cheshielynx's Favorites

Otter Assembly


Unroll for Instant Armadillo

Animal Gifs: Just Me and my Hoodie Owl

Skyrim Girlfriend FTW

Aim for the Stars

Jordan, King of Mars

Merry Christmas Neighbors

Priorities #41

Modern art is weird.

When taking a 5 year old to an art museum be aware that certain video installations may contain s...

I have the vomit-stained clothes to prove it

When in Ireland for St. Paddy's day, do not assume you can drink the with the Irish, some stereot...

The baby didn't get the joke either

If you're a parent of an infant, ALWAYS enter the house quietly. While loudly exclaiming, "BOOM S...

Skyrim: ruining the sleep cycles of gamers everywhere

Just because Skyrim is out and you used to stay up all night playing video games before work when...

I'm told bees don't like it when you do that

Just because you have a 'live and let live' attitude towards the bee hive in the corner of your p...

Hey guys, I think it works now

Don't stick your head under the fax/copy machine tray to see why it isn't working. It may suddenl...

Saved! (From Pregnancy).

Statutory Kissing

And this Vinyl Sticker PROVES IT!

Parenting WINs: Totally Rad Halloween Costumes

And Absolutely no Hope for Advancement

Notes: Brady Also Didn't Have a Snack for Snack Time

Yep, You can Get all the Candy You Want. Don't Hurt Me. Please.

Yep, the Internet is a Scary Place Alright

Parenting and Indirect Aggression, a Potent Combination

I was Thinking About Getting a Happy Meal, but It's so Mainstream

Ellie's Mom Does not Handle Spaghetti Sauce Well

(Mom washing dishes): Who didn't wash this plate?! If I find out who you are, I'm going to come i...

Don't Look up the Story Behind "Ring Around the Rosie"

Way to Rub it in, Jerks

Dream-Crush: Successful

New Babysitter: The Dog


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