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By 2katmom on Aug 30, 2013 at 5:07 PM

Runs over to sai -ohai!!! gud to see u heer! **hugs** kris

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By the-first-fps on Jul 19, 2013 at 12:45 AM

From Sylviag. The-first-fps wants to see and share your good stuff that never made FP!.

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By 1TeamKSO on Jul 8, 2013 at 10:23 PM

From Sylviag. Without its many frens, 1TeamKSO would be nothing. Thanks so much for being a fren!

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By Sylviag on Jun 18, 2013 at 11:32 PM

Hiya Books, u used to do the occasional Histy. If u hve some time: Wear your toga, grab the gramaphone and hitch up the team and join us at our first evah theme party.

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By Sylviag on May 29, 2013 at 11:57 PM

Yeah, our Brodie loves the food trough a bit too well also He was such a skinny kid I never thought he would turn into a plumpy :) He prefers to be called "stocky" and "big boned." :)

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By Sylviag on May 28, 2013 at 1:18 AM

Books!! So very happy to see you on and making LOLs. Made my day! We're actually in Bend, OR spending some time with son and gkids so my time here is limited right now til we go back home on Fri. Gdaughter (12) played in a fast pitch softball tounrament in Portland over the weekend. Gads, they're all getting older, bigger, and smarter (than me purty soon, bu I still have a few brain cells on them yet). How are Wes and Carma? Hugz

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By SirNottaguy-Imadad on May 27, 2013 at 7:22 PM

Thank you for the congrats. Long time no see.

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By NawtyKitty on May 27, 2013 at 12:11 PM

Thanks. Things are still tough. We didn't have kids and most of my family lives too far away to visit. Coming home to an empty house (except for kitties) is the hardest (and not having him to talk to to, watch TV with, share a meal with, or get input from) is hard. I'm making it, but some days are really tough. The fact that I also lost out 4-year-old kitty less than 24 hours after my husband made things even more difficult. She was devoted to him The sicker he got, the sicker she got and not one of five vets could figure out what was causing her problems. I think she died of a broken heart. They were truly connected.

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