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By Differentshine on Mar 1, 2010 at 12:38 PM

Oh cool! We've got a lot in common then! I write, sing, draw, paint, and dance. *laughs* I think the hardest thing about drawing anime, for me, is the female eye. The guys are easy, but I can't see why the girl's eyes have to be so big?

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By Differentshine on Feb 27, 2010 at 7:38 AM

I also draw comic strips for fun. :) Mainly cats with personality. *laughs* What's your favorite stuff to draw?

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By Differentshine on Feb 27, 2010 at 7:36 AM

*sits and thinks* I would have to say that my favorite anime I've drawn, is actually a character I made up for a story I'm writing. She's a little shy and reserved, has long, brown hair in a thick braid over her shoulder, wears a black leather trench coat, uses a sling for a weapon and has a key for an earring. I like her best because I patterned her after myself when I was 18, and I even made a costume just like hers to get more of a feel for the character in the story.

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