Messages between burfdayfairy and miniminsmum

By miniminsmum on Feb 12, 2012 at 10:03 AM

Fankees fur the compass, nao I won't get lost! Schmoos

By miniminsmum on Feb 10, 2012 at 1:57 PM

O fank you burfdayfairy. Tihs is bedder tahn a burfday, getting awl tehse collectiblols. Cud ai ask yu fur yur spayr compass, taht would be so kynd! Schmoos!

By miniminsmum on Feb 10, 2012 at 2:22 AM

Fankees fur the sordid collectiblols! Tehy have been sent on to nyoo homes! Schmoos

By miniminsmum on Feb 9, 2012 at 2:04 PM

Ohai missis burfdayfairy. I wonder if you would be willing to part with your spare Yaris clown car. It's fur a good cause andI promise not to drive it too fast. Schmoos

By miniminsmum on Nov 23, 2009 at 3:05 AM

No prolbim burfday fairy - ai noez yu haz mennee menne peepz to taking care of! Fankies fur teh speshul swish juss fur me!

By burfdayfairy on Nov 22, 2009 at 4:29 PM

ohai minimimsmum, sorry i not knowd abowt yor burfday today until yoo told me -- dont know how i missded putting yoo on teh burfday list but yoo is ther now!! an a speshul swish ob teh burfday wand just for yoo! ———-***¤¤¤¤???*****¤¤¤???****¤¤¤???*

By miniminsmum on Aug 28, 2009 at 1:21 PM

Ohai burdayfairy. Fank yu furr teh frend rekwest. Ai'z berri pleesed to meetchoo. Ai fink yu do a grayt job wiv all teh burfday sillibrations adn caeks adn drinkees adn party goodees.