Messages between cataff and icguy34

By icguy34 on Apr 9, 2023 at 12:00 PM

Happy Easter, cataff.. I hope all is well with you and yours.

By icguy34 on Jan 18, 2022 at 9:13 PM

Thanks for that. I got my covid test kits a couple of hours ago, and also ordered some for my sister and brother. I hope that all our cheezfriends can be safe from that covid germ.

By cataff on Jan 18, 2022 at 7:55 PM

Great meme, icguy34! I ordered a set of tests this morning, and I hope everyone will take advantage of this opportunity. Thanks for thinking to make a meme about it.

By icguy34 on Jan 18, 2022 at 5:41 PM

FREE covid at-home tests now available!..

By cataff on Jun 2, 2017 at 1:55 PM

Here is today's update on the little falcon (wasn't up last time I checked): "Peregrine Falcon #17-1231 update June 2, 2017 Since arriving at the Center, Peregrine Falcon #17-1231 appears to be behaving normally and is eating well. Additional information from Falcon Cam observations indicate that, earlier this week, while the falcon was still in its Richmond nest, the young bird was possibly exhibiting neurologic symptoms; the bird flipped over on its back and was unable to right itself a couple of times. So far, no abnormal neurologic signs have been seen at the Center. Dr. Ernesto says that the young falcon is behaving normally for a baby bird this age. However, the falcon is at an age where imprinting on humans is still a risk, so the staff placed the bird's crate in a quiet area to minimize exposure to people." Dr. Ernesto is the hospital director and has extra training in raptors. Things sound good so far. The rehabbers and medical staff who work with young birds don't speak in their presence and wear masks when examining, treating, or feeding them.

By cataff on Jun 2, 2017 at 1:41 PM

Our wildlife people were watching carefully the entire time, and I'm sorry and not happy that they aren't good at communicating with all the folks they know watch that cam. The primary rule in dealing with young animals is that if at all possible, the animal's mom is the best being to raise him or her. They were hoping that dad and/or mom would start providing extra food for the small one. They have a pretty good idea of what dangerous distress looks like and pulled the chick from the nest before that point. If you read the report by the vets at the Wildlife Center from the link I sent yesterday, you know the chick wasn't even dehydrated upon arrival that same evening of the day he was removed. The vet in Richmond very quickly cleared transport because the eyass was stable. If they had told the public their plan, things would have been much better for them and the viewers. Unless some unknown problem reveals itself, that bird is going to be fine and will end up in the wild. I can tell you after years of watching live cams of nests that there are plenty out there that follow the rule of "let nature take its course" and do not intervene even when it's obvious that a bird in trouble could be saved. This isn't the first time that wildlife folks in this state have rescued young birds in trouble from nests with cams. Take a look at the Wildlife Center's Education Animals section on the Education and Outreach tab and take a look at Buddy. He was one of the rescues, and you would not believe what those people did to save him (that entire story isn't there--too long.) The other two nestlings look fine, and the DGIF folks continue to monitor the cam feed. It's safe for you to watch again if you choose.

By icguy34 on Jun 2, 2017 at 9:47 AM

Here is what I said to Polarzzz about the Falcon cam and that poor distressed chick: "I stopped watching the Falcon cam maybe about a week ago. I had told you as far back as May 19 that I was worried about the weakest chick who I think may have been the last one hatched. That chick appeared to not get hardly any food because the other two got in the way and always had their mouths wide open. I saw that weak chick get more and more weak and I just didn't want to continue to see that, so I stopped watching. It was very clear that one chick was in distress for at least 2 weeks. Why would it take the Wildlife people so very long before they decided to remove that chick from the nest and try to save it. It's so sad. Right now I don't think I'll watch it any more."

By cataff on Jun 1, 2017 at 8:54 AM

I know Polarzzz has told you about the removal of the smallest chick from the falcon nest in Richmond. He was transported to the Wildlife Center I love so much yesterday evening, and here is their report this morning: It sounds pretty good to me, and barring finding something ominous upon more examination, they and our Department of Game and Inland Fisheries will come up with the best plan for the eyass. They will keep us updated too. When you go to read the report, the tabs above it will allow you to explore their entire site if you wish. You may like their three critter cams. Cam 3 has bald eagle adults and eaglets in one of their big flight pens. The eaglets just fledged this week, and the adults are their mentors. Both adults are not releasable because they had wing breaks that were surgically repaired so they would have no pain, but it was not possible to restore good flight to them. One will be going to an accredited zoo in VA, and the other will be going to New Mexico to be an education ambassador. The Center is just waiting for the final permits to come through from the Federal Fish and Wildlife folks to transport them to their new homes. Meanwhile, they can benefit these young eagles, both of whom fell from their nests and could not be returned to them. The Center is an old hand at raising young birds and safely returning them to the wild.

By cataff on May 23, 2017 at 6:03 PM

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes and the hilarious lol. I'm sort of afraid to find out just what is at the end of that rope!

By icguy34 on May 23, 2017 at 4:40 PM

A most Happy Birthday for you cataff! I hope you have a wonderful day..

By cataff on May 15, 2017 at 5:59 AM

The Richmond falcon cam is back in place now. Enjoy.

By cataff on May 13, 2017 at 5:05 PM

This happened sometime late yesterday afternoon or iinot the evening. The cam definitely got moved. I don't know if a bird did it or if it had something to do with the strong winds and rain we've had the past couple of days. I'm sure it won't be put back where it belongs until Monday. They fix things very promptly on weekdays, but they don't do much with the cam site on the weekends unless it is some sort of emergency that would affect the birds or the eggs.

By icguy34 on May 13, 2017 at 4:50 PM

What happened to the Falcon Cam? Did it get accidentally moved so that it now isn't pointed at the falcons' nest? I want to see them again!

By cataff on May 9, 2017 at 12:17 PM

You're welcome. I think the falcon eggs will hatch within two weeks, but only time will tell. Catsuberalles sent this for you: "For icguy: in the other cat is Pokey. Grumpy and Tardar Suace are the same cat."

By icguy34 on May 9, 2017 at 9:11 AM

Thank you so much for the Congrats for Animal Capshunz. I had no idea about that FP. I think that the image of Julius is quite humorous all by itself. PS: I've been watching the Richmond falcons every day. They are doing a great job sitting on the 3 eggs. I'm anxious to see the baby falcons emerge and start begging for food! I think that should be in about 3 weeks.

By cataff on May 9, 2017 at 8:59 AM

Congrats on you Animal Capshunz FP! I agree with Julius.

By cataff on Apr 18, 2017 at 5:34 PM

I fear that the new owners will be following through with the direction the previous owners began, and that is dropping the Animals section entirely. There seem to be fewer new memes in this section as time goes on and people leave in disgust or make fewer memes because of what you described. I think the writing in on the wall, and I'm saddened and will always miss the way things once were.

By icguy34 on Apr 18, 2017 at 5:27 PM

What's so maddening is that the Advanced Builder, Poster Builder and Breaking News Builder were ALL working fine for us. Yet the owners purposefully disabled all of them for no good reason. And what we have now is a disgrace compared to what we had before. And it doesn't appear that there's anything better that we will ever get. It's really very sad. The LOLs we can make are a shadow of what we could make before. When I look at the LOLs I and others made before, I really feel a sense of loss compared to what we have now. Our new owners are a disgrace.

By cataff on Apr 18, 2017 at 5:13 PM

You're welcome. I think you will like it. The beta builder is a flawed mess, and the simpler builder is too limited, but no one in charge cares.

By icguy34 on Apr 18, 2017 at 2:06 PM

thanks so much. I'll take a look at it. I often feel hamstrung without the Advanced Builder.

By cataff on Apr 18, 2017 at 2:02 PM

I saw your question about speech and thought balloons. This is a safe, free, and easy editor that allows you to upload photos from your computer and add those bubbles to them and then save them to do as you wish with them:

By cataff on Apr 15, 2017 at 1:32 PM

It is my understanding that Cyndie has had the stent placement surgery. So far she hasn't updated echeg5 about that or her leg. He made it sound as if none of her cats had new homes yet, but as you saw, he did refer to two cats, so I don't know if one already has a new home or not. I so much hope she can, even against the odds, go home and have all of her cats there waiting for her. Yes, the third egg was there today. I don't know yet exactly when it was laid. DGIF will update that Monday. Mom seems to be trying more to brood, but she still doesn't have the hang of it. Dad is an old pro though. Generally falcons will start to brood seriously when the next to last egg is laid. I expect to see another, most likely final, egg Monday, and I share your hope that all the chicks will be healthy and get safely through fledging. I don't want any to get injured.

By icguy34 on Apr 15, 2017 at 12:51 PM

I see that the falcons now have 3 eggs! And both falcons are doing a good job taking turns sitting on the eggs. Sometime next month we should see the eggs hatch and the cute baby falcons emerge! I hope they all are healthy and that they are given cute names..

By icguy34 on Apr 15, 2017 at 11:55 AM

I'm pleased that Cyndie's daughter Trish was able to visit her mother. It's too bad she lives so far away from her. If Cyndie has already had the operation she needs for a stent and if her leg is okay now, maybe she can go home soon to her beloved cats. I pray that will happen. I thought cyndie has 3 kitties: Quincy, Porkchop and Spencer. Was a new home found for 1 of the 3?

By cataff on Apr 14, 2017 at 9:31 PM

I asked about Cyndie's cats and received this: "The last thing Cyndie emailed me was that it was not fair to have her two cats alone all day with only Cyndie's caregiver, Laurie, occasionally checking on them, so she was trying to find them new homes. I don't know how that is going. Her cats are not young cats they are older cats and I think they will miss Cindy tremendously if she never sees them again. I also think if Cindy eventually goes home and her cats are no longer there it will make her very depressed, and Cindy has had clinical depression for years and this will be no good for her at all if this scenario plays out."

By cataff on Apr 14, 2017 at 8:44 PM

This is what echeg5 said about Cyndie: "Cyndie just emailed me today! She told me her daughter, Trish, had visited for a while, but she has now returned to Florida while Cyndie lives in Wisconsin. I asked her how she is doing, but she has yet to respond to me. She is still in the hospital, and I hope to find out more soon. The fact that she is emailing on her Kindle makes me think she is doing better!" I hope she will send him more email."

By cataff on Apr 14, 2017 at 5:26 PM

I'll send echeg5 a message shortly and see if he has an update on our friend. I wonder about her cats too. If he has any new information, I will share it with you in case you miss it on your DB. I hope your weekend is getting off to a good start.

By icguy34 on Apr 14, 2017 at 5:17 PM

Thanks very much for the Congrats. You're so right that kittie's paws are cute, but they also have those sharp things there too! Ouch! I also was surprised to see the LOL for Cyndie on the FP, and thought it probably wasn't the right thing to do. And I wondered why the Mods put it there. I haven't heard anything more about the wonderful Booboo22, our beloved Cyndie. echeg5 is probably the person that knows something about her current condition. I think about Cyndie a lot and hope and pray that her medical condition can improve and that she can get her health back again. I know she had problems relating to stents, and I was surprised to hear about a leg problem too. I hope that was resolved okay for her and that she is on the road to recovery. I also wonder what happened to her 3 kitties, especially the youngest who is Spencer. Hopefully they went to a good home.

By cataff on Apr 14, 2017 at 3:10 PM

Congrats on your cute jelly bean FP! Kitty paws are so cute. Thank you for the congrats. I was surprised to see the prayer for Cyndie on the FP. There are so many people who haven't a clue about what that means and probably think it's a sacrilege. It's my fault for forgetting to remove the check from the box to consider it for the FP. Have you heard anymore about how she's doing? I think about her often and hope that somehow her situation can end well for her.

By icguy34 on Apr 14, 2017 at 7:17 AM

Multiple LOLcats FP Congrats! Der must be som tasty morsels on dat raccoon bus! YAY!!