feb 15, 2012 at 12:50 PM

You're bringing 'em as fast as I can spread 'em out! Great job, lady!

By bluecats0 on Feb 14, 2012 at 5:01 AM

Uze ar welkum mose muchlee! *beeg hugz*

By jlandis on Feb 14, 2012 at 1:29 AM

Thank you most muchly for all your fine help with everything!

By jlandis on Feb 10, 2012 at 9:47 PM

He duz indeedie! I gots tew meet himz wuns -- berry niec man. Finishd severl moar peeps fanks tew all yur hepl an awl da niec peebuls dat anserd mai rekwests lass nite! Fankees!

By bluecats0 on Feb 10, 2012 at 9:24 PM

Eben beddur! Teh Cheezburger rokz! :)

By jlandis on Feb 10, 2012 at 8:46 PM

Ben FR'd me this afternoon. And you're a sweetiepants!

By bluecats0 on Feb 10, 2012 at 8:25 PM

Hai der, Janez! Pweeze tu send uh frendqwest rite awae tu: Himz iz berree berree kindlee wantinz tu send uze sum kollekabulz, k?! Fankuze!

By jlandis on Feb 10, 2012 at 11:35 AM


By bluecats0 on Feb 10, 2012 at 11:18 AM

Oopz...teh Raevyn needz teh Yaaaarrrris! Herz haz sendid uze manneez kollekabullz soez aiz gonnuh gibz it tu herz, k?

By bluecats0 on Feb 10, 2012 at 11:15 AM

Awwww! Iz kumminz bak rite jus chekid an summewun beetz mee tu itz! Teh liddol peep iz gud nao! Fankuze doe! :)

By jlandis on Feb 10, 2012 at 1:58 AM

Gotcha one Yarrrrrrrris!! Whew!

By jlandis on Feb 10, 2012 at 1:55 AM

You're a rock! You've no idea how many of your extras are already in new homes, spreading grins across the globe!

By jlandis on Feb 9, 2012 at 4:09 PM

I don't have any extras of that beyond what I've begged for others nearing completion, but I'll find one for you as fast as I can! I'm still looking for at least a dozen more of them.