Messages between burfdayfairy and laughingcats

By burfdayfairy on May 1, 2012 at 12:52 PM

oh, yor surprize iz not spoyled, yoo do not know wut ovver goodies i will bring! :D

By laughingcats on Apr 22, 2012 at 4:05 PM

yoo am teh bestest, doan ebbar dowt it!!! mebbe nawt a gud idea tu spoyl me tho, ai'll want it in reel lyfe! *blows kisses, grabs a sordid cuppykaek frum tudays sillybrashun*

By burfdayfairy on Apr 22, 2012 at 2:38 PM

ohai laughingcats! fanks for teh messij. i haz made a note ob yor burfday caeks prefurenses on my burfday list! :D

By laughingcats on Apr 20, 2012 at 1:43 PM

ohai, burfdayfairy! ai sees yoo frended NCcharmer, nd shees right ~ ai iz hilarious. ai hazza happy yu get too know her cause she is fulla fun. ai lykes creemy white frossting wiff cullered sprinkles awn my chonklit caek, juss sayin. *tries tu play wiff majikklol wand, butt burfdayfairy iz tu quick*

By laughingcats on Feb 27, 2012 at 2:50 PM

ohai, burfdayfairy!!! ai hazza highly honored tu be yur frend!!! ai wuzznt shure ef mythical peeps had frends, sew glad tu know dey du! *bows low, nd hopes tu get chonklit caek on my birfdai*